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农村家庭代际关系的变化:文化与结构结合的路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于家庭代际关系的研究有两种不同的路径:文化的路径将观念的变化作为家庭代际关系变化的首要因素;结构的路径则将诸多关于家庭代际关系的思想作为一种衍生物,将结构安排的变化作为家庭代际关系变化的首要因素。本文通过对辽宁省F村征地与搬迁后的家庭代际关系进行考察,在个案研究中检验了上述两种研究路径的解释力。本文认为,结构因素的改变在农村家庭代际关系的改变中是首要因素,但是结构因素通过文化因素发挥作用。  相似文献   
在建构现代国家的过程中,中华人民共和国确立了人民主权的基本原则。应当认为,目前的政体安排是中国民主革命的必然结果,也适应了中国开启现代化过程的历史要求,但它还难以坐实人民主权原则。在国家基本制度的安排上,人民代表大会制度与人民政协制度,其功能还没能得到真正发挥,无法有效落实人民主权,而执政党对于国家权力的掌控,自身高度的行政化定位,决定性地影响了国家权力的具体运行。因此,必须区隔党权与国权,进而从目前政府改革意义上所讲的还政于民逐步走向国家建构和政体选择双重意义上的还权于民,真正坐实人民主权原则。  相似文献   
This paper considers the maximum likelihood estimation of a class of structural vector autoregressive fractionally integrated moving-average (VARFIMA) models. The structural VARFIMA model includes the fractional cointegration model as one of its special cases. We show that the conditional likelihood Durbin–Levinson (CLDL) algorithm of Tsay (2010a) is a fast and reliable approach to estimate the long-run effects as well as the short- and long-term dynamics of a structural VARFIMA process simultaneously. In particular, the computational cost of the CLDL algorithm is much lower than that proposed in Sowell (1989) and Dueker and Startz (1998). We apply the CLDL method to the Congressional approval data of Durr et al. (1997) and find that the long-run effect of economic expectations on Congressional approval is at least 0.5718, which is over twice the estimate of 0.24 found in Table 2 of Box-Steffensmeier and Tomlinson (2000). This paper also tests the divided party government hypothesis with the CLDL algorithm.  相似文献   
申奥 《学理论》2012,(22):142-143,150
在语义学的历史上,许多学者都研究过重要的语义现象———多义词。为了更加详细地阐述多义词的理论发展,介绍了多义词的定义,三种研究多义词的角度,即形式主义方法、结构主义方法、认知方法,且在认知方法中阐述了多义词的认知模式,多义词的意义扩展,多义词的跨语言学研究,并且在研究过程中介绍了多义词有关理论的优点及发展空间。  相似文献   
非政府组织与政府的关系--资源相互依赖理论的视角   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
虞维华 《公共管理学报》2005,2(2):32-39,93-94
从"公共组织间关系"的角度研究非政府组织与政府之间的关系,是对传统"政府间关系"视角的一种部分超越,因此得到了学术界的广泛认同.但是,绝大多数研究者都将非政府组织作为同质性的整体进行研究,忽视了非政府组织之间存在的巨大差异,因此,存在着一些缺陷与不足.从资源相互依赖理论的视角出发,分析了政府与非政府组织在资源上的相互依赖关系以及不同的政府-非政府组织关系类型,认为非政府组织在获得资源的途径方面具有结构性的差异;因此,非政府组织与政府之间的关系具有结构性的差异;非政府组织对于政府资金支持的依赖关系并不必然导致其自主性的丧失.  相似文献   
多方面证据表明,非洲现行经济发展战略与政策基本上仍是过去经济结构调整计划的延续或翻版。经济结构调整计划曾因广受争议和反对而被弃之不用,但该计划的主导思想和主要政策框架在换上减债计划、减贫战略等新的外包装后继续掌控非洲经济发展进程,根源在于非洲国家长期以来在物质层面严重依赖外部世界,它们在精神层面所追求的独立自主理想缺少实现空间。短期内非洲国家真正自主选择和决定其经济发展战略与政策的空间还不是很大。但无论如何,非洲国家在依赖外部世界求发展的进程中必须树立自力更生、自主发展的观念,要力争使所获外援为内生发展创造条件、为摆脱外援创造条件。  相似文献   
This article explores labour market behaviour of members of extended and nuclear households in Suriname. Previous analyses have found that co‐operative childcare opportunities within the extended household increase female labour force participation. Such coordination implies correlated participation decisions, which invalidates standard assumptions made in estimating participation with probits and wages with regressions. We employ a GMM estimation, which allows correlation among household members. We find that extended and nuclear household members are not significantly different in participation propensities, but do differ significantly in wages. We argue that greater home production opportunities in extended households dilute labour market effort and hours, reducing earnings.  相似文献   
This article discusses four basic characteristics of Steven Chaffee's research: going beyond the "common research wisdom," careful explication of concepts, avoiding unsubstantiated charges against the media, and investigation of the social aspects of communication. The evolution of political socialization research is used as an example of how these characteristics have strengthened Chaffee's contribution to that area and to the larger field of political communication. It is argued that the future of this field would benefit from emulation of these characteristics. Continuing problems of political communication research are noted, and various emerging problems are discussed.  相似文献   
This paper brings empirical evidence on the impact of EU structural policy on regional income growth. The case of Greece over the period 1990–2005 is taken as an example. This period is characterized by the acceleration of the European integration process, with a central role assigned to the EU structural support to less prosperous regions. Regional growth is approached through the estimation of β-convergence equations using panel methods of estimation. The empirical results reveal a positive impact of structural funds support on regional growth while income convergence is enhanced. In addition, a significant influence of spatial income and unemployment spillovers on regional income growth is evidenced, illustrating the recent growth performance in Greece. Our results leave ample room for European regional policy to operate for the promotion of growth and the reduction of regional disparities.
Sarantis E. G. LolosEmail: Email:
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