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This study examined concurrent and lagged effects of deviant peer association on levels of alcohol use for distinctive trajectories of drinking from ages 14–18 years, while controlling for age, paternal education, community size, and conduct problems. Longitudinal data were available from a secondary data archive of male and female German adolescents (N = 1,619). Conditional latent growth mixture modeling analysis indicated consistent concurrent effects of deviant peer association (specified as time-varying covariate) on alcohol use for the regular users group, but not any of the other drinking trajectory groups. Very few lagged effects of deviant peers association on alcohol use were found, and thus the social influence hypothesis received little empirical support. Overall, findings suggest the need to consider heterogeneity in the study of peer characteristics and alcohol use for both male and female adolescents.
Karina WeicholdEmail:

Dr. Margit Wiesner   received her Doctoral degree in 1999 from the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena (Germany) and currently is Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Houston. Research interests include developmental trajectories of offending and other problem behaviors, and psychosocial transitions during adolescence and young adulthood. Dr. Rainer K. Silbereisen   received his Doctoral degree in 1975 from the Technical University of Berlin (Germany) and currently is Professor and Chair of the Department of Developmental Psychology at the Friedrich-Schiller-University (FSU) of Jena. He is also Director of the Center for Applied Developmental Science at FSU. His main research interests concern human development across the life-span, particularly concerning adolescence and early adulthood. He has directed several longitudinal projects on problem behavior in adolescence, effects of early adversities on the timing of psychosocial transitions, the impact of social change on adolescent development, acculturation among immigrants, and bio-behavioral aspects of adolescent development. Dr. Karina Weichold   received her Doctoral degree in 2002 from the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena (Germany) and currently is Assistant Professor in the Department of Developmental Psychology at the Friedrich-Schiller-University (FSU) of Jena. Her research topics include adolescent alcohol consumption in times of social change, biopsychosocial mechanisms of maladaptation during puberty and adolescence, and interventions for adolescent problem behavior.  相似文献   
Over the last two decades, there has been a remarkable transformation of the demography and political economy of East and Southeast Asia, thus raising pensions as an important policy issue. In addressing the pension needs of those outside formal sector employment, Taiwan was the regional forerunner regarding social pension provision. However, the immense political popularity of these schemes waned and from the mid-2000s onwards the government began to substitute them with a contributory system for the socially disadvantaged. This paper analyses the political dynamics of social pensions in Taiwan, from expansion of coverage through to gradual dismantlement. The politics surrounding these benefits has received scant attention in international scholarship, with the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank Institute, in particular, having focused most of their attention on policy design issues. The contention here is that a specific configuration of political factors featured prominently in Taiwan, thus providing an explanation for the evolution of its pension policy. Also, these political dimensions can shed light on how this type of pension could evolve in other East and Southeast Asian countries, which is pertinent given that many have increasingly ageing populations.  相似文献   
付广华 《桂海论丛》2007,23(6):84-87
民族观是一个思想意识层面的问题,包括对民族本身的看法、民族问题产生原因的认识以及解决这些问题的想法及观点。文章通过仔细梳理李宗仁、白崇禧、黄旭初等新桂系领导人的思想,认为新桂系政权在民族问题上的基本观点分为:“中华民族”观、“特种部族”观以及“民族同化”观。之所以呈现这一局面,乃是因为阶级、时势、学术等多方面因素影响的结果。  相似文献   
蒙古自摆脱休克式转型带来的经济负增长以来,经济逐步复苏,进入快速、稳定增长轨道.在此过程中,其产业结构呈现升级趋势,畜牧国家特征正在消退,服务国家特征逐渐增强.但是,由于受经济转型的影响及国际市场的冲击,蒙古国产业结构的演进异于世界多数国家,呈现特例性、逆工业化、"非自律性"等特征,且产业内部结构不平衡,产业发展的资源环境约束较强.在此次金融危机影响下,蒙古经济快速下滑.因此,在今后的中蒙经济合作中,应在进一步加强中泉交通运输合作的基础上,增强中国对蒙消费产品的出口,促进中国对浆产业转移.同时,中蒙环保合作也应予以关注.  相似文献   
对省级地方政府规模影响因素的定量研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
政府规模是我国推进政府改革进程中值得关注的一个重大课题,对其影响因素的探索对行政体制改革具有重要意义,而目前国内学界对政府规模影响因素的定量研究尚不多见,基本是政府规模问题研究的空白点.从政府规模的概念和影响因素入手,以2003年全国30个省级行政单位(台湾、香港、澳门、西藏除外)为样本,运用SPSS软件对政府规模的影响因素进行定量回归分析,对学界普遍认同的经济发展水平、经济体制、人口因素、地域面积以及民族因素进行考量,发现经济发展水平与中国省级政府规模呈负相关,说明瓦格纳法则并不适用于现阶段的中国;市场化指数与中国省级政府规模呈高度负相关;人口因素与政府规模呈高度负相关.这个结论与我国许多学者的经验观察与主观感受是相反的.地域面积与政府规模呈正相关关系,但在省级行政单位这一层面上影响非常微弱,不像有的学者强调得那样大;少数民族比重与政府规模呈高度正相关,这是一个新的定量研究发现.由此提出:在建立合理、优化的政府规模时,应更多地运用科学的研究方法,探讨其深层次的结构性原因,充分关注不同区域的特殊情况,对症下药地提出相应的改革方案.在推进政治、行政改革时更应慎之又慎,以构建与市场经济大背景相适应的公共服务型政府为基本的价值取向,坚持温和稳健,防止过度激进,坚持理性考察,避免煽情之作,以促进经济发展和社会进步.  相似文献   
总需求不足已困扰我国经济多年 ,要改变这种状况 ,有多种方法可以使用 ,但扩大投资是最佳选择。而要扩大投资 ,就必须提高经济增长速度 ,并且还需要货币供应量增长率的相应提高  相似文献   
从历史发展、现实环境、未来要求、国际背景上看,倡导包容性增长具有客观必然性和现实紧迫性。公正性增长、和谐共生增长、共享式增长是理解包容性增长的重要要素。践行包容性增长核心在于转变经济发展方式,重点在于深化收入分配体制改革,难点在于经济社会协调可持续发展,根本在于开发人力资本和实施充分就业,国际责任在于实施投资和贸易自由化。  相似文献   
文章旨在理解我国体制持续发展中表现出的体制弹性。根据体制持续发展过程中权利结构是否发生演进,把体制的可持续性分解为"体制适应性"和"体制弹性"两个方面,明确区别于对适应性体制或弹性体制的笼统提法。在此概念界定的基础上,从温岭劳资个案出发考察体制弹性的过程。温岭劳资个案是劳资冲突逐步激化、地方政府应对挑战维持稳定的过程,是在既有权利结构下应对社会冲突、启动利益表达和实现劳资关系稳定的完整政治过程。案例表现出体制持续发展的弹性方面,而相关正式制度设置和能动的当地政府扮演了重要角色。进一步对个案中获得的认识进行逻辑的一般分析,认为在社会主义基本制度和政府间的行政逐级发包制下,正式制度和基层政府对体制弹性发挥着重要作用。同时,体制弹性对体制的发展具有正反两方面的潜在影响。  相似文献   
后奥运时期中国将面临经济可持续增长与环境治理两大难题。在保持经济可持续增长的前提下兼顾环境治理,必须改变传统的经济增长模式。日本在东京奥运会后,通过产业结构调整,顺利地渡过了70年代的两次石油危机,在保持外需稳定增长的同时,实现了向节能环保型社会的转型。在ODA对华贷款项目中止后,中日之间可以尝试建立环境治理的双边合作机制以推动中国的环境治理。通过设立共同基金的方式,以市场为中心加强节能环保产业和双边贸易的发展,实现互惠共赢。  相似文献   
本文从福建省高等教育和经济发展的现状入手,利用复合系统整体协调度原理,研究并测算了1996—2004年福建省高等教育与经济增长之间的协调度,揭示两者之间的协调度基本呈现出逐年提高的态势,并探讨了政策建议。  相似文献   
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