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随着社会的发展,一些国家相继步入“老龄化”社会,中国也不例外。目前,我国60岁以上的老人有1.85亿人,占全国总人口的13.7%。并且我国的“老龄化”社会还具有“未富先老”的特征。长期以来.理论和实务界对青壮年犯罪给予了比较多的关注,但对老年人犯罪关注甚少。但现实中由老年人引发的犯罪却屡见不鲜,并有逐步增长的趋势。老年人作为一个特殊群体,其生存状态与目前提出的“诚信友爱、安定有序”和谐社会的建设休戚相关。因此,以老年人犯罪为切入点,探寻预防老年人犯罪的对策。有助于促进和谐社会的构建。  相似文献   
Customer relationship management is a business strategy which dynamically integrates a set of services with the purpose of creating value for the organisation and for their customers. In Portugal, the 2009/2010 edition of ‘Simplex for Municipalities’, the action plan carried by the Portuguese government through the Secretary's Office of State for Administrative Modernisation, makes a commitment to promote a set of initiatives in order to help citizens using the public services. This process intends to reduce costs of context which burden the economic activities, making way for the modernisation of administration. Customer relationship management assumes a central role in this context. This paper presents the main results of a survey that was carried out with Portuguese municipalities, aiming a general characterisation of the adoption of customer relationship management systems, covering several aspects, from the motivations for CRM adoption to the obtained results. The improvement of the relationship with citizens and a higher information quality are some of the most important results obtained by municipalities.  相似文献   
台湾居民来往大陆管理的历史可以分为5个阶段,目前主要依照《中国公民来往台湾地区管理办法》进行管理,呈现出政治性、手续不断简化、管理方式灵活以及严格处罚与合法权益保障相统一等特点。随着两岸人员往来日益密切,在出入境证件管理、管理规程、两岸出入境主管部门沟通协调等方面存在的问题愈显突出。对此,应通过提高管理水平、建立两岸联络协调机制、设立相关试验区等措施加以完善。  相似文献   
Political regimes in East and Southeast Asia run the full spectrum from liberal democracy through various hybrid democratic-authoritarian types and on to full-blown authoritarianism and totalitarianism. While political scientists have invested much effort and ingenuity in creating typologies of regimes to better understand the empirical diversity of political structures and processes, much less attention has been paid to what the citizens think. How do people in East and Southeast Asian countries perceive their own institutions and performance of governance? This article uses public opinion data derived from the AsiaBarometer 2006 and 2007 Surveys of 12 East and Southeast Asian countries to map what citizens actually think about their structures, processes, and outcomes of governance and compare these with the regime classifications of political scientists. The results revealed universal commitment to elections but disillusionment with political practice, positive estimations of the institutions of governance in Southeast Asia but much less enthusiasm in East Asia, and a preference for moderate opinions. There is no clear overall correlation between regime type and popular perception.  相似文献   
Legislative studies research often insists on the weakness of the French Parliament compared with the executive. Yet very little qualitative and quantitative empirical research has been done into the work of deputies in the French National Assembly, or into the institution's role in policy and law-making. This article addresses these research gaps by first analysing the characteristics and drivers of French MPs' involvement in law-making rather than in other parliamentary activities, either in the Parliament or in their constituency. Second, it takes an original approach by comparing MPs' perceptions of their activities with those of their electorate through the use of mixed-method analyses (open and closed questionnaires with 230 MPs; 13 focus groups with ordinary citizens). This is indeed a crucial issue in order to better understand the causes fuelling citizens' criticism of their representatives.  相似文献   
扩大公民参与 推进社会管理创新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会管理创新的根本动力来源于广大人民群众的广泛参与和积极支持,扩大公民参与是实现社会管理创新的逻辑前提。当前,我国公民参与社会管理受到观念、制度、组织和信息等诸多方面的制约,为此,扩大公民参与必须积极培育和塑造公民的参与意识和自治精神,不断提高人民群众参与社会管理的主动性和积极性;加强和完善制度建设,为人民群众广泛参与社会管理提供可靠的制度保障;进一步拓宽参与渠道,提高公民参与社会管理的组织化和规范化水平;积极构建公民有序参与的公共平台,不断激发公民参与社会管理的自主活力。  相似文献   
神圣的法律似乎因为背后的人民因之是神圣的,似乎天然神圣的人民因为法律的保护而更加神圣。如非要追问二者究竟谁因谁而神圣,问题就有点复杂。因此,探讨人民的至高无上与至高无上的人民不惟有理论与事实的分野,还关涉对当下中国相关法律的追问与考虑。  相似文献   
大力发展社区老年服务是广西破解“未富先老”养老难题的重要出路.经过近30年的发展,广西城市社区老年服务已初具规模,并产生了良好的社会效益,但距离满足老年人社区服务需求的目标还存在着较大差距.广西应抓住社区老年服务发展中的突出问题,采取更为积极有效的措施,努力实现人口老龄化与经济社会协调发展  相似文献   
劣势积累与制度公平   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从生命历程的视角探讨了女性老年群体在获得公共养老保障资源方面所遭遇不公平待遇的社会制度因素,尝试从审视早年生活经历入手分析晚年生活,揭示了女性老年人的困境与她们人生经历的一系列不平等待遇的关系。作者认为社会干预是促进性别平等的手段。公平的社会政策不但要纠正对于女性的社会制度偏见,还应该弥补社会制度偏见对女性造成的伤害。社会保障应该成为这样一个补偿机制。  相似文献   
随着互联网的迅猛发展,中国最年轻的警种——网络警察由幕后走向台前。但是由于传统部门法对互联网监管的缺位,使警方在实施网络监控中暴露出一些新的问题,尤其是2005年和2008年两起裸聊案件的不同定性,让人们重新思考公权和私权的关系定位。文章以“裸聊”现象为视角,着力探讨了网络警察公权力的行使和网民公民权利的保护平衡问题,在推进公安信患化建设、加强执法规范化建设、构建和谐的警民关系的大背景下,提出了一些思路和对策。  相似文献   
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