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The primary goals of this study were to test the long‐term stability thesis of Gottfredson and Hirschi's (1990) general theory of crime and to examine the relationship between self‐control and social control over time. The data come from a field experiment where the “treatment” consisted of an intentional effort to improve the childrearing behaviors of a sample of caregivers whose children were at high risk of criminal behavior. Caregivers in the control condition were given no such training. The intervention occurred when all subjects were in the first grade (mean age: 6.2 years old), and we have measurements on self‐control and the social control/bond for each subject from grades 6 to 11 (mean ages: 12 to 17 years old). Both a hierarchical linear model and a second‐order latent growth model identified meaningful differences in the growth pattern of self‐control among individuals in the pooled sample and a difference in the growth parameters for self‐control and the social control/bond over time between the treatment and control groups. Both findings are inconsistent with Gottfredson and Hirschi's stability of self‐control hypothesis. The same patterns persisted when different analytic techniques and model specifications were applied, which suggests that the results are not an artifact of measurement error, model specification, or statistical methods. Structural equation modeling using the panel design of the data was better able to disentangle the long‐term relationship between self‐ and social control—a relationship that was found to be more dynamic than previously hypothesized.  相似文献   
对于刑法因果关系,应当将其定位为一种归责理论,确立一种两阶段的思考方法,第一阶段以条件公式确定事实性条件关系的范围,在此基础上进入第二阶段,以折中的相当因果关系理论并客观归属论的合理内容对处罚范围进行限定,考虑是否对行为人进行归责。  相似文献   
赵克祥 《法律科学》2007,25(4):59-70
法律政策在侵权法上因果关系判断中起到怎样的作用?在英美法系对因果关系考察的二分法下,最近原因考察与法律政策考量密切相关.最近原因的判断标准中渗透着政策考量的因素,具体而言,行政管理、价值层级、环境、责任保险等政策因素影响着最近原因的判断,尤其体现在与有过错、救助等特殊类型案件中.法律政策在因果关系判断中的作用,深层次上反映了对侵权法上因果关系本质的不同看法.  相似文献   
从司法判例入手,讨论原因与条件之间的逻辑关联性是认识因果关系理论的新视角。当一个现象(事由)成为另一个现象(事由)的必要条件同时又是其充分条件时,这样的条件就构成法律视野中的原因,这样的条件(现象)与后续现象(结果)之间构成因果关系。  相似文献   
气候变化的损害赔偿与国家责任问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
气候变化引发气候灾害,给人类已经或必将造成巨大威胁。气候变化的损害具有传统跨界环境损害所不具备的特征,由此引起的国家责任问题也具有其特殊性。国家责任的构成要件——国家行为的不法性、谨慎行事的注意义务标准、损害的可预见性及其对责任的限制功能、因果关系及其证明责任分配在气候变化的损害赔偿问题均需要被重新审视,甚至重构。国家责任的承担方式——金钱补偿和精神安慰在气候变化的损害赔偿语境下仍有其可适用性,但恢复原状的责任形式则无法适用。特别对纯粹的生态损害的赔偿更是如此。由于气候变化的损害赔偿领域国家实践和国际判例至为罕见,因而对传统国家责任法的理论改造与制度创新刻不容缓。  相似文献   
Corporation Law Article 148 sets out the right of disgorgement, which plays roles as protection, prevention, and sanction. However, disgorgement doesn't result in extra protection and excessive deterrent, avoiding benefiting corporations improperly. The right of disgorgement shall be bound by the legal causation or proximate cause, and Chinese decisions pay too much attention to the factual causation. In specific situations, courts try to give assignees appropriate subsidies from corporations. In addition, the appropriate burden of proof facilitates the legislative purpose of Corporation Law Article 148 with strengthening accounting records system.  相似文献   
This paper argues for a reorientation in our thinking concerning the relationship between causation and efficiency in the design of tort law. The main proposition is that efficiency theory has a significant but deferential role to play in understanding appropriate tort law rules in countries where a corrective justice purpose is fundamental to the tort system.  相似文献   
王永茜  胡菲 《河北法学》2012,(8):166-167,168,169,170,171,172
关于共犯的处罚根据,理论上存在着各种学说,其中,惹起说﹙因果共犯论﹚具有理论的合理性。但是,在惹起说内部,又存在着混合惹起说和修正惹起说的对立,这两种学说的对立直接反映出结果无价值论和二元论的对立,不能将这两种学说视为一种学说,予以折中调和。应该从刑法理论的基本立场、共犯是否具有固有的可罚性、共犯和违法性的关系、共犯和构成要件的关系等方面,正确看待混合惹起说和修正惹起说在理论上的本质对立,但在实务中认定共犯的时候,根据这两种理论可能会得出相同的结论,只是在片面共犯和中立的帮助行为等特殊场合,才会得出不同的结论。  相似文献   
人们对因果关系的认识程度,决定了人们对客观世界的认知程度。然而困惑的是人类对于因果关系探究的冲动与对这一问题的认知结果却极不协调:虽然研究的历史纵横数百年,形成的理论学说也可谓形形色色,但是迄今为止尚没有任何一种理论学说能够令人欣然接受。如果说对自然界的因果关系尚可存疑,在法律上对因果关系则必须做出回答,因为这是责任归结的前提。为了解决法律上的因果关系难题,法学界的当务之急不是再去处心积虑地发明新理论,而应该在正确认识因果关系问题根本属性的同时对既有的学说理论进行系统的梳理和反思,力求正本清源,为正确解决归责问题提供妥适的思路。  相似文献   
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