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A new statute, “Hiding New and Old Fugitive Slaves of Manchus,” was added to the first version of the Qing code in 1647, and this statute surprisingly regulated that any offenders would be excluded from any amnesties. This is especially noteworthy because, according to both Ming and Qing codes, only severe crimes, such as treason and rebellion, were excluded from any amnesties. Previous scholars have not considered why the statute excluded any amnesties, nor have they analyzed how this amnesty policy was implemented in practice. This article contends that the exclusion did not arise from Manchu tradition. Instead, it was an exceptional response to the norms of amnesties in the Ming and Qing codes. Because the fugitive problem, involving slaves of Manchus fleeing from the banner system, endangered Manchus’ interests, the Qing court was compelled to exclude fugitive criminals from amnesties. However, the Qing court did not strictly apply the amnesty policy of this statute. Criminals in fugitive cases were sometimes pardoned because of amnesties during the Dorgon regency period. Dorgon, Shunzhi, Oboi, and Kangxi all initially excluded those harboring fugitives from amnesties, but later changed their amnesty policies in this regard. Even though the crime of harboring fugitives became a permanent symbol of Manchu rule and was recorded in every emperor’s enthronement edict from Kangxi to Xuantong, the Qing court gradually came to accept norms concerning amnesties as practiced in Han society and treated fugitive cases as ordinary court cases during and after the Kangxi emperor’s reign.  相似文献   
王晓霞 《学理论》2010,(11):79-80
回族汉译阿文经典是明末清初在经堂教育兴起后,江南回族中具有学贯回、儒、释、道的学者适应回族社会发展需要而兴起的"以儒诠经"活动,对回族自身发展以及回族宗教文化的提升都产生了重要的影响,可以说是回族形成之后民族意识的第一次觉醒。  相似文献   
陈松长 《政法论坛》2020,(1):154-161
秦代以吏治严明著称,即将出版的《岳麓书院藏秦简》(陆)一书中大量的秦律令文献再一次给秦代的吏治研究提供了崭新的材料。这些新见的秦令条文,涉及到秦代惩治狱吏贪腐,限制吏员陪同人数,禁止吏员与民争利等多方面的法律规定,仔细解读这些秦令条文,既可了解秦代以法令形式严明吏治的方式和作为,又可给现代的行政制度管理提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
Institutional reform and social changes in northeast China during the late Qing period are usually attributed to the Qing dynasty changing its policy on immigration to northeast China. However, institutional reform because of debt appeals between civilian creditors and the Mongolian princes is often overlooked. Using administrative cases from Fengtian Governor Archives and Kirin Prefecture Archives, this study identifies how the governor officers of northeast China changed Mongolian land rights and official finance institutions through appeal judgments in the late Qing dynasty. Appeals were related to Mongolian land rights reform and promoted the financial institutional reform in northeast China. This study concludes by arguing that the judgments affected the profits of the litigants and changed the local society.  相似文献   
北宋前期,宋廷对吐蕃的招抚发生于宋、夏、蕃三者错综复杂的争夺形势之中。北宋对吐蕃的招抚具有军事、经济、政治综合经制的鲜明特点,"抚而有之"收到了一定的效果。但是,宋王朝招抚吐蕃所具有的时代与阶级的局限性却规定着宋蕃关系发展的最终走向。  相似文献   
我国古代法律的发展在唐代达到了一个高峰,司法鉴定技术广泛运用于审判实践。宋朝在唐朝的基础上,将法医检验制度推向了一个新的高度,以法医检验为核心的司法鉴定在宋朝的审判中得到了更为普遍的运用。也正因为如此,有着显著特点的宋代司法鉴定技术在我国古代司法制度中占有举足轻重的地位。  相似文献   
夏敏 《政法学刊》2007,24(1):92-95
晚清创设中国近代警察制度多仿效日本。日本人川岛浪速创办的京师警务学堂是中国最早的警察教育机构,他的《上庆亲王书》提出了近代中国警政建设比较完整的方案。  相似文献   
"公法中源"说滥觞于19世纪60年代,绵延至20世纪初,相继得到了洋务思想家、美国传教士丁韪良和维新思想家的推磨和倡扬,经历了从萌芽到鼎盛再到衰退的演变历程。它包括相互联系的两个层面:第一,早在千余年前中国就已经产生国际法。洋务思想家和丁韪良分别探讨了中国古代国际法的实体基础和历史实践。第二,中国古代国际法具有普世价值。维新思想家进一步把孔子及《春秋》说成是近代国际法的直接渊源,把"公法中源"说推向极致。"公法中源"说在晚清的出现与发展深受历史、现实、理论三重因素的共同制约与作用。作为近代一种会通中西公法文化的理论学说,"公法中源"说有其独到的理论价值和现实意义,同时也存在由于方法错误和理论缺陷而导致的若干消极影响。  相似文献   
秦汉时期,县道是基层司法机关。当罪犯逃出辖区时需请求协助,请求的对象是其他的县道。如不属同郡,则需通过自己所属之郡转达。  相似文献   
清代州县强盗防范问题不但对当时社会产生深刻的影响,也对现代基层治安制度的构建有所启示.如何通过对历史文本的发掘,再现清代州县强盗防范制度的构建状况,分析影响制度运行效果的各种变量因素,总结清代地方具体政治制度构建和运作过程中成功经验与失败教训,成为政治制度史学界关注的重要课题.文章系统梳理了现阶段该问题的研究现状与不足,展现出学界对清代州县盗案防范制度研究的学术图景.该制度的研究从简单到系统,呈现出“丰富与匮乏并存”的特点.学界的研究还应在深入发掘制度构建的细节、拓展制度影响因素的理论分析视角、占有历史材料范围等方面进一步深入.  相似文献   
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