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《监察法》的出台既是对国家监察体制改革成果的立法确认,也是腐败治理法治化的政治共识和社会共识的集中表达。近年来,围绕国家监察体制改革和《监察法》立法与适用的理论研究方兴未艾,各种思想观点的荟萃和制度理论的创新开创了一个全新的研究论域。监察法学的研究论域具有独立性和集中性,这是由其特殊的理论基础和特定的研究对象所决定。当前,要加快创设和建构监察法学学科,推动监察法学研究方法的整合与更新,持续为推动党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争向纵深发展提供稳定的理论知识供给和制度选择方案。监察法学的研究要确立其学科论域的基本构成,包括监察法基本原则的体系建构论、法律关系的主体适用论、监察制度的过程控制论和监察程序的衔接保障论等。在确立研究论域的基础上,监察法学应当坚持以现实问题为研究导向来保持其实践性品格,并继续兼蓄其他学科的思想资源和分析框架,以期形成具有中国特色、中国话语和中国气派的监察法学研究格局。  相似文献   
用ISO9002标准构建高校图书馆质量管理体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校图书馆实施ISO9002标准的主要程序是确定总体目标或质量方针,确定图书馆的组织结构,编制质量手册和程序文件,质量体系的运行与检控,申请完成体系认证。  相似文献   
企业实施全面预算管理存在的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全面预算管理是企业管理的重要组成部分,是推行企业内部管理规范化和科学化的基础,也是促进企业各级经营管理人员自我约束、自我发展的有效途径。但是,在实际工作中,全面预算管理的推进中存在对预算管理的重要性认识不够、企业信息化程度偏低、缺乏符合企业特点的文化氛围等问题。要解决这些问题,可以通过完善预算管理体系、制定预算目标、选择预算编制方法、建立预算控制机制及预算考评机制来实现。  相似文献   
Countries differ quite substantially in mean turnout levels, and it is equally well known that there may be substantial within-country variation as well, for example, between high income and low-income groupings or between high political knowledge and low political knowledge groupings. It has been hypothesized that the size of such between-group gaps will fall as turnout rises, and conversely (Franklin, 2004. Blais, 2000). However, as Franklin (2004) also noted, there are mathematical constraints on the size of the turnout gap that are related to the level of turnout. For example, in the limit, if turnout is 100%, then all groups must have identical turnout. Here we build on this insight by adapting the classic work on boundary conditions done by two sociologists (Duncan and Davis, 1953) to show precisely what the boundary constraints look like over the entire range of turnout values. Then we show how these constraints can help make sense of the strong relationship found between overall turnout and the size of the gap between voters above and below the median in political knowledge in the Fisher et al. (2008) cross-national study. To do so we draw on ideas in Rein (Taagepera, 2007) and (Taagepera, 2008) about how to use boundary condition information to develop better theoretical models.  相似文献   

The articles in this symposium present various consequences that effectively result in changes from adopted budgets during the implementation phase, which derive from institutional structure. The institutional structures referred to include such attributes as internal policy, procedural methodology, longevity in office, and reward and incentive systems related to performance outcomes

For local governments, structural influences studied include changes in leadership in the executive and legislative branches, longevity in office of budget administrators, and differences related to mayor-council vs. council-manager forms of government. Internal policies reported on cover methodology used to forecast revenues such as quantitative methods versus informed judgment, budgetary controls and spending policy related to mandated spending beyond local government control, and procedures for benchmarking within the agency as well as with peer groups and professional standards.

Consortia of governments are referenced regarding performance evaluation as is the process for gaining consensus between the executive and legislative branches, including expert outside opinion. Other influences on performance outcomes reported on are those tied to the risk-reward system built in to the institutional structure, which includes risk tolerance of the individuals who make pension fund investments.  相似文献   
数学对法律文化的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
数学的特性和认识功能决定了数学不可避免地会对法律文化产生影响。数学对法律文化的影响分为三个历史时期。数学方法、数学观念、数学精神都对法律文化产生过重要影响。数学为法律科学提供了一套科学的知识体系 ,开辟了新的研究领域 ,促进了法律知识的增长和法律文化的进步  相似文献   
西藏警专道路交通管理专业培养“公安基层部门从事道路交通管理的应用型人才”,选择“教学练战一体化”的教学模式是符合西藏警专人才培养和实际需求的教学模式。发挥其应用作用的关键在于充分了解西藏道路交通管理的需求和培养学生应该具备的职业素质和能力,并据此设计良性互动的环节,教是基础,学是关键,练是保证,战是导向。  相似文献   
知识产权与标准全方位交织,即标准本体与著作权的交织、标准内容与专利权的交织、标准执行与商标权的交织。知识产权竞争策略的需要、标准对先进性与技术性的追求、标准本体需要受知识产权的保护以及标准执行需要监督的要求产生了知识产权与标准交织。知识产权与标准的交织引发了两者间的紧张关系,标准与著作权的交织产生了纳入法律的标准著作权与可获得性的紧张关系,标准与专利权的交织导致了标准必要专利权人滥用专利权的问题,标准与商标权的交织暴露了我国认证认可制度的法律供应不足的问题。  相似文献   
著作权转换性使用作为判定新型合理使用行为的一个重要因素,有着重要的理论价值和实践意义。然而,在我国转换性使用的司法实践中,却存在着对转换性使用体系认知不足、释法路径不当,以及运作体系不畅的现实困境。从本质上而言,转换性使用蕴含着促进公共利益的直接价值取向,但其并不具有独立判定合理使用成立与否的规则效力。基于此,为了更好地发挥转换性使用的内在价值和功能,一方面需要确立开放式合理使用的一般规则,进一步规范转换性使用的司法判定,以增强合理使用分析的灵活性和可操作性;另一方面,需要明确转换性合理使用的法定情形,以提升合理使用分析的确定性和周延性。  相似文献   
This article explains the complex intertwinement between public and private regulators in the case of robot technology. Public policymaking ensures broad multi-stakeholder protected scope, but its abstractness often fails in intelligibility and applicability. Private standards, on the contrary, are more concrete and applicable, but most of the times they are voluntary and reflect industry interests. The ‘better regulation’ approach of the EU may increase the use of evidence to inform policy and lawmaking, and the involvement of different stakeholders. Current hard-lawmaking instruments do not appear to take advantage of the knowledge produced by standard-based regulations, virtually wasting their potential benefits. This fact affects the legal certainty with regards to a fast-paced changing environment like robotics. In this paper, we investigate the challenges of overlapping public/private regulatory initiatives that govern robot technologies in general, and in the concrete of healthcare robot technologies. We wonder until what extent robotics should be governed only by standards. We also reflect on how public policymaking could increase their technical understanding of robot technology to devise an applicable and comprehensive framework for this technology. In this respect, we propose different ways to integrate the technical know-how into policymaking (e.g., collecting the data/knowledge generated from the impact assessments in shared data repositories, and using it for evidence-based policies) and to strengthen the legitimacy of standards.  相似文献   
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