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政府行为对企业技术创新风险影响路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用实证方法研究了政府行为对企业技术创新风险的影响路径问题。以某高新技术开发区为实证对象验证结构方程模型,检验调查问卷结构效度及量表数据信度,应用多种拟合优度指标评价模型并计算相关参数。结果表明:政府强化知识产权保护会降低企业政治及市场环境风险,政府采购及市场扶持会降低企业市场环境风险,财税及融资支持会降低企业经济环境风险,加强软硬件环境建设会降低企业软硬件条件及人文环境风险;而企业市场环境及经济环境风险的降低会导致技术创新项目需求风险的下降,技术创新项目需求风险及企业政治环境风险的降低会导致技术创新立项决策风险的减轻,企业人文环境风险的降低会导致企业员工能力风险的下降,企业员工能力风险的下降则会导致企业管理水平风险的减轻。  相似文献   
This commentary examines Lu’s powerful account of justice and reconciliation in conditions of structural injustice. It argues that Lu takes forward decolonial critiques of mainstream models of justice and reconciliation in ways that fundamentally transform our discussions of global justice. It also points to some of the problems and difficulties that she runs into in her argument.  相似文献   
地区公共服务满意度,作为衡量公民公共服务获得感的有效载体,与当地经济发展紧密联系,但学界对两者之间的关系还存在分歧。通过解构公共服务满意度的特征,可以从时间、空间两个层面的视角来解释地方经济发展状况对公共服务满意度的影响。实证分析结果表明,在推进基本公共服务均等化的背景下,经济发展的差异会影响公民主体认知模式和社会资本的形成进而影响公共服务满意度。  相似文献   
Central Eastern Europe (further CEE) has been thoroughly reconstructed during nearly a quarter of century since the fall of the Berlin wall and the end of the cold war. The CEE countries turned to the West for economic and technological advancement, for political and administrative models as well as for protection. The authors coming from eight different countries look at the place and role of the former member states of the Warsaw Pact in the new European and international constellation. This concept of CEE includes most pro-western states of the former ‘Eastern block’: the four countries of Central Europe (Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary) and the Baltic states (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia). There were many tumultuous political developments in and around the region within the last decade, and especially during the last five years when the financial crisis started to take its toll. While the Atlantic link of Central and Eastern Europe is still strong, many commentators have pointed out its wearing strategic meaning. The balance between the focus on the USA and the EU has shifted in favour of Europe. However, this shift has rather been an incomplete one due to the region's own political and economic problems. The aim of this special issue is to analyse the new constellation by looking at the CEE countries themselves, at their ability to react and adapt, produce sound political strategies and act on as national actors: through bilateral ties, regional co-operation, NATO and the EU. Also, the main external actors - the USA, Russia and Germany - are looked at as they directly influence the way how the CEE countries shape their policies.  相似文献   
冷战时期的中印巴三角关系以敌视和对抗为结构特征、以权力竞争和传统安全关切为主要内容。冷战结束后,中印和印巴间的冷漠与对峙被打破,调整中印巴三角关系的历史机遇显现。“9·11”事件后,中印巴三边良性互动加快,三角关系的结构和性质发生重大变化。但印度的现实主义权力思维及其全球大国抱负有可能使中印、印巴关系陷于“安全困境”的结构性矛盾之中。中印巴能否形成良性互动的三角关系,解困结构性矛盾是关键。  相似文献   
两极格局的解体凸显出沃尔兹结构现实主义理论的“静态困境”。沃尔兹对单元功能的忽略是使结构现实主义理论陷入“静态困境”的主要原因之一。单元功能具有可转换性,其转换的条件之一是认同的力量,而其转换的后果则是排列原则的改变。  相似文献   
This paper addresses two concerns that arise from Steffensmeier and Demuth (2001) analysis of federal sentencing and their misrepresentation of my analyses of sentence severity (Albonetti, 1997). My primary concern is to alert researchers to the importance of controlling for the guidelines offense that drives the sentencing process under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines. My second concern is to correct Steffensmeier and Demuth's (2001) errors in interpretation of my earlier findings of the effect of guidelines offense severity on length of imprisonment.  相似文献   
中国高等教育顾客满意度指数模型的构建   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
办人民满意的教育是我国高等教育的宗旨,对高等教育质量进行评估是受教育者的权利.根据我国高等学校的具体情况,在借鉴美国顾客满意度指数模型(ACSI)的基础上,尝试建立了由高校形象、顾客期望、感知质量、顾客满意、顾客忠诚和顾客信任等结构变量构成的中国高等教育顾客满意度指数模型(CHE-CSI).依据顾客满意度测量理论,设计了包括自我发展、专业课程设置、教师队伍、教学质量、图书馆、文娱活动和校园服务等质量因子和通行的满意度测量因子的指标体系,并编制了相应的问卷.总量表信度达到0.8999.因子分析表明,学生对高校教育质量的感知主要包括教学质量和校园服务两个方面.利用结构方程分析软件LISREL8.7对沈阳市六所高校的596名学生样本数据进行了模型验证分析.各项拟合系数均表明数据与模型拟合良好,其中RMSEA达到0.064.  相似文献   
The use of generalized estimating equations and time-series methods for fitting longitudinal models in the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) is discussed, with reference to the relation between the reporting of a violent crime to the police and previous victimizations. Two longitudinal models are fit to NCVS data to predict the likelihood of reporting a violent crime to the police based on characteristics of the victim and the incident and based on previous victimization experiences. In both models, it is found that higher reporting rates are associated with positive results accruing from reporting previous victimization to the police.  相似文献   
20世纪六、七十年代 ,西方学者在关于民主产生条件的问题上先后出现的有代表性的研究途径有三种 :现代化研究途径、结构研究途径、转型研究途径。 2 0世纪 80年代以来到 90年代末 ,多数学者采用综合多种因素的研究途径 ,这种研究途径遭到了采用进化论研究途径的塔图·温汉南的反对。本文介绍并评论了各种研究途径得出的结论  相似文献   
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