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作为一种创新的国际合作模式,中日第三方市场合作未来发展前景广阔,给中日双方带来巨大机遇,但推动第三方市场合作仍面临诸多挑战:两国在参与第三方市场合作项目中存在竞争惯性思维;中日第三方市场合作须应对地缘政治博弈的挑战;日本国内政治对中日第三方市场合作的"负向外溢效应";中日关于第三方市场合作项目的标准与规则的分歧;面临第三方不稳定因素的影响。为此,需要中日两国发挥各自优势,携手寻求在第三方市场的合作机会;明确两国合作的方向和目标,避免域外因素干扰,推动RCEP早日签署生效;增进中日政治互信,使中日政经关系形成相互促进的良性循环;建立长效支持促进机制,推动双方共同制定国际标准;做好第三方市场风险管控预防工作。  相似文献   
This essay analyses how Mexican presidents have interpreted the concepts of drug trafficking and national security and how these particular connotations have redefined national sovereignty and the specific role of the armed forces in protecting this sovereignty. A qualitative technique of discourse analysis is used to examine public speeches by Zedillo (1994–2000), Fox (2000–2006) and Calderón (2006–2012). The conclusions suggest that drug trafficking and US omnipresence are the two main issues that shaped Mexico's national security threats during this period, with qualitatively distinct trajectories.  相似文献   
任何科学概念都有其意义域,真理多走一步就可能转化为谬误,异化劳动概念也不例外。马克思对资本主义劳资关系最初的把握是异化劳动,后来则走向更为科学的三种认知,分别体现在《共产党宣言》、《资本论》和“跨越卡夫丁峡谷”的设想中。马克思当年对“德国的或‘真正的’社会主义”的时空条件分析值得借鉴。当今中国社会主义市场经济中的劳资关系,应当走建设合作之路。  相似文献   
哲学和宗教既有密切的联系,又有明显的区别和界限。任何真正的哲学都不能不认真面对如何认识、理解和对待宗教的问题。作为人类文化的基本样态,哲学和宗教将在相当长的历史时期内与人类相伴随,仍会在发展的过程中彼此交融、对立斗争。在现代科学技术迅猛发展的背景下,哲学、科学与宗教的关系更为复杂和微妙。我们要尊重科学、发展科学,积极促进哲学的繁荣,同时要加强宗教学理论的研究,妥善处理宗教事务,引领宗教健康发展,引导宗教与社会主义相适应。  相似文献   
台湾问题是中国的内政问题,1949年新中国成立以来,中国共产党与中国国民党围绕台湾问题进行了长达30年的武力对峙。在新中国成立的第一个30年内,对台政策是中国政府内政、外交生活的重要主题之一。数十年来,国内外学者对这一时期的两岸关系、对台政策、中美关系等进行了较为深人、丰富、细致的研究,为改革开放新时期“一国两制、和平统一”政策的出台,奠定了思想、政治和理论基础。  相似文献   
近年来,美国所倡导和力推的“跨太平洋伙伴关系协议”(TPP)得到了台湾当局的积极响应。美国基于牵制中国主导的东亚经济一体化进程以及扩大对台贸易出口的双重动因,对台湾加入TPP表示支持。而台湾当局出于拓展“国际经贸空间”,提升美台实质性关系,并减少对大陆经济依赖度等多重目的,也积极谋求加入TPP。但是受制于两岸关系的现实以及中美关系的大局,加之台湾岛内经济自由化程度远未达到TPP的要求,台湾当局加入TPP的过程势必困难重重。  相似文献   
Velasco's brand of military nationalism marked a real break from the orientation of the majority of Peruvian military regimes, which were pro‐United States and espoused limited government. Many attempts have been made to explain this outcome, but the release of documents from British and United States archives clarify certain issues. Above all, Velasco's use of the nationalist card enabled him to win over decisive support from both the military and political society. This support gave him sufficient leverage to consolidate his personal position, which he did before launching a major programme of domestic property expropriation.  相似文献   
论李明博政府的实用主义外交   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
李明博政府上台后推行实用主义外交政策,主要包括以服务于"先进化国家"为宗旨,强化韩美同盟关系、开启对日关系"新思维"、调整对朝政策、奉行有限度的"平衡"外交、积极开展对华经贸关系、对俄能源外交以及全球外交等.实用主义外交是基于国际和国内、历史与现实、社会与个人等多种因素考虑的结果.实用主义外交面临着美韩同盟利益与韩国民族利益的冲突、韩日之间的结构性矛盾、对朝政策的有效性以及李明博政绩认可度等挑战,其效果还有待于进一步观察.  相似文献   
国有企业劳动关系转型的理论依据与模式选择   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
提出问题是解决问题的先导。国有企业劳动关系转型过程中问题的复杂性与系统性,要求研究者在其理论与实践两个层面清晰定义问题。为此,应该挖掘马克思主义劳资关系理论的当代意义,界定它在新形势下应用的前提,使得国有企业劳动关系研究体现敏锐的问题意识,突出深厚的历史感。如此,才能够真正把握西方劳动关系诸流派背后的社会文化因素,认识各种类型劳动关系实践的局限性与启发性所在,对当前国有企业劳动关系管理的模式选择问题有清醒的理解和正确的甄别。  相似文献   
Since 1997, the United Kingdom’s territorial constitution has undergone an immense process of change and has resulted in the establishment of separate legislatures and governments for the peoples of Scotland, Wales and, when Stormont is operational, Northern Ireland. These changes have spawned a whole series of relationships between the institutions of the devolved UK, at executive, legislature and civil service levels. However, while intergovernmental relations has been the subject of repeated debate, there has been little attempt to document and examine the way in which the UK’s four legislatures interact with one another, post-devolution. To the extent that these interactions, otherwise known as inter-parliamentary relations (IPR), have been the subject of scrutiny, it has been largely to bemoan their modest state and/or to suggest that stronger, albeit occasionally rather unelaborated, mechanisms be established. This article seeks to correct this deficit and provide a first step towards a clearer understanding of IPR in the UK, post-devolution. The article breaks the different levels of IPR down into three main strands: (1) parliament-parliament, (2) committee-committee and (3) official-official, and suggests that the main interactions that take place at each of these levels. Following this audit, the article concludes by highlighting the role that shared policy competence (a field that is set to grow with the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union) has played in driving IPR in the UK, post-devolution, and suggests some steps that may be taken to enhance IPR in the future.  相似文献   
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