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警察机关对治安信息进行收集和处理的活动,势必会影响到相对人的合法权益,由于没有统一的行政程序法,警察行政调查自由裁量权被滥用的案件时有发生,因此有必要建立统一的行政程序法,并进一步完善司法审查制度,来规范警察行政调查的自由裁量权。  相似文献   
1995年我国以立法的形式规定了商品房预售合同登记备案制度,但由于立法没有明确该制度的性质,并且对该制度法律条款设计得过于简单,从而引起理论层面不同的理解和实践层面对该制度操作的地方差异。结合纠纷现实,分析我国商品房预售合同登记备案制度相关法律法规的规定以及学者们的观点,并对比我国现行《物权法》的预告制度,重新对商品房预售合同登记备案制度进行制度价值定位,提出完善商品房预售合同登记备案制度的具体措施。  相似文献   
行政处罚案件案由的使用体现行政部门执法的深度与广度,卫生行政处罚案件案由异常使用有其内在的多方面原因。本文从伦理学视角对该问题进行初步剖析,为提升卫生行政执法的效能提供参考意见。  相似文献   
失信行为进入司法程序往往形成虚假证据、虚假陈述和虚假诉讼,对于该类失信行为的鉴别和证伪需要依赖物证鉴定、心理测试等多种司法鉴定的科学方法和手段。所以,司法鉴定工作对于诚信建设而言,是通过科学和可靠的方法揭示和惩罚不诚信行为,进而保障和促进诚信建设的积极因素。实践中应当以司法鉴定制度中鉴定公示与意见开示、规范诉前鉴定、维护鉴定活动的诚信、科学手段的更新和方法规制等方式来促进和保障诚信建设。  相似文献   
修订后的民事诉讼法增加了公司纠纷地域管辖的规定,即因公司设立、确认股东资格、分配利润、解散等纠纷提起的诉讼,由公司住所地人民法院管辖。该项法律制度的确立,既便于当事人诉讼,也便于人民法院调阅公司材料,查明事实,及时作出判决,提高诉讼效率,这是立法的一大进步。但是,涉及股东代位诉讼案件的管辖,法律并没有作出明确规定。股东代位诉讼案件,涉及人数多,社会影响较大,在管辖上应当具有特殊性。文章通过对股东代位诉讼案件管辖进行研究,期望合理确定管辖法院,完善立法,促进股东代位诉讼案件的合理快速解决。  相似文献   
现行法律体系中民事实体法规定了精神损害赔偿,而刑事诉讼法又否定了精神损害赔偿。司法实践中存在民事实体法与刑事程序法的不一致,适用出现不平等,不利于当事人在诉讼活动中得到公平的待遇,损害了司法公正,也有违立法的初衷。因此,我国在刑事诉讼中应当确立精神损害赔偿制度。  相似文献   
Multicultural policies often deviate from the principle of equal opportunity since it assumes exclusive policy target groups with extra budget and appropriate organization. If this is so, by what rationale can multicultural policies be justified? Why should we accept such unequal treatment as a procedural method to achieve a more equal society as the final goal? This paper examines justifying logic for multicultural policies that inevitably have an arbitrary aspect of state intervention. This paper first differentiates two kinds of logic, namely universal human rights and the benefits of diversity, which provide supporting rationale for the implementation of multicultural policies. We can witness from the US history that the benefits of diversity have increasingly become the main logic justifying affirmative action instead of liberal discussions on social justice and universal human rights of the 1960s. Korea also shows such a shift towards a utilitarian justification which has focused heavily on the benefits of diversity. However, the utilitarian rationalization for multicultural transition can be easily withdrawn when the benefits of ethnic, cultural, and religious diversity disappear, suddenly leading to unexpected discriminatory situations. In this context, this paper argues that discussion of normative justification is required, and such discussions need to be internalized among the citizens of a political community.  相似文献   
抽象行政行为的对象是不特定的,它不但具有普遍的约束力,又有强大的行政权力作为后盾,行政机关抽象行为的不当,将更广泛地使公共利益和公民利益受到侵犯。我国现行对抽象行政行为主要有以下几种监督方式:行政机关针对抽象行政行为的自我监督、国家权力机关对行政机关的监督、人民法院通过审理行政案件对抽象行政行为穷行间接监督。由于行政诉讼法将抽象行政行为排除在行政诉讼受案范围之外,而以上的几种对抽象行政并为的监督方式都存在缺陷和不足。因此,当行政相对人的合法权益受到抽象行政行为的侵害时,缺乏及时有效的法定程序使相对人获得救济。而从抽象行政行为纳入行政诉讼受案范围。使公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益得到严密的角度来看,都具有可行性。  相似文献   
Several Arab countries have recently manifested an interest in civilian nuclear energy. For some, like Egypt, this is the revival of an old interest, for others, notably the members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), it represents a clear reversal of previously held positions. This interest has been interpreted as an implicit threat to move in the direction of acquiring a military nuclear capability, in case Iran develops a bomb. Instead, the article argues that interest in nuclear energy has strong economic motivations for all Arab countries, although the position of the GCC is quite different from that of North Africa and Levant countries, from the point of view of both the cogency of motivation and the ability concretely and rapidly to launch a civilian nuclear program.  相似文献   

This introduction argues for a new research agenda on European internal security cooperation from the perspective of public goods. We set out our case in three parts. First, we identify new empirical puzzles and demonstrate significant explanatory gaps in the existing internal security literature which public goods theory could help address. Second, we outline the building blocks of a public goods approach and provide an overview of its application, both existing and potentially, in various areas of regional security and European integration. Third, we present three complementary ways of using public goods theory to analyse internal security in the European Union, with the aim of spurring new research questions while accepting some limitations of this theoretical approach.  相似文献   
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