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This paper aims to assess the proposed General Data Protection Regulation through the framework of default entitlements in personal data. The notion of default entitlements comes from economic analysis of law and provides new insights into the implications of the data protection reform. While, under the principle of informational self-determination the default entitlements should lie with the individual, the Commission is shown to assign a great deal of default rights to others, including the Information Industry. This article cautions against the possibility of reducing the European system of data protection rooted in the values of individual autonomy and informational self-determination to a mere set of administrative rules channelling the flow of personal data, yet without a clear direction.  相似文献   
This paper will mainly focus on the EU approach to net neutrality, notably the adequacy of existing and future EU rules to tackle the issue and the ongoing policy debate. It will also consider whether the market has effectively worked around the regulatory lacunae by looking into the relationships between the telecoms industry, as a regulated sector, and the over-the-top (OTT) players. In this regard, it will explore to what extent there is a real battle between telcos and OTTs or if both parties are already finding their own ways to overcome their (apparent) disputes.  相似文献   
论PE“对赌协议”的法律规制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢浩然 《时代法学》2014,(3):109-114
PE"对赌协议"作为一种新兴的、有利于我国经济发展的投融资方式对于投融资双方都有着非常重要的价值和意义。我国尚缺乏对PE"对赌协议"进行界定、调整和监督的明文法律规定。最高人民法院在海富投资案中对相关问题的裁判也还有值得商榷之处,所以,结合PE"对赌协议"的特性和特征进行有针对性的法律调整和监管势在必行。而且,对于"对赌协议"中的补偿标准,只要是不超过PE投资方的非股权投资款本金的补偿都是公平合理并可以接受的;而对于"对赌协议"中的有限免责条款,除可以由投融资双方在协议中加以约定外,相关的法律法规还可以设定一种浮动比例的计算公式,或是为融资方在免责情况下所应补偿的金额设定一个合理的范围。  相似文献   
The authors present a cogent and detailed case for altering the Medical Devices Directive to allow regulation of cognitive enhancement devices (CEDs). Protection against significant risk of harm, especially for the vulnerable, and promotion of benefit through informed use of CEDs are all good features of the proposal. However, the pre-market approval process has limitations, which we explore. We raise the possibility of ‘risk compensation’ in response to the introduction of safety measures, which could alter its effectiveness. The proposal alludes to use of ‘formally trained practitioners,’ which provide a further tier of regulation for CEDs within the proposal. We consider some positive and negative implications of this aspect of the proposal that might warrant further consideration.  相似文献   
张月满 《河北法学》2004,22(2):92-95
证人证言证明力是证人证言对案件起证明作用的关键,就我国诉讼理论和实际而言,由于证人作证意识较差、法律规定的漏洞或相对笼统、司法人员应有素质的欠缺等原因,致使证人证言的证明力较差。为保证案件质量,实现司法公正,提高证人证言证明力已成为我国司法实践中的重要课题。从理论上探讨了证人证言证明力的标准及其重要性;从取证、查证、认证的角度,全面分析了我国诉讼中证人证言证明力的现状;并提出了提高证人证言证明力的途径。  相似文献   
诉权是公民的一项宪法性权利.但民事诉权的行使一旦超出合法界限,损害他人合法权益,就应当承担相应的法律责任.本文剖析、阐述了民事诉权滥用的内涵以及对民事诉权滥用行为进行规制的理论与现实依据,并就对民事诉权滥用进行规制应注意的问题和如何进行民事诉权滥用规制进行了分析探讨.  相似文献   
刘珺如  毛艳华 《公共行政评论》2020,(2):94-108,196,197
跨区域基础设施项目的建设、运营和管理是区域治理的重要内容之一,往往面临集体行动困境。因此,需要建立区域治理的协调制度来协调多元治理主体、项目建设和不同利益群体这三个层面来克服集体行动困境,共同提供跨区域的公共产品和服务。欧盟和粤港澳大湾区在各自的跨区域基础设施项目中建立起了各具特色的区域协调制度。未来粤港澳大湾区跨区域基础设施的治理可以借鉴欧盟的经验,在法治化的框架下实施区域协调;完善中央层面、区域层面和地方层面的多元治理主体间的权能分配制度;区域协调机构应着重提升"跨区域"的公共利益;扩大区域治理的协调范围,创新公众参与机制。  相似文献   
数字内容交易目前在全球数字化背景下蓬勃发展,其中,有关数字内容的瑕疵担保责任问题备受关注;立法上欧盟在新出台的《有关提供数字内容和服务的合同交易指令》中有三个条款对此作了专门规定,同时,德国也将此规定完全予以转化适用。基于现有欧盟背景下德国法有关数字内容瑕疵担保责任的比较分析,可知其不但能准确认定数字内容交易中的瑕疵形态与有效提供救济,而且有助于消费者保护。根据我国现有一般物之瑕疵担保规定并结合我国民法典编纂以及域外法经验,在解释论上,通过相关类案的比较分析,我国就此有借鉴适用的必要性;在立法论上,今后在我国《民法典》的解释与适用过程中,可先在《民法典(合同编)》司法解释中原则性地规定有关数字内容瑕疵担保责任,再另行制定具有针对性的单行法,从而有助于数字时代的我国消费者保护与数字经济发展。  相似文献   
“套路贷”犯罪是以非法占有为目的,假借民间借贷之名、行非法侵占他人财物之实的新型犯罪,具有犯罪意图的侵财性、犯罪手段的隐蔽性、犯罪团伙的组织性和犯罪后果的严重性等特征。我国对“套路贷”犯罪的立法规制,总体上契合惩处“套路贷”犯罪的情势与实际需要,但也存在一些问题。当前,对“套路贷”犯罪的司法规制呈现民多刑少的格局,规制的主要罪名是诈骗罪、敲诈勒索罪,规制的核心标准是划清“套路贷”犯罪与高利贷、非法讨债行为的界限。改进“套路贷”犯罪的刑事规制,应确立“重重轻轻,以重为主”的刑事政策,在《刑法》中增设套路贷诈骗罪,健全“套路贷”案件的刑民衔接机制,探索“套路贷”犯罪案件专业化办理机制,积极推行“套路贷”犯罪案例指导制度。  相似文献   

As government and public administration lag behind the rapid development of AI in their efforts to provide adequate governance, they need respective concepts to keep pace with this dynamic progress. The literature provides few answers to the question of how government and public administration should respond to the great challenges associated with AI and use regulation to prevent harm. This study analyzes AI challenges and former AI regulation approaches. Based on this analysis and regulation theory, an integrated AI governance framework is developed that compiles key aspects of AI governance and provides a guide for the regulatory process of AI and its application. The article concludes with theoretical implications and recommendations for public officers.  相似文献   
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