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刘长秋 《时代法学》2011,9(6):14-21
作为生命法学研究对象的生命法拥有自身独特的发展历程。国外生命法与中国生命法尽管显现出了不尽相同的发展进路,但却有着相同的推动力量。具体来说:生命法的发展是经济社会进步的必然结果,是科技进步的必然结果。生命法的本质使命在于保障人类生命伦理社会秩序的相对稳定。就其发展进路来看,生命科技的不断进步与人类经济社会的持续发展使得生命法的调整范围必然呈现出日渐扩大的趋向,其体系构成必然会逐步完善,而生命法的内容也会越来越趋向于理性。  相似文献   
基于司法理性之逻辑必然,现代司法在迈向专业化或者职业化过程中,不可避免地存在着贵族化与精英化之内在趋向。其中,专业化程度被认为是引领司法达至“效果最优”的基本要素,但贵族化趋向则被认为是诱导司法走向“悖论”的基本因素-它使得司法很可能被异化为一个远离大众、甚至背离常识的封闭市场。为弥补司法职业理性之缺陷,化解其内在的逻辑“悖论”,有必要在制度安排上为生活理性渗入高度职业化的司法过程设置某种管道或者窗口,使得司法程序、法官质素以及司法判决更具包容性,并为包容性司法之成长创设制度环境。  相似文献   
蔡晓荣 《现代法学》2011,33(5):13-23
在中国传统社会,对于失火之法律责任,国家法律通常只明确了刑事制裁而无民事赔偿的规定;在民间的习惯法层面,失火人亦往往不担赔偿之责。不过在中国近代大规模继受西方民法的进程中,这一固有法的常态性规范渐被外来的侵权行为规则所排斥。中国近代的侵权行为立法,最终确立了失火行为的民事赔偿责任,且不对过失程度作出任何限定。不过社会实证经验又同样证明,失火毋需赔偿之固有法规范虽被旁置,但内嵌其中的社会文化性内容则在一定程度上被积淀下来,并以一种生活逻辑的形式潜移默化地影响着人们的思维,支配着人们的行为方式。  相似文献   
Virtual world economies are undoubtedly increasing in growth, participation and importance. Their macroeconomic impact has already been seen as important in the real world economies; however its governance and jurisdiction is unclear. This paper will argue that virtual economies are not actually as virtual as they first appear to be. Secondly the paper argues that because of the real world effects and impacts virtual world economies can have, they should be applicable to real world jurisdictions and regulations. The question that is therefore posed is in which jurisdiction should the legal backbone be placed? The paper will be divided into several parts. Firstly, a background of what virtual worlds are, and what they mean in linguistic definition. Secondly, a review of law economics and history shall be considered to determine that what is once considered ‘other worldly’ is accepted as the norm. Thirdly, the paper will consider a virtual world economy, namely that of Second Life to establish the real world impacts that virtual world economies can have. Fourthly, the paper will consider two case studies of financial crisis occurring in the virtual worlds and the synergies we can draw from the real world. Finally, the paper will conclude with the proposition that legal governance is required and will enable what is already a lucrative business to flourish further within the realms of possibility and not virtually.  相似文献   
略论中国刑法中的死刑替代措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高铭暄 《河北法学》2008,26(2):18-21
死刑替代措施,是指基于限制死刑适用的目的,对于立法上特定性质的犯罪,司法中特殊情况下的罪犯,不适用死刑立即执行,而代之以其他刑罚处罚方法。死刑替代措施是限制死刑中不可或缺并被证明行之有效的方法。从完善既有方式、探索新的途径入手,死刑替代措施包括死刑缓期执行;严格的无期徒刑;附赔偿的长期自由刑三种。当前,有必要在立法上对刑罚体系作进一步调整、修改、完善,以全面体现死刑替代措施;在司法中,注意发挥死刑替代措施在限制死刑中的作用。  相似文献   
传统学说不承认中国古代妇女个体享有私有财产所有权,但宋代时期,妇女经济地位普遍高涨、财产私权观念与诉讼权利意识勃兴,士大夫法官们亦包容妇女的奁产诉讼,故而无论从立法规定还是从社会生活事实,抑或从司法判决来看,宋代妇女完全拥有奁产所有权,这是汉唐元明清妇女所不能企及的。上述新的时代变化,无疑为我们深刻认识宋代的近世化转型提供了一种崭新的视角,亦是对中国古代妇女无私有财产所有权学说的一种纠偏,同时对现代民法中夫妻财产制度的构建亦具有一定的历史启迪。  相似文献   
法律与道德的关系是一个古老而常新的话题。在法治国家 ,法律居于道德之上 ,法律具有比道德更高的权威。但是 ,正如众人所知 ,道德形成于法律之前 ,在人类文明发展的漫长一段时期内 ,道德构建了并维持着社会生活的秩序 ,且有效性至今不衰。正是如此 ,法律与道德并非是截然分立的两种社会控制方式 ,两者相互渗透 ,存在一定的重合性。至于道德对法律领域的渗透 ,不仅体现在立法层面 ,在司法层面上亦是显而易见的。本文旨在通过分析司法过程中道德影响的原因、表现及对它的控制 ,对道德因素在司法过程中的影响作粗略的探讨  相似文献   
科玄论战的主旋律、插曲及其当代回响(下)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
也许正是洞察到张君劢论点中的这些缺陷,科学派当即对其进行了针锋相对的批驳.针对张君劢鼓吹孔孟朱王注重内心修养形成的精神文明以及把精神文明和物质文明对立起来的观点,丁文江径直反诘道:"懒惰的人,不细心研究历史实际,不肯睁开眼睛看看所谓‘精神文明'究竟在什么地方,不肯想想世上可有单靠内心修养造成的‘精神文明';他们不肯承认所谓‘经济史观',也还罢了,难道他们也忘记了那‘衣食足而后知礼节,仓廪实而后知荣辱'的老话吗?"[52]针对张君劢的寡均贫安说,他一针见血地指出:"中国现在寡到什么程度,贫到什么田地,君劢研究过没有?那一年北方遭旱灾,没有饭吃的人有二千万人:卖儿女的也有,吃人肉的也有.  相似文献   
Due to lack of effective, and adequate communication on the standpoint of the government and the attitudes of civil society in legislative process, this has led to tension between the government and the general public. Within the context of law enforcement, the government sticks to “problem-based strategies” and “campaign-based enforcement”, who believe in the power of coercive force. As a way out of the dilemma in law enforcement, it is required that in the process of rule-making, the government should communicate effectively with the civil society in the institutionalized system, focusing on learning, reflection, and strategic adjustment. Wang Xixin, Professor at Law School of Peking University. Since 1999, Prof. Wang is a working member of China Administrative Legislative Research Group an academic team advising China’s Legal Affairs Working Commission on administrative law reforms. Since 2001, he is a major drafter for China’s Administrative Procedure Act. Since 2002, he is a research consultant for the NPC Standing Committee General Office. Since 2003, he is a research fellow of the China Law Center of Yale Law School. Since 2005, he is a Vice-chairman of Beijing Administrative Law Society. In academia, Prof. Wang is focused on administrative procedure, public participation, rulemaking and comparative administrative studies, whose publications include books, such as “Administrative Procedure: A Theoretic and Institutional Inquiry” (Beijing, 2007) and “Public Participation and Administrative Process” (Beijing, 2007) and some 30 articles for journals published in China and America. Moreover, Prof. Wang often submits papers and gives lectures in academic forums, including Columbia Law School, Yale Law School, the Woodrow Wilson Center for Int’l Scholarship, and Carnige Endowment for Int’l Peace.  相似文献   
本文主要通过考察夫妻财产制度的发展来分析夫妻财产制度道德基础的变化,通过对几种夫妻财产制度的分析,总结出夫妻财产制度道德基础变化的依据和社会背景,并对未来之夫妻财产制度作出预测。  相似文献   
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