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From United Nations emergency responses involving tent camps, to the reconstruction approach of FUNDASAL in El Salvador and the post-disaster provision of housing by Caritas in Asia, it is clear that a giant step has been taken in thinking about emergency shelter, as well as about how prevention and reconstruction are managed. This article evaluates some current good practices in Asia and Latin America in post-disaster emergency shelter that use local skills, materials, and tools, and participatory processes.  相似文献   
“Intersectionality” as a concept is increasingly finding its way into development work. In order to develop an understanding of the concept, this article shows how intersectionality can be used as a conceptual framework to analyse identity-based development claims. The article builds on qualitative research with people living in the countryside in northwest Pakistan to develop an intersectional methodology to engage with development claims. It uses a three-step analytical model to identify subject positions from which different people negotiate “eligibility for development'' and ‘‘responsibility to develop”. The paper shows how frequently used categorisations such as gender and class should be complicated by development practitioners and worked with in a more nuanced way.  相似文献   
Rickshaw pulling is a large, labour-intensive, unorganised sector in India, involving 8 million individuals belonging to the lowest social strata. The article describes an initiative to increase the daily earnings of rickshaw pullers by training them to retail branded products, on a ‘bulk-buying retail-selling’ model. The article reports on a project that began with 30 rickshaw pullers in Jaunpur, a semi-urban district of eastern India. Critical issues related to the sustainability and future of such projects on a large scale are discussed.  相似文献   
Every day 25,000 people die of hunger and hunger-related causes. While it is recognised that the international development system is not as effective as it should be, years of endeavours to achieve greater harmonisation of international aid and to create an effective architecture pass by without adequate results. The article introduces a framework for enhancing the effectiveness of the international development system, based on fundamental concepts of Systems Thinking. It discusses the complex systemic challenges to development and suggests that more effective control is a key precondition for greater effectiveness in development as a whole.  相似文献   
KAP Score is an evaluation tool developed to enable aid and donor organisations to monitor and evaluate the outcome of interventions, particularly those where the link between programme activities and outcomes constitutes an “unknown”. This article articulates KAP Score and demonstrates how it has been applied to two separate interventions related to risk avoidance (human trafficking) and demand reduction (wildlife consumption) to generate quantitative evidence for assessing how they contributed to increasing compliance. The examples presented demonstrate how KAP Score attributed the effectiveness of these interventions to a proxy indicator that can measure incremental behavioural compliance.  相似文献   
The use of system dynamics tools can add valuable insights when identifying and evaluating priorities for pro-poor value chain upgrading. However, to better understand the complex systems in agricultural value chains and to develop useful models, a participatory modelling process is important. This article highlights the group model building process of the dairy value chain in Matiguás, Nicaragua, one of a few examples of participatory model building in developing countries. The results confirm several benefits with participatory system dynamics modelling, including team learning, a greater understanding of the value of modelling, and a tool for decision-making and priority setting.  相似文献   
In southern Chile, Mapuche Indigenous communities are using video and digital filmmaking to collectively reflect on and communicate knowledge. This article shares their experience, arguing that with the increasing accessibility of information and communication technologies, we should be rethinking and broadening the acceptable ways to generate and convey knowledge about development. Acknowledging the diverse ways of knowing and communicating knowledge, this article suggests that video can be a powerful tool for self-representative knowledge-sharing by Indigenous communities. Only by expanding our debates beyond written media can we engage equitably with a plurality of knowledge-holders to resolve development challenges.  相似文献   
African smallholders face few opportunities that can be captured through new technologies alone. Analysis of the institutional context in which they work opens new pathways for innovation. This article synthesises nine studies that attempted such analysis. Using mixed appraisal methods, the studies identify institutional conditions that explain the, often unsatisfactory, outcomes of smallholders, as well as entry points for changing them. Instead of at the farm or community levels, Participatory Innovation System Analysis seeks at higher levels to identify actors, networks and mechanisms that maintain or can change the “pervasive bias against the small farm sector” in SSA.

Défier le « biais omniprésent » à l'encontre des petits cultivateurs africains: identifier les points d'entrée pour les changements institutionnels

Les petits cultivateurs africains ont à leur disposition peu d'opportunités qui puissent être saisies par le seul biais des nouvelles technologies. Une analyse du contexte institutionnel dans lequel ils travaillent ouvre de nouvelles voies pour l'innovation. Cet article synthétise neuf études qui ont tenté une analyse de ce type. À l'aide de méthodes d’évaluation mixtes, les études identifient les conditions institutionnelles qui expliquent les résultats, souvent insatisfaisants, obtenus par les petits cultivateurs, ainsi que les points d'entrée pour les modifier. Au lieu de le faire aux niveaux des exploitations ou des communautés, l'Analyse participative des systèmes d'innovation cherche à identifier à des niveaux supérieurs les acteurs, réseaux et mécanismes qui maintiennent ou peuvent modifier le « biais omniprésent à l'encontre du secteur des petits cultivateurs » en Afrique sub-saharienne.

Cuestionando “el prejuicio persistente” contra los pequeños productores africanos: identificando puntos de abordaje para lograr el cambio institucional

No existen muchas oportunidades de desarrollo dependientes exclusivamente del uso de tecnologías nuevas que puedan ser explotadas por los pequeños productores de África. El análisis del contexto institucional en el que éstos trabajan permite abrir nuevas vías para la innovación. El presente artículo sintetiza nueve estudios que realizaron dicho análisis. A partir del uso de distintos métodos de valoración, dichos estudios identificaron las condiciones institucionales que explican los resultados —a menudo insatisfactorios— obtenidos por los pequeños productores y señalan los puntos de abordaje para mejorar tales resultados. En vez de ser aplicado a nivel de parcela o de comunidad, el Análisis Participativo de Innovación de Sistemas procura identificar a aquellos actores, redes y mecanismos existentes a niveles superiores que pueden mantener o transformar el “perjuicio persistente contra el sector de las pequeñas parcelas” en el África Subsahariana.

Desafiando o “preconceito difundido” contra os pequenos proprietários africanos: identificando portas de entrada para mudança institucional

Os pequenos produtores africanos possuem poucas oportunidades que só podem ser aproveitadas com novas tecnologias. A análise do contexto institucional no qual eles trabalham abre novos caminhos para a inovação. Este artigo sintetiza nove estudos que visaram tal análise. Utilizando métodos de avaliação mistos, os estudos identificam condições institucionais que explicam os resultados, frequentemente insatisfatórios, de pequenos produtores, além de portas de entrada para modificá-los. Em vez dos níveis rurais ou comunitários, a Análise Participativa do Sistema de Inovação busca em níveis mais altos identificar agentes, redes e mecanismos que mantêm ou podem mudar o “preconceito difundido contra o setor dos pequenos produtores rurais” na África Subsaariana.  相似文献   

Based on data from the Latinobarómetro, this study analyses data on happiness to establish the probability that an individual is happy. The focus is put on self-reported health status as a key aspect in increasing levels of happiness. The probability of being happy is econometrically estimated by probit models for each country. Results show that the main relationship is between happiness and health status. Whether this is a causal effect or only a correlation, is not clear. This issue is explored by using propensity score matching methods. These show that good health status increases the probability of being satisfied with life by between 13 and 17 percentage points. In line with the literature, we find that the relationship between age and happiness is U-shaped, with happiness at its lowest point at the age of 48.2.

Les personnes en bonne santé sont-elles plus heureuses ? Données concrètes en provenance du Chili et de l'Uruguay

Sur la base de données tirées du Latinobarómetro, cette étude analyse des données sur le bonheur afin d'établir la probabilité du bonheur de personnes données. L'accent est mis sur l'état de santé présenté par la personne elle-même comme aspect clé du niveau croissant de bonheur. La probabilité de bonheur est estimée économétriquement au moyen de modèles probit pour chaque pays. Les résultats indiquent que le principal rapport est celui qui relie le bonheur et l'état de santé. Quant à savoir si c'est là une relation de cause à effet ou seulement une corrélation, ce n'est pas évident. Cette question est traitée au moyen de méthodes d'appariement par score de propension, qui montrent qu'un bon état de santé accroît la probabilité de se sentir satisfait de sa vie de 13 à 17 pour cent. Conformément aux documents écrits sur ce thème, nous constatons que le rapport entre l'âge et le bonheur est en forme de U, le bonheur atteignant son niveau le plus bas à l'âge de 48,2 ans.

¿Son más felices las personas sanas? Hallazgos en Chile y Uruguay

A través del Latinobarómetro para Chile y Uruguay 2007, se estima a través de modelos probit la probabilidad de que un individuo sea feliz. La principal correlación positiva se da entre la felicidad y el buen estado de salud. A efectos de controlar la potencial heterogeneidad observable de esta variable, se utilizan técnicas de correspondencia encontrando que tener buena salud aumenta entre 13 y 17 puntos porcentuales la probabilidad de ser feliz para los datos agrupados regionales. Consecuentemente con la literatura, se encuentra una forma convexa con respecto a la edad, siendo los 48.2 años la edad de mínima felicidad.

As pessoas mais saudáveis são mais felizes? Evidências do Chile e Uruguai

Baseado em dados do Latinobarómetro, este estudo analisa dados sobre felicidade para estabelecer a probabilidade de um indivíduo ser feliz. O enfoque é dado na condição de saúde auto-relatada como aspecto-chave para aumentar os níveis de felicidade. A probabilidade de ser feliz é econometricamente estimada por modelos probit para cada país. Resultados mostram que a principal relação é entre felicidade e condição de saúde. Se isto é um efeito causal ou apenas uma correlação, não está claro. Esta questão é explorada utilizando-se métodos PSM (Propensity Score Matching). Estes métodos mostram que boas condições de saúde aumentam a probabilidade de satisfação com a vida em cerca de 13 a 17 pontos percentuais. Em sintonia com a literatura, constatamos que a relação entre idade e alegria tem a forma de U, com a alegria em seu ponto mais baixo na idade de 48.2.  相似文献   
The development sector is rife with complaints about strict accountability requirements imposed by donors. However, this paper argues that the imposition of a new accountability framework can sometimes be converted into a useful tool. This note describes how the IMPACT alliance used the Five Capabilities (5C) model prescribed by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It describes the major findings from a baseline assessment, and reflections on that process. The authors argue that the operationalisation of the 5C model provides useful opportunities for discussing capacity development priorities with partners.

Utilisation du modèle des cinq capacités (5C): faire de nécessité vertu

Les plaintes sont nombreuses dans le secteur du développement concernant les exigences strictes de reddition de compte imposées par les bailleurs de fonds. Cependant, cet article soutient que l'imposition d'un nouveau cadre de reddition de comptes peut parfois être convertie en outil utile. Cette note décrit la manière dont l'alliance IMPACT a eu recours au modèle des cinq capacités (5C) prescrit par le ministère néerlandais des Affaires étrangères. Elle décrit les principales conclusions tirées d'une évaluation de référence, ainsi que des réflexions sur ce processus. Les auteurs soutiennent que l'opérationnalisation du modèle des 5C donne des occasions utiles de discuter des priorités de développement des capacités avec les partenaires.

Operando el modelo de las Cinco Capacidades (5C): hacer de la necesidad una virtud

En el ámbito de desarrollo, prevalecen las quejas en relación a las estrictas medidas de rendición de cuentas impuestas por los donantes. Sin embargo, el presente artículo sostiene que el requisito de usar un nuevo marco para la rendición de cuentas, a veces puede convertirse en un ejercicio útil. En el artículo se describe cómo la alianza impact usó el modelo Cinco Capacidades (5C) recomendado por el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Holanda. En este sentido, se analizan las conclusiones de una evaluación de referencia y se hacen reflexiones respecto a este proceso. Los autores sostienen que la implementación del modelo 5C genera oportunidades útiles para revisar las prioridades en torno al desarrollo de capacidades con las contrapartes.

Utilizando o modelo das Cinco Capacidades (5C): fazendo da necessidade uma virtude

O setor de desenvolvimento é repleto de reclamações sobre exigências rigorosas de prestação de contas impostas por doadores. Porém, este artigo argumenta que a imposição de uma nova estrutura de prestação de contas pode às vezes ser convertida em uma ferramenta útil. Esta nota descreve como a aliança IMPACT utilizou o modelo das Cinco Capacidades (5C) prescrito pelo Ministro holandês de Assuntos Estrangeiros. Ele descreve os principais resultados de uma avaliação de base e reflexões sobre este processo. Os autores argumentam que a operacionalização do modelo 5C oferece oportunidades úteis para se discutir as prioridades de desenvolvimento de capacidade com parceiros.  相似文献   

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