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全面建设小康社会的战略部署为当代青年发展提供了新空间、新机遇,与此同时,青年思想政治教育的地位与作用日益凸显。全面建设小康社会对青年思想政治教育提出了深化和创新的全新历史性要求。  相似文献   
保持共产党员的先进性,以德治国是党中央新一代领导集体对我党"两手抓,两手都要硬"战略思想的运用和发展,是对建设有中国特色社会主义规律认识的升华,对加强思想政治工作,建设有中国特色的社会主义政治和文化有着极其重要的意义.  相似文献   
Can empirical data generate consensus about how to regulate firearms? If so, under what conditions? Previously, we presented evidence that individuals' cultural worldviews explain their positions on gun control more powerfully than any other fact about them, including their race or gender, the type of community or region of the country they live in, and even their political ideology or party affiliation. On this basis, we inferred that culture is prior to facts in the gun debate: empirical data can be expected to persaude individuals to change their view on gun policies only after those individuals come to see those policies as compatible with their core cultural commitments. We now respond to critics. Canvassing the psychological literature, we identify the mechanisms that systematically induce individuals to conform their factual beliefs about guns to their culturally grounded moral evaluations of them. To illustrate the strength and practical implications of these dynamics, we develop a series of computer simulations, which show why public beliefs about the efficacy of gun control can be expected to remain highly polarized even in the face of compelling empirical evidence. Finally, we show that the contribution culture makes to cognition could potentially be harnessed to generate broad, cross-cultural consensus: if gun policies can be framed in terms that are expressively compatible with diverse cultural worldviews, the motivation to resist compelling empirical evidence will dissipate, and individuals of diverse cultural persuasions can be expected rapidly to converge in their beliefs about what policies are best. Constructing a new, expressively pluralistic idiom of gun control should therefore be the first priority of policy-makers and -analysts interested in promoting the adoption of sound gun policies.  相似文献   
互联网为现代社会提供了即时广泛交往、学习型社会支撑、现代人格开发、社情民意表达四大新平台;在网络日益普及的今天,思想政治工作领域发生了接受的主体性、手段的丰富性、时空的超越性、参与的社会性等重大变化;通过积极建构社会化工作平台,营造优良的网络虚拟社区文化,建立网络伦理导向机制,建设强有力的网络政工队伍,思想政治工作就可以把握时代新机遇,开拓工作新局面。  相似文献   
新制度经济学意识形态理论包含有新制度经济学对意识形态及其基本取向的认知,与马克思主义意识形态理论具有本质不同。基于马克思主义意识形态理论,借由对新制度经济学意识形态理论之理论预设、方法论、意识形态基本功用、意识形态变迁推动力、理论构建语境、理论旨趣、理论实践目标冲突的解读,可以发现其在如下方面存在问题:理论预设缺乏经验事实支持、方法论个人主义与意识形态的社会性相抵牾、以降低交易成本为意识形态的基本功用、以非阶级因素为意识形态变迁推动力、以西方世界为理论构建的基本语境、以解释西方世界为基本目标、以资本主义意识形态为永恒存在。对这种对立的批判性比较研究有利于清晰认识新制度经济学意识形态理论的本质,以更好维护我国意识形态安全。  相似文献   

The article investigates whether there are specific spatial conditions that make a party more likely to pay closer attention to anti-elite rhetoric than to alternative issues in its political confrontation with other parties. The article first treats anti-elitism as a non-policy vote-winning strategy that could be valued positively by a broad class of voters across ideological lines (its ‘quasi-valence’ attribute). It is then shown that the incentive of a party to embrace such a strategy grows as the ideological space separating that party from the other(s) shrinks. This hypothesis receives empirical support from the 2014 Chapel Hill Expert Survey Data.  相似文献   
通过对云南警官学院普通专业学生思想道德状况的全面调查分析,思想政治主流积极健康、价值取向积极向上,但也存在一些不容忽视的问题,要解决这一矛盾,需要合理的教育与引导,也需进一步完善教育制度。  相似文献   
新时期印度海权战略的确立不是一蹴而就的。经过长期的酝酿与积淀,21世纪初新时期印度海权战略最终确立。它集印度洋“区域控制”和向周边大洋“远洋延伸”为一体,以建立世界级“海权国”为终极目标。新时期印度海权战略有两大思想根源:其一是源于印度地理和历史的强烈海权意识,其二是马汉海权论影响下的潘尼迦海权思想。  相似文献   
One overlooked aspect of the rising levels of affective polarization is its effect on general social trust. In the present article, we analyze the relationship between affective polarization and various measures of social trust using two separate panel surveys that were implemented in Spain in two different political periods (2014–2015 and 2018–2019), in order to assess whether the individual variations in the levels of affective polarization may affect people's trust in other members of society. Our findings suggest that affective polarization towards out-party members has a mutually reinforcing negative relationship with general social trust, generating a pervasive equilibrium of social and political deterioration that might contribute to worsening democratic quality. This effect is not compensated by any significant bonding effect resulting from in-partisan identification, whose effects seem to be restricted just to the very closest inner-circle individuals.  相似文献   
网络正在以巨大的信息容量和快速同步的传幅方式对社会、经济、政治、文化等诸多领域造成影响。网络具有散布性、全球性、开放性、即时性、综合性等特点,也给新时期青年民警思政工作带来难得的机遇和严峻的挑战。利用网络的特性,以“网络政工”为触手,发挥技术优势,采用灵活多样的手段,可以提高青年民警政治思想工作的科技含量。遵从网络发展客观规律,从科技化、信息化和建立现代队伍管理制度的高度出发,以建设精干、高效政工队伍为理念,可以造就出符合时代特点的新型政工网络。  相似文献   
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