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正China becomes increasingly involved in Middle East issue The international community once described China’s Middle East diplomatic policy using phrases such as"modera-tion,""detachment,"or"lack of imagination."But as its status as a global player grows,China is no longer merely a distant observer of events in the volatile region.  相似文献   
叶自强 《证据科学》2014,(4):389-400
针对我国人民陪审员制目前面临的“陪而不审”、“审而不议”之晋遍困境,本文探讨了西方国家陪审制产生和发展的过程,认识到“分权是陪审制成长的基本条件”;详细探讨了我国“陪而不审”、“审而不议”现象的主要形态,指出没有实行分权是造成这种困窘局面的根源;讨论了正在兴起的河南人民陪审圆制度的进步意义与局限性;主张我国应当建立以分权为首要特征的人民陪审员制度,为此需要立法机关制定有关陪审团如何与法官分享裁判权的制度,其中最关键的是制定证据法和陪审团法。  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, Brazil’s foreign policy-making, traditionally a highly centralised and hierarchical process, has become more fragmented, plural and horizontal. In this context, the role of non-state actors has been increasingly relevant. The impact and significance of these actors have been however a matter of debate. While there are authors that consider that non-state actors play only a secondary role in the policy-making process, there are others that assert that these actors work alongside governmental actors and directly influence policy choices. Drawing on the concept of network governance, the paper proposes a different view from the two recurrent approaches in the literature mentioned above. It argues that the recent steps to transform Brazil’s state governance from hierarchy to horizontal networks have indeed expanded the room for the direct participation of non-state actors in the policy process. However, state authorities fought to adjust this tendency, in order to retain control over the decision-making process, by putting in place formal and informal coordinating mechanisms led by the Ministry of Foreign Relations and the Presidency. This suggests Brazil’s foreign policy was made in the shadow of hierarchy. The paper demonstrates the argument using the case of Brazil’s foreign policy towards China.  相似文献   
通过对指数报告进行统计数据和测试题目两个层面的分析,可以发现司法改革方案需要注意的几个问题:司法改革方案的整体性、配套性、正当性、有效性的改革方向和更多的具体课题,应充分考虑地方性的特殊因素,确保司法改革方案的讨论、确定程序的参与性。  相似文献   
砂拉越位于婆罗洲,原为文莱属地,1841年白人拉惹政权建立后,大批华人在其招垦下移入砂拉越。在华文教育萌芽的初期,白人拉惹对其取自由放任的态度,直至20世纪20年代,因华人社会中的政治运动及海外华侨民族主义在各个华文学校的发展,才颁布学校注册法令,开始干涉砂拉越地区的华文教育。二战后,白人拉惹将砂拉越让渡给英国,新成立的殖民地政府急于统合境内各族群对砂拉越的认同,遂推动以英语为教学媒介语的国家教育制度,迫使砂拉越华文中等学校在改制成以英语授课的学校或独立中学之间做出选择。为保存族群母语教育,为华族子弟接受母语教育提供机会,在古晋地区创立的中华第一中学,决定成为一间华文独立中学。这间华文独立中学至今仍有千名以上学生,其校园中充满华族文化气息。本文对古晋中华第一中学的创立、发展、经营作一个案研究,期盼对吾人进一步了解战后砂拉越华族社会族群语言的维护及文化的传承有所助益。  相似文献   
进入新时代以来,中国始终坚持共同、综合、合作、可持续的安全观,倡导构建中东安全新架构。在参与中东传统安全治理、化解地区冲突方面,中国始终推动对话协商,致力于公正合理解决中东热点问题,构筑兼顾各方合理关切的集体安全架构。在改善地区安全环境方面,中国抓住中东地区主要安全矛盾,顺应地区国家寻求缓和与发展的时代潮流,取得了促成沙特与伊朗复交的重大成果。在参与非传统安全治理方面,中国与中东国家共同提高应对非传统安全威胁的能力,共同维护发展中国家的权益。在参与中东安全治理的过程中,中国形成了以共同安全破解独享安全、以综合安全破解分割安全、以合作安全破解竞争安全等理念和经验,在中东安全事务中发挥了重要的建设性作用。  相似文献   
道义现实主义国际关系理论的核心原理是:决定大国兴衰的根本原因是大国的政治领导力,其本质是一国政府为适应不断变动的国际国内战略环境而进行改革的方向、决心与能力。根据道义现实主义原理,中国综合国力居世界第二位是中国制定崛起目标和策略的基础,符合国力基础的目标和战略就易于成功,而超越实力基础的目标和战略则会削弱中国的实力。道义现实主义认为,外交承诺与实力保持一致有利于提高国际战略信誉,从而减少国际社会对崛起国的恐惧和反对;为周边国家提供安全保障可获得对崛起国的战略支持;为减少崛起的国际阻力,崛起国应在新兴领域拓展利益范围而尽量避免在传统领域的利益冲突。在信息化时代,在网络空间拓展中国国际战略利益应成为中国主攻方向,网络战略应采取"走出去"原则而非为了安全的防御原则。在外部威胁不足以颠覆中国崛起的情况下,为防止中国的崛起半途夭折的重点将是防范国内的极左陷阱。"台独"正在成为中国崛起面临的首要威胁,中美在南海的战略竞争将长期化,朝鲜拥核是中国的东北亚地区政策无法回避的既成事实。  相似文献   
Parents who experience great amounts of legal conflict as they dissolve their relationship and arrive at their parenting arrangements require an outsize proportion of courts’ time and resources. Additionally, there is overwhelming evidence that conflict has a deleterious effect on their children. We partnered with the family court to conduct a study comparing the effectiveness of two programs for families deemed by their judge to be high conflict and thereby mandated to a program. Both involved one 3‐hour session; the existing program, Parent Conflict Resolution (PCR), used exhortational lecture and video; the newly designed experimental program, Family Transitions Guide (FTG), based on motivational interviewing, employed exercises attempting to get parents to decide for themselves what they needed to do for the sake of their children. Parents were assigned at random to one of the two programs (the literature often terms this a randomized clinical trial) and were interviewed just before it began and 9 months later, as was a child. Results showed that child's report of their own well‐being was significantly improved by FTG as compared to PCR and that these effects were mediated by children feeling less caught in the middle. On several variables, parent report showed that parents in PCR as compared to FTG felt decreased problems in co‐parenting and less interparental conflict, although the effects were not consistent across mother and father report. There was also evidence of diminished legal conflict over 9 months in FTG as compared to PCR.  相似文献   
中国古代侦查谋略探源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国古代侦查谋略极为发达,主要原因有三个方面:一是古典哲学的产生为侦查谋略的发展奠定了理论基础;二是权谋之争和频繁的战争为侦查谋略的运用提供了实践基础;三是后人对前代的学习与继承是侦查谋略发展的力量之源.  相似文献   
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