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中国大国责任的担当是全方位多领域的,从武装冲突法看主要有:依法使用武力,捍卫本国安全和领土完整;他国间(内)利益争端引发武装冲突时,不介入不干涉;联合国采取或授权军事行动时,积极支持或参加;局部战争严重威胁地区安全时,援助正义方;其他情势严重危害人类生存时,采取多种手段介入。  相似文献   
羌族是一个人口众多、传统悠久的民族.现在主要居住在四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州的汶川、理县、茂县以及绵阳市的北川县、平武县等地。据2005年的官方统计,户籍登记为羌族的人口约为32.65万。在2008年“5·12”特大地震灾难中,羌族人口损失将近10%。羌族地区至今仍保留着以原始宗教,万物有灵,多种信仰的灵物案拜为核心的民事习惯,婚姻习惯是其非常重要的内容之一。“5·12”地震后,羌族人的婚姻习惯法有了较大程度的变化,从形式到实质都更加符合国家法的理念与要求,这无疑是羌族社会文明发展的重大进步。  相似文献   
在公安教育体制改革的大背景下,基于传统公安教学训练模式与公安实战吻合度低的现状,通过总结传统“案情简介”训练模式的弱点并结合公安实战和公安教育规律,利用先进的软件与网络应用技术,设计并联合研发出一套高度集成并全程展现体验式、参与式和互动式等多种公安教育方法,同时能够提供自主案例设计、网络教学演示与仿真模拟训练的紧密贴近公安实战的通用型教学平台软件——“公安教、学、练、战一体化模拟演训平台”。该平台的实质就是高仿真模拟侦办刑事犯罪案件全过程,身临其境地体验公安机关办理刑事犯罪案件的各个环节,亲自收集并审查各类相关证据、询问证人、讯问犯罪嫌疑人,并完成各类工作文书和法律文书的使用和撰写工作。实现教学与实战的零距离,全方位提升学员的实际应用能力和动手能力。  相似文献   
姚桓 《桂海论丛》2013,(1):29-33
党的十八大在新形势下强调“全面提高党的建设科学化水平”的新理念,这一理念在表述上有传承更有丰富和发展。全面提高党的建设科学化水平,要深刻理解党建科学化的内涵、新形势下强调党建科学化的必要性以及全面提高党建科学化水平的路径措施。  相似文献   
Kai Ostwald 《圆桌》2013,102(6):521-532

Allegations of electoral irregularities loomed large prior to and following Malaysia’s 13th general election in May 2013. Yet while these irregularities elicited strong reactions domestically and internationally, they are unlikely to have played a significant role in shaping the election’s outcome. Rather than how the game was played, it was the very rules of the game itself that were responsible for returning the United Malays National Organization and its Barisan Nasional coalition to power for the 13th consecutive time, as Malaysia’s electoral institutions quietly transformed the incumbent coalition’s 4% deficit in the popular vote into a 20% winning margin of parliamentary seats. This is largely the result of substantial variation in the size of electoral districts, which had the effect of delivering parliamentary seats to Barisan Nasional with significantly fewer votes than were required by the opposition to secure its seats. This article has two primary aims. First, it seeks to understand better malapportionment in Malaysia by examining the degree of distortions at multiple institutional levels. It demonstrates these distortions to be exceptionally high from a comparative perspective. Second, it seeks to understand better the factors responsible for the size variation of electoral districts, specifically the extent to which the non-partisan factors stipulated in the constitution can explain the variation. Several tests are conducted using new data on the density of voters in electoral districts. The results strongly indicate a partisan element to malapportionment. This creates an institutionalized bias against the opposition and risks increasing polarization in the Malaysian polity.  相似文献   
法定犯时代下,后工业社会中各种风险逐渐升格,古典自由主义刑法理论地位受到动摇,刑法制裁体系相应地吸收了积极刑法观理念,前置刑法干预起点,降低入罪门槛,而社会整体评价体系中却缺乏相应的轻罪或微罪评价模式、犯罪分层意识,从而导致刑法附随法律责任引发实质意义上罪责关系的不协调,违反罪刑法定、罪责刑相适应、责任主义原则等问题。同“以刑制罪”对“从罪到刑”的罪刑关系的反思,在意图限缩刑罚的法益理论逐渐沦为为刑法扩张“背书”的情况下,对犯罪附随法律责任的重视能够促进法益判断标准的实质化,从而有利于促进立法批判机能的实现,也能对保安处分科学化和刑罚“双轨制”发展有所裨益。基于新社会防卫论的论证逻辑也应该对附随后果的逆向论证逻辑以及定位做出限制,同时提出犯罪人处遇重构、引入复权制度等具体举措,以期达到法律体系内部法律责任的协调。  相似文献   
Chapter 11 of the North American Free Trade Agreement requires governments to treat foreign investors the same as domestic investors, to afford them international standards of due process of law, and to compensate investors for any actions that expropriate their investments or are “tantamount” to expropriation. It allows foreign investors to submit compensation claims to international arbitration. To the alarm of the environmental community, four of the early Chapter 11 claims involved challenges to government measures that were, or appeared to be, environmental protection measures. The first three of the four claimants ultimately received compensation; the fourth claim was denied as being outside the scope of Chapter 11. This paper takes an in-depth look at the circumstances of these four claims to determine whether the claimants had thwarted or avoided bona fide environmental protection measures and to try to assess whether these claims have “chilled” government imposition of new environmental measures. The facts of the cases and developments subsequently indicate that the government actions in the first three cases were not truly environmental protection measures, but were motivated by local political and economic considerations. The fourth claim, which involved a bona fide environmental protection, was rightly rejected. Meanwhile the number of “environmental” claims under Chapter 11 has dwindled. The paper concludes that environmentalists have little ground for alarm, and much reason to be encouraged, about how Chapter 11 has influenced environmental protection.
Sanford E. GainesEmail:
民族观是在族际交往过程中形成的,族际间政治、经济、文化交流是民族观形成的社会基础,族际经济交往中形成的互补、互利、互惠之关系是族际间求"和"的巨大动力,它是一种自然形成的"合力".而历代开明统治者对和谐族际关系的自觉营造则人为地巩固了这种"合力".族际间的文化交流与共事则把"和"的观念深入人心.  相似文献   
当前,公安机关在犯罪认定中存在一些问题,正确认定犯罪必须切实把握犯罪的总体特征及个罪的具体构成,坚持具体案情具体分析,合理运用逻辑推理。  相似文献   
党的十八大报告是党团结带领全国各族人民坚定不移走中国特色社会主义道路,在新的历史起点上继续发展中国特色社会主义的政治宣言和行动纲领,更是指导新时期思想政治教育工作的重要文献。它的理论意义在于深化了思想政治教育学科的指导思想与时代内涵,而它的实践意义则在于拓展了思想政治教育的载体和创新了思想政治教育工作的实践路径。  相似文献   
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