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医学院校卫生法学专业课程设置探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过研究我国医学院校卫生法学专业课程设置的现状,剖析了卫生法学专业课程设置中存在的课程名称不明确、课程内容不合理、研究认识不统一、教学组织及实施不一致等问题。针对这些问题,从优化卫生法学专业课程结构、编写高质量卫生法学教材、改革卫生法学教学方法、加强卫生法学师资培养、扩展卫生法学研究活动五个方面提出了完善卫生法学课程设置的对策建议。  相似文献   
农民工已成为我国产业工人的重要组成部分,他们为城市的繁荣和农村的发展做出了重大贡献。建立健全农民工养老保险制度,是构建和谐社会与社会主义新农村的基本条件,将对社会的稳定、经济的发展以及我国的城市化和工业化进程带来重大的影响。本文剖析了目前我国农民工养老保险制度中存在的主要问题,进而提出了相关措施,以期为建立和完善全国统筹的农民工养老保险体系尽绵薄之力。  相似文献   
Data reliability and validity are methodological concerns in cross-national analyses of crime, but there is little agreement on which source of data provides the most reliable estimates. Moreover, few studies have examined the potential threat to validity posed by unclassified deaths. The current study aims to (1) assess the reliability of cross-national homicide data from the United Nations (UN) and the World Health Organization (WHO); and (2) investigate the impact of unclassified deaths on the validity of WHO data. Findings indicate that UN and WHO homicide rates (n=56) differ in magnitude, but produce similar outcomes. The UN data produce more robust results and statistical models with less error. The WHO data are more stable and reliable over time, and better suited for longitudinal analyses. Analyses drawing on WHO data should not disregard unclassified deaths because their inclusion provides a more accurate estimate of the true number of homicides.  相似文献   

This research presents the voices of women inmates on health care services in prisons. Foucault's discourse analysis as a means of bringing to the surface restrained voices provides the theoretical basis for this study. The research is based on face-to-face interviews of fifty-six women inmates to understand better the role gender plays in prison health care delivery. The results show that women are willing to discuss only physical ailments and are reluctant to speak about mental health care or HIV. While women benefit from health care services in prison, they still feel that a female-oriented approach to health care in general will improve the services tremendously. This approach is not dictated by the “difference” in the ailments between men and women, but by the “difference” in the way men and women encounter health care providers and illnesses.  相似文献   
摘要随着2012年12月1日新《卫生行政执法文书规范》的实施,卫生行政强制措施的实施有了规范的执法文书。为了全面了解卫生行政强制措施,笔者依据《中华人民共和国行政强制法》,系统梳理了卫生行政强制措施,将卫生行政强制措施分为两类,分别适用《行政强制法》第三条第一款、第二款,并探讨了两类强制措施的文书使用。  相似文献   
《TRIPs协议修正案》的出台有一定的历史背景。它的诞生也会对差别定价制产生显著的进一步影响。该《修正案》的出台促使了全球差别定价制的发展。差别定价制中的发达国家完全补偿类型、发展中国家支付专利使用费补偿类型和最不发达国家零补偿类型也会受到该《修正案》的影响。这些影响的构成有一定的政治、经济和法律原因。  相似文献   
公共场所直接为顾客服务的从业人员必须持有效健康证明上岗,经营单位未组织从业人员进行健康体检而安排其上岗,将面临卫生行政处罚。但在实践中,由于执法人员卫生监督、监测或案件调查取证所采取的方式方法存在一定的瑕疵,卫生行政处罚案件往往也存在一定的风险。本文旨在通过一起公共场所从业人员健康证明过期案件的分析研究,谈谈该案在事实和证据方面的认定问题及此案给卫生行政执法人员所提供的借鉴。  相似文献   
美国精神卫生制度的形成经历了从漠视和侵犯人权到尊重和重视人权的发展过程。然而美国现有精神卫生制度领域仍然存在着诸多问题和缺陷,特别体现在医疗服务可获得性缺乏这一问题上。《中华人民共和国精神卫生法》力求在医疗服务可获得性与强制住院之间达到平衡。  相似文献   
The key tenets of neo-liberalism regarding risk, governance, and responsibility are critically evaluated through an empirical study of the private insurance industry. Recent tendencies in this industry towards increasing segmentation of consumers regarding risk, and towards an expansion of private policing of insurance fraud, are analysed. The definition of moral hazard is broadened to include all parties in the insurance relationship, not just the insured. Moral hazards embedded in the social organization of private insurance lead to various kinds of immoral risky behaviour by insureds, insurance companies, and their employees, and to intensified efforts to regulate this behaviour. The analysis concludes with some critical observations about the neo-liberal emphasis on minimal state, market fundamentalism, risk-taking, individual responsibility, and acceptance of inequality.  相似文献   
The indigenous plants and fish of Niger are incorporated into the Songhai people's daily life but are largely underemphasised in development programmes. In this paper we describe the culturally appropriate foods of Tallé, Niger. Based on information obtained from 42 participants using interviews and focus groups, we identified 11 commonly consumed fish species, 22 plant species, and nine factors that made them culturally appropriate: taste, perceived health effects, economic value, use as snacks or staple, storability, seasonal availability, use in celebrations, abundance, and cultural identity. We conclude with a discussion of how local knowledge can be incorporated into development programmes.

Cultivés, pêchés et cueillis : définir des aliments culturellement appropriés à Tallé, au Niger

Les plantes et le poisson autochtones du Niger sont incorporés dans le quotidien des Songhais, mais on ne leur accorde généralement pas une attention suffisante dans les programmes de développement. Dans cet article, nous décrivons les aliments culturellement appropriés de Tallé, au Niger. Sur la base d'informations obtenues de 42 participants à l'aide d'entretiens et de groupes de réflexion, nous avons identifié 11 espèces de poisson fréquemment consommées, 22 espèces de plantes et neuf facteurs qui les rendent culturellement appropriés : goût, effets perçus sur la santé, valeur économique, utilisation comme en-cas ou denrées de base, facilité de conservation, disponibilité saisonnière, utilisation lors de célébrations, abondance et identité culturelle. Nous concluons par une discussion sur la manière dont les connaissances locales peuvent être incorporées dans les programmes de développement.

Cultivados, cazados y recolectados: la definición de alimentos culturalmente adecuados en Tallé, Níger

Las plantas y los peces endémicos de Níger han sido incorporados a la dieta cotidiana del pueblo songhai. Sin embargo, dicha dieta recibe escasa atención de parte de los programas de desarrollo. En el presente artículo, los autores analizan aquellos alimentos culturalmente adecuados en Tallé, Níger. Apoyándose en la información recopilada entre 42 personas que participaron en entrevistas y en grupos de enfoque, los autores identificaron 11 variedades de peces consumidas con frecuencia, 22 especies de plantas, así como nueve factores que determinan que estos alimentos sean culturalmente adecuados: sabor, efectos percibidos en la salud, valor económico de los mismos, posibilidad de uso como tentempiés o como alimentos principales, período de almacenamiento, disponibilidad estacional, uso de los mismos en celebraciones, abundancia e identidad cultural. El ensayo concluye realizando un análisis acerca de cómo los conocimientos locales pueden ser incorporados a los programas de desarrollo.

Cultivados, colhidos e coletados: definindo alimentos culturalmente apropriados em Tallé, Níger

As plantas e peixes consumidos pelos indígenas de Níger estão incorporados na vida cotidiana das pessoas de Songhai mas, geralmente, recebem pouco destaque nos programas de desenvolvimento. Neste artigo, descrevemos os alimentos culturalmente apropriados de Tallé, Níger. Com base nas informações obtidas de 42 participantes utilizando entrevistas e grupos de enfoque, identificamos 11 espécies de peixe frequentemente consumidas, 22 espécies de plantas e nove fatores que os tornam culturalmente apropriados: paladar, percepção de seus efeitos na saúde, valor econômico, uso como aperitivo ou alimento básico, armazenagem, disponibilidade sazonal, uso em comemorações, abundância e identidade cultural. Concluímos com uma discussão de como o conhecimento local pode ser incorporado em programas de desenvolvimento.  相似文献   

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