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The establishment of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse followed years of lobbying by survivor groups, damning findings from previous inquiries, and increasing societal recognition of the often lifelong and intergenerational damage caused by child sexual abuse. Through extensive media coverage, the Royal Commission brought into public view the reality that the sexual abuse of children was widespread, and its recommendations are prompting organisational, policy, and legislative reform. This article explores the background to the Royal Commission, situating it within the history of previous inquiries and growing community outrage at the failure of institutions to adequately protect children and respond appropriately when abuse occurs. The article explores the ways in which the Royal Commission, more so than previous inquiries, brought child sexual abuse into public discourse. It also serves as an introduction to this special issue of the Journal of Australian Studies, which illustrates how the Royal Commission has fostered new scholarship across a range of disciplines as researchers engage with complex issues related to institutional child sexual abuse, its history, causes, impacts, and the important role of inquiries in confronting it.  相似文献   
杨雷 《东北亚论坛》2021,30(1):115-126
中俄所提出的两大倡议分别代表了各自在国际制度竞争有所加剧背景下的本国利益需求。二者都以拓宽欧亚经济合作渠道为首要目标,但是它们在原则、方向、手段等方面的差异是相互关系的不利因素。为了协调国际规则的制定,中俄确定对接两大倡议。一方面,中俄两国希望通过制度合作制衡美国霸权;另一方面,中俄在欧亚地区的一致性和冲突性并存,双方需要一个协调关系的制度框架。中俄两国既有以制度合作在国际体系层面应对美国压力的意图,也希望在地区范围内协调彼此关系。两大倡议的对接将增强国际社会新兴力量在国际制度体系构建和全球治理中的影响力,同时也能化解中俄双方潜在的矛盾,推动欧亚区域合作的进程。  相似文献   
经济社会的深刻转型与风险社会的渐趋深化,渐次引发了现代理性对传统制度价值的撕裂式解构“,生活的政治”日渐进入民众的日常生活体验中。基于宏观层面的分析视角已然无法有效概括、诠释乃至应对政治安全话语体系中的诸多问题,由此引发的理论迷思与实践困境启示我们应突破国家与社会的实体论和二元对立思想,打通从国家逻辑的宏大叙事到生活逻辑的日常叙事之间的壁障,从而在对政治安全制度逻辑的分析过程中,建构一个基于微观层面的替代性分析框架。制度的失场、僵化以及制度间的抵牾,都会成为政治安全问题衍生的结构性根源,应基于对制度与生活逻辑的细致观察而探寻政治安全实现与维系的微观基础。  相似文献   
This article aims to offer the first structural analysis of tax disputes under institutional instability using a core element of the international tax regime as an example. It offers a theory grounded on Mancur Olson's seminal contribution to group dynamics, the logic of collective action. It also suggests implications of this theory that might help to address key enforcement issues faced by the international tax regime in a frequent context worldwide: institutionally unstable countries.  相似文献   
The Women in Science and Engineering Leadership Institute (WISELI) at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, an NSF-funded ADVANCE Institutional Transformation project, employed the “discovery interviews” method to characterize the experiences of senior women faculty in science and engineering on campus. This method allowed WISELI to reach its aims of (1) gaining information from senior women that would inform the programs developed by WISELI, and (2) building relationships among the senior women and WISELI. The discovery interview process also had some unintended consequences, including creation of an expectation of advocacy that exceeded the original intent of the project. This method was well-matched to the needs of WISELI as a change agent at the UW-Madison, and has contributed a great deal to its Institutional Transformation efforts, primarily by changing WISELI’s perceptions of what leadership means to senior women faculty.  相似文献   
目前国内外关于城市自治的制度的研究多偏向着理想主义与现实主义的二元对立,本文借鉴历史新制度主义的诸多概念与理论,试图加深对西欧中世纪城市制度的起源与演化的研究。在城市起源问题上,本文努力将城市自治制度起源与城市起源两者区分开来,从制度分析中的结构与行动者两方面探寻西欧中世纪城市自治制度的生成:古希腊与古罗马的城市与地方自治制度作为重要的制度遗产,加上封建时代的权力分散结构为城市自治制度的诉求提供了结构性优势。而城市商人主导的市民阶层在行动中充分利用这些有利优势,在与领主的博弈中不断斗争,最终达成妥协,形成了以城市特许状为核心制度架构的城市自治制度体系。而在城市自治实施过程中,随着城市内外权力结构变化,国王与领主的权力逐步通过新的方式渗透到城市治理结构当中去,社会分层导致城市权贵主导的大家族或行会逐步垄断经济与政治管理权力,主导城市自治并逐步形成封闭的寡头统治,以至于触发后来连绵不断的城市底层市民的暴动。这样的自治蜕变犹如政体腐化一样,也呈现出别样的趋向性。  相似文献   
在当下我国强化检察监督的背景下,应当对公诉权滥用的问题予以关注和研究。实践中,不该起诉而起诉、随意变更公诉、恣意重新起诉是公诉权滥用的主要形态。对公诉权滥用的成因需要进行深入的语境化分析,相应地构建庭前起诉审查程序、引入刑事诉因制度、实现撤回起诉规范化、不起诉后再诉的规范化、再审抗诉规范化、司法管理现代化以及将法官职务犯罪的侦查权从检察权中剥离,以防范公诉权的滥用。  相似文献   
在发展主义的政策范式下,为了能使民间风险投资公司的成立合法化,且又要遵守垄断禁止法禁止成立持股公司的原则,并防止与中小企业政策产生矛盾,日本公平委员会采取了折中的方案,出台了"VC宪章"。"VC宪章"使日本大金融机构、大企业出资成立风险投资公司成为可能,并为风险投资三方主体间的交易提供了治理框架,约束了风险投资机构的投资行为,成为了日本传统风险投资模式的制度起点。  相似文献   
中国特色社会主义制度和国家治理体系具有无比优势,但制度优势还有待于转化为治理效能,治理能力还有待于进一步提高。实现现代化,当务之急是积极促进我国制度优势转化为治理效能。为此,应当加强和改善党对制度优势转化为治理效能的领导,各级党组织要充分认识和高度重视把制度优势转化为治理效能的重大意义,坚决贯彻党集中统一领导的各项制度,确保治理工作始终坚持正确的方向;应当充分发挥人民在制度优势转化为治理效能中的主体作用,完善人民代表大会组织制度和工作制度、立法和决定功能、监督功能,充分发挥共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度、基层群众自治制度的作用;应当改革和创新治理的体制机制,优化行政决策体制机制,强化行政执行体制机制,加强责任追究制度,健全行政执法责任制;应当优化政府职责体系和行政监管督察体制机制,加强决策监督、执行监管督察、效能监管督察,实现监督督察的制度化、程序化;应当正确处理和理顺各种治理关系,特别是政府和市场的关系、中央和地方关系、各行政部门之间的关系;应当强化各级领导干部的制度意识,不断提高其治理能力。  相似文献   
The article presents an extensive critical review of recent debates on the restructuring of Italian industrial districts in the 1990s. It shows that, despite consensus on the empirical 'facts' of district restructuring, there remains extensive disagreement over appropriate public policies. This debate fundamentally turns on analysts' interpretations of how, or indeed whether, strong institutions and localized subcultures allow territorial networks of small firms to compete successfully with larger and more highly capitalized multinational corporations. But perhaps the most crucial and contentious issues are questions about the past adequacy of the districts' regulatory and service institutions in overcoming structural difficulties of the model, and, more importantly, about further innovations that may be required given recent changes in the external economic context.  相似文献   
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