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Civil society     
The idea of civil society has proved very elusive, escaping conceptual grasps and evading sure-footed negotiation of the concept itself. Resurrected in a very definite historical setting, that of authoritarian states, the concept of civil society came to signify a set of social and political practices that sought to engage with state power. The close connection with the re-emergence of the concept and the collapse of dictatorial states made civil society attractive to a variety of political agents pursuing different agendas: expanding the market at the expense of the state, transiting from mass politics to single-issue and localised campaigns, undermining confidence in accepted modes of representation such as political parties, and in general shrinking the domain of the state and that of accepted modes of politics. That the concept of civil society could suit such a variety of different political projects is cause for some alarm, for it might well mean that civil society has come to mean everything to everyone remotely interested in it.  相似文献   
2014年以来,中亚安全形势发生了较大的变化。塔利班频频越境袭扰,"伊斯兰国"不断向中亚渗透,加之跨境贩毒的有增无减使得中亚面临的安全压力不断增加。中亚安全形势变化的背后有着较为复杂的原因,其中既有美国对中东和阿富汗政策调整的因素,也有中亚国家自身政治经济军事体制转型过程中诸多问题的反应,此外还与中亚地区复杂的历史和民族问题有关。中亚安全形势的变化不仅迟滞了中亚国家的社会政治转型进程,还对参与该地区博弈的俄美欧等大国,尤其是对俄罗斯产生了重要的影响,对中国西北边疆的安全及即将实施的"丝绸之路经济带"战略也带来了较大的挑战。虽然目前中亚安全形势总体上仍在可控范围,但是中亚安全问题解决的前景仍然充满了不确定性,中短期内中亚的安全形势难以大幅改观。未来,我们必须要从多边、双边和个人等多个层面入手,加强国际合作,以有效应对中亚安全问题对中国的威胁。  相似文献   
"五族共和"思想的内涵与实质探析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
"五族共和"思想包括共和政体下"国家之统一"、"民族之统一"和民族(种族)平等三重含义.孙中山代表南京临时政府对"五族共和"思想及其政策主张的表述来自此前"共和统一会"对"统一"的解释.由于辛亥革命胜利后,资产阶级认为国内的种族不平等和政治不平等问题均已解决,因此,"五族共和"思想表现在民族问题上的实质属于资产阶级性质的民族同化,通过民族同化从而实现民族的统一.  相似文献   
Taking into account space and identity in the movements of transnational religious actors, this article is engaged in reframing and reinterpreting experience by investigating the articulation of migratory and religious experiences as expressed by the pastors of four different Brussels-based Pentecostal congregations. The analysis of pastors' narratives, as they reassess the circumstances that brought them from Sub-Saharan Africa or Latin America to Belgium, reveals an interwoven process of geographical shifts and “divine” actions: this offers us an opportunity to consider an implied double process of mobility and religion. On the one hand, we can see how Pentecostalism transforms and subverts their immigrant experience by allowing for an alternate narrative of this experience. On the other hand, we can analyse the effect of the migratory experience on the discourse and religious practices in the new social context, more particularly through the identification of such “Children of God” with missionary duties towards their fellow immigrants. An analysis of the pastors' narratives also offers a particularly relevant opportunity to question the tensions between processes of endogenous identification (missionaries elected by God and working towards the extension of his “kingdom”) and exogenous assignment, repeated associations of otherness and strangeness, and the stigma coupled with pejorative characterizations of the “migrant”.  相似文献   
《中华人民共和国物权法》给在建船舶抵押权的担保范围、变更、物上代位、行使条件和方式、顺位、行使期限等抵押权实现问题带来一定影响,弥补了《中华人民共和国海商法》关于实现在建船舶抵押权的许多空白,修订了在建船舶抵押权的实现原来适用《中华人民共和国担保法》相关规定时的不合理之处。但关于在建船舶抵押权对抗第三人的范围、在建船舶浮动抵押制度、在建船舶的接管转让等方面仍存在不足,应对上述内容进行特别法上的修改,使在建船舶抵押权的实现更符合法理,更适应造船业发展的需要。  相似文献   
Where a credit provider makes a proper financial assessment and finds that the low-income consumer will be able to satisfy in a timely manner all the obligations under all the credit agreements to which the consumer is a party he will in all probability conclude the credit agreement with the consumer. Obviously the affordability assessment made by the credit provider will depend on the prevailing interest rates at the time. There has been several interest rate hikes since June 2006 to December 2008 in South Africa that has had a detrimental impact on low-income home owners. Due to the various interest rate hikes and the prevailing high interest rates many consumers have lost their mortgaged homes. The South African National Credit Act of 2005 has failed to take into its purview cases such as these, and as a consequence there is no sort of consumer protection available for the low-income group who become over-indebted, because of the constant rising interest rates on their mortgage loans.  相似文献   
中国中亚安全战略的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中亚独特的地理位置及丰富的战略资源和能源。已成为大国地缘政治竞赛战略区。作为中亚地区近邻的中国。应制定明确的中亚战略以维护自身安全。中国在中亚地区的地缘战略选择上。一方面要体现合作求发展、合作求双赢的精神。以“和而不同”的外交理念为指导。倡导新安全观。在中亚努力营造一个有利于保障和平、稳定的地缘政治环境。另一方面结合国家利益的需要。以上海合作组织为战略依托。以能源合作为战略重点。平衡中亚各方势力,保持中亚地缘战略的灵活性。为战略机遇期中国的和平崛起提供良好的外部环境。  相似文献   
目前网络犯罪集中发生于经济领域并呈现出网络化的特征,原有网络犯罪相关刑法规定不能满足有效遏制犯罪的需要,2009年通过的刑法修正案(七)增设了非法获取计算机数据罪,非法控制计算机信息系统罪和为非法侵入、控制计算机信息系统提供程序、工具罪,对我国网络犯罪立法体系有着重要的补充完善作用,但仍然存在明显的不足,需要进一步完善。  相似文献   
沈桥林 《政法论丛》2013,(1):93-102
清帝逊位之初十几年的中国近代史,就是围绕《中华民国临时约法》的斗争史。国民党试图凭借《中华民国临时约法》实现责任内阁和政党政治;袁世凯或明或暗地破坏该法,欲使中国社会回归传统,让自己君临天下。然而,最终双方都以失败而告终。何也?在袁世凯,大概因为封建传统思想严重,过于迷信武装的力量和政治手腕,以至于公然逆民意和历史潮流而动,冒天下之大不韪;在国民党,大概因为没有真正接受宪政文化的洗礼,没有彻底摆脱传统文化的影响,对时局的把握也不够准确,以至于不知不觉地犯了这样那样的错误。  相似文献   
The purpose of this work was to establish frequencies and population statistic parameters for Central Portugal population using NGM amplification kit as well as carry out a comparative study with other population groups.  相似文献   
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