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This paper examines the striking institutional parallels between the seemingly inexplicable DPRK (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) and Ceausescu's Romania. It argues that in both cases, the role of strong anti-liberal ideology that combined both far left and far right nationalist elements was highly significant in sustaining the regime and therefore should not be underestimated. While developments elsewhere in the Soviet bloc deprived the Ceausescu regime of potential nationalist cards it could play and thus precipitated regime change, the DPRK regime was able to hold on to power by using imagined and real external threats to justify its ongoing domestic repression and reinforce its nationalist claims.  相似文献   
意识形态的传播是价值观的传播。它通过满足利益诉求、提供精神寄托、产生价值共鸣、形成情感认同等满足人的精神需要而得到传播。马克思主义意识形态的传播既遵循一般意识形态传播的规律,又有知识传播的特点。在改革开放的新时期,要揭橥马克思主义人的解放的主旨,满足现实社会各阶层群众在观念层面上对利益、价值、精神和情感的要求,从而实现马克思主义的广泛传播。  相似文献   
彭刚 《长白学刊》2022,(2):15-21
话语总是承载着思想和观念存在,并由此体现意识形态色彩。意识形态以话语活动的方式得以输出和传播,并达致其社会功能及价值目标的实现。将话语活动诸要素放置于生态学视角考量,其具有平衡性、竞争性及规则性之品性。新时代话语生态面临新兴话语模式的融入,并已显现出对主流意识形态的冲击和影响,理应做出正视和回应。以话语生态的品性为建构基点,从话语自身、话语主体、话语场域等方面给予审视和重塑,对主流意识形态的良好运化和强大引领力、凝聚力的发挥,从而不断推进主流意识形态在推进新时代中国特色社会主义发展进程具有极为重要的价值意蕴。  相似文献   
道德哲学应关注两个根本的伦理经验。这种关注表明,伦理思维是道德哲学的一种可能的思维进路。黑格尔对道德与伦理之关系的论述隐含着伦理经验被遮蔽的秘密。对本源或根据的需要,使道德哲学遵循“本体思维”。本体思维使道德哲学哲学地呈现,它将具体历史感性的“伦理经验”过滤掉了。伦理思维打破了“存在的自鸣得意”,它在“人与存在的相与向度”运思,将展开人之“是其所应是”的生活向度。有一种思想可能属于伦理思维的道德哲学,那就是更本源的、更真切的“守望”生活。  相似文献   
Many journalists, political reformers and social scientists assume that electorates in open versus closed primaries are distinctive, especially in terms of their ideological orientations. Because voting in closed primaries is restricted to registered partisans, voters in this setting are assumed to be more ideologically extreme. Independents voting in open primaries are seen as moderating the ideological orientation of these primary electorates. However, our research demonstrates that the ideological orientations of voters in these two primary settings are quite similar. Prior research demonstrates the influence of primary laws on voters’ self-identifications as partisans or independents. We expand upon this research to show how this influences the number and ideological positions of partisans and independents as they vote in presidential primaries held under differing participation rules.  相似文献   

Editor's Note: The title of the interview comes from a poem by William Carlos Williams entitled The Manoeuvre. There Williams talks about seeing two starlings, just before alighting, turning in the air together backwards--but what got to him, he says, was that in doing so, they faced "into the wind's teeth." Commenting on the poem, Denise Levertov points out that, while it is a celebration of life, it also tells us that life sometimes requires adroit manoeuvering, its fullness emerging when we work not against but in cooperation with that which makes it most difficult. The interview speaks to this throughout.  相似文献   
The paper argues that during the Mandate period the Labor Zionist movement was able to successfully create a Sabra identity based on its ideology that was constructed in opposition to the presumed characteristics of the “exile Jew” and how such an identity played a central role in the formation of a security oriented foreign policy. Labor's creation of the Sabra through the "Hebrew Revolution" can be considered as one of the most successful episodes of the twentieth century in which a new identity was created in order to serve ideological goals. Labor's Zionist ideology, which sought to create a “new Jew” that would form the basis of the Jewish national movement, was translated into an identity that in contrast to the diaspora Jew relied on collectivism, agriculture, secularism, and most important of all physical strength and sacrifice in defence of the Jewish nation. This translated into a security-oriented foreign policy that heavily relied on military force and emphasized internal power and strength, which Labor elites argued could only be achieved through self-reliance and independence particularly in regards to defence issues. Such an orientation would form the basis of Israeli foreign policy for years to come.  相似文献   
论深入开展社会主义核心价值体系建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
党中央提出社会主义核心价值体系建设,既是社会主义和谐社会建设和意识形态建设的需要,也是促进马克思主义学习型政党建设和社会主义伦理道德建设的需要。社会主义核心价值体系是指在马克思主义指导下,坚持社会主义共同理想、坚持中华民族精神和时代精神、坚持社会主义荣辱观的价值体系。其中马克思主义指导思想是灵魂,中国特色社会主义共同理想是主题,民族精神和时代精神是精髓,社会主义荣辱观是基础。建设社会主义核心价值体系,要加强党的领导和管理,加强舆论宣传和思想政治工作,改进党员干部的教育培训和理论研究工作,从党组织和个人两个方面共同努力。  相似文献   
当代大学生在思想观念、生活环境、价值取向等方面均发生了许多变化 ,针对这些变化 ,高校思想政治工作者应采取提高“两课”教育的实效性、发挥校园文化的潜在作用、将思想教育与日常行为管理相结合、加强思想教育工作建设等措施 ,努力加强思想教育工作。  相似文献   
中国新意识形态是社会结构转型中的重要组成部分,它从阶级利益走向共同利益,虚构现实,生产现实,存在于对个体的咨唤之中,个体因此而“自由地同意”成为主体。新意识形态体现为政治上的国家主义,经济上的实用主义和文化上的消费主义,其叙事的核心是传媒镜像。而传播的研究,则是与特殊知识分子的角色定位一致的,“新意识形态与中国传媒”是他们大显身手的学术舞台。  相似文献   
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