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对高职院校思想政治课教学改革的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前高职院校大学生普遍对思想政治理论课不感兴趣,认为没有用。究其原因,主要是落后的教学观念、单调的教学内容、单一的教学方法、陈旧的教学手段、脱离实践的空洞说教等因素造成了思想政治理论课如此的局面。作为思想政治理论课的教师要认真分析原因,不能一味地把这种现象的责任推给市场经济,应该从自身反省,深入进行教学改革,更好地发挥主渠道作用。  相似文献   
本土化是对教学管理理论及实践诉求的回应,包含引入、结合与创新三个层次,"引用"是前提,"结合"是关键,"创新"是根本。提升高校教学管理本土化的认识是我国高等教育加快实现现代化、国际化的需要。教学管理是高校教学工作的重要组成部分,在本土化发展方面我国高校教学管理具有引用、借鉴、结合并尚未形成理论与实践体系等特征。因此,从中华传统文化的视角研究教学管理本土化问题,对于深化高校教育教学改革,推进高等教育现代化发展,具有积极的意义。  相似文献   
《Science & justice》2022,62(6):676-690
In 2013, the Forensic Science Undergraduate Program (FSUP) at the National Autonomous University of Mexico was created in response to an alarming criminal situation in Mexico, as well as to the radical reform of its criminal justice system. Its mission is to educate and train ethical, critical, and humanistic forensic scientists capable of conducting inquiries that meet scientific quality standards and assist the justice system in firmly linking legal rulings to the available evidence. At the time, it was the first such program in the country, and the contributions that interdisciplinary forensic scientists could make to criminal investigations were largely unknown among forensic and legal practitioners. During its existence, providing an interdisciplinary, competence-based education to students has been one of the main challenges. To overcome it, teaching and assessment approaches—centered on the achievement of specifically forensic competencies as learning outcomes and the integration of forensic disciplines towards the resolution of simulated cases—have been devised to help develop the professional skill set expected of graduates. The COVID-19 pandemic led to adapting these approaches to distance or hybrid modes of learning, increasing their versatility and enriching the pedagogic repertoire of the FSUP. Currently, the main impact of the program lies in the successful incorporation of some of its graduates to agencies belonging to or related to the criminal justice system, such as the National Prosecutor’s Office, the Commission for Truth and Justice for the Ayotzinapa Case, and the National Commission for the Search of Missing and Disappeared Persons, among others.  相似文献   
This paper argues for the importance of enabling dialogue between women and men about taboo subjects of sex and sexuality in HIV/AIDS prevention. It reports the findings of a project that sought to use art (specifically sculpture) for creating dialogue between women and men in rural Uganda. It then provides suggestions for HIV/AIDS practitioners on how to use everyday objects to stimulate similar discussion about sex and disease prevention between women and men. We argue for the utility of art and everyday objects where literacy rates are low, or where modes of communication and information-sharing are predominantly orate.  相似文献   
This paper draws on the results from a recent World Bank-funded project designed to inform policy-making and climate change adaptation planning in small and medium-sized cities in Latin America and the Caribbean. The focus was on floods and landslides, which are the two most common climate-related risks in cities across the region. The project allowed the application of the Urban Risk Assessment (URA) tool developed by the World Bank and the drawing of valuable lessons which may also be applicable to the many methods and tools available for climate change adaptation planning in the rapidly urbanising cities of developing countries.  相似文献   
In a transect along Indus River after the 2010 floods in Pakistan, this article explores the relationship between the use and duration of use of basic services, among those who recovered well and those who did not, using non-parametric statistical testing in a quasi-experimental design. The research shows a clear and strong correlation between access and duration of usage of certain services before the disaster, and the rate of recovery in each location. This analysis demonstrates a relatively robust and cost-effective methodology to identify and prioritise development interventions that build resilience against climatic shocks that are not undertaken at the cost of poverty reduction.  相似文献   
本文以印度尼西亚西爪哇省的主要国际贸易港口城市井里汶市为例,对当地华裔学生的华语学习情况做了一个调查,这些学生年龄偏小;课堂学习华语的时间较少,课外学习时间不够;学习途径单一,主要通过课堂教学;学习兴趣不高;学习动机多样且不明确。对此,笔者提出三大教学对策:一是学校积极采取措施,创造良好的华语校园环境;二是教师抓好课堂教学,营造积极的课堂学习氛围;三是学生延伸学习时间,开拓多元的自主学习资源。  相似文献   
Writing for smallholders in developing countries is an art that demands clear prose, a sound idea, and a logical outline. Although extension agents are often unaccustomed to writing, and usually need a sympathetic editor, extensionists know the target audience better than agricultural researchers or professional communicators. A one-page, 300-word fact sheet is a suitable format, allowing extensionists to write their insights for farmers. The fact sheet must be validated by farmers, who read it and review it for prose and concepts.

The “snowman” is a logical outline in three-parts: head (problem), middle (agro-ecological background), and main part (the solution). The middle section is the hardest for potential fact sheet authors to grasp, but it is also the most important. Anticipating the information that will convince the reader to try the recommendation requires a good knowledge of the audience. The farmers are not a passive audience. Smallholders can be engaged in logical, creative ways, even in writing.

La silhouette d'un bonhomme de neige : les fiches d'informations produites par des vulgarisateurs pour les fermiers

Ecrire pour de petits agriculteurs dans les pays en voie de développement est un art qui exige de la clarté dans la prose, une idée valable, et une forme logique. Malgré le fait que les éducateurs n'ont pas l'habitude d'écrire et qu'ils ont souvent besoin d'un éditeur compatissant, les vulgarisateurs connaissent mieux que les chercheurs agricoles ou les communicateurs professionnels leur public cible. Une seule page de 300 mots est un format approprié à la fiche d'informations, qui permet aux vulgarisateurs de transmettre leurs perspectives aux fermiers. La fiche doit être validée par des fermiers qui la lisent et qui passent en revue sa prose et ses idées. Le ‘bonhomme de neige’ fournit une silhouette logique en trois parties : la tête (le problème), le centre (contexte agri-écologique) et le corps (la solution). Le contexte est la partie la plus difficile à comprendre par les auteurs potentiels de fiches d'informations, mais il est aussi la plus importante. Anticiper les informations qui convaincront le lecteur d'essayer la démarche recommandée exige une bonne connaissance du public. Les fermiers ne sont pas des lecteurs passifs. On peut impliquer les petits agriculteurs d'une façon logique et créative, même à l'écriture.

El esbozo en forma de muñeco de nieve: hojas informativas escritas por extensionistas para pequeños productores

Escribir para un público de los pequeños productores de países en desarrollo es un arte que exige prosa clara, ideas firmes y un esbozo lógico. Si bien los agentes de extensión no están acostumbrados a escribir y, en general, necesitan de un buen editor, conocen al público objetivo mejor que los investigadores en agricultura o que los comunicadores profesionales. La hoja informativa de una cuartilla y de 300 palabras constituye un formato adecuado que permite a los extensionistas difundir sus hallazgos entre los campesinos. Dicha hoja informativa debe ser validada por los productores, quienes la leen y la valoran de acuerdo a su claridad y a los conceptos que contiene. El esbozo lógico consta de tres partes en forma de “muñeco de nieve”: el encabezado (presentación del problema), la parte central (exposición de los antecedentes agroecológicos) y la parte final (propuesta de solución). Para los potenciales autores de las hojas informativas, la sección de antecedentes representa la parte más difícil de escribir pero también la más importante. Se requiere de un buen nivel de familiaridad con el público para ser capaz de anticipar la información que impulsará al lector a poner en práctica las recomendaciones. Los pequeños productores no son un público pasivo. Participarán en actividades lógicas y creativas, aun cuando éstas impliquen la escritura.

A apresentação do homem das neves: informes produzidos por extensionistas para produtores rurais

Escrever para pequenos produtores de países em desenvolvimento é uma arte que exige um texto claro, uma ideia bem fundamentada e uma apresentação lógica. Embora agentes de extensão não estejam muito acostumados a escrever, e normalmente precisam de um editor compreensivo, os extensionistas conhecem o público-alvo melhor do que os pesquisadores agrícolas ou comunicadores profissionais. Um informe de uma página e 300 palavras possui uma forma adequada, permitindo aos extensionistas escrever suas ideias para os produtores rurais. O informe deve ser validado pelos produtores rurais, que o lêem e revisam o texto e os conceitos. O “homem das neves” é uma apresentação lógica em três partes: cabeça (problema), meio (contexto agro-ecológico) e parte principal (a solução). A seção do contexto é a mais difícil para compreensão dos autores em potencial dos informes, mas é também a mais importante. Antecipar as informações que convencerão o leitor a tentar seguir a recomendação exige bom conhecimento sobre o público. Os produtores rurais não são um público passivo. Os pequenos produtores podem ser engajados de forma lógica e criativa, até mesmo por escrito.  相似文献   

This article discusses the CORE Group Polio Project Ethiopia's introduction of community-based surveillance (CBS) of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) to support polio eradication. A USAID-funded collaboration among Ethiopian and US-based NGOs, the CGPP supports volunteers in education about AFP and encouraging case reporting. Volunteers also conduct active case searches, visiting community leaders likely to have contact with paralysis cases. The project's methods strengthen communities' awareness of AFP and their connection to the health system. Data indicate a near doubling of AFP reporting in project areas since the implementation of CBS, according to MOH-E (Ministry of Health, Ethiopia)/WHO statistics.

Allant au-delà du poste de santé: surveillance communautaire pour éradication de la poliomyélite

Cet article traite de l'introduction par le Projet sur la polio du CORE Group (CGPP) en Éthiopie de la surveillance communautaire (SC) de la paralysie flasque aiguë (PFA) pour soutenir l’éradication de la polio. Le CGPP, collaboration financée par USAID entre ONG éthiopiennes et basées aux États-Unis, aide des volontaires à mener une éducation sur la PFA et à encourager la notification des cas. Les volontaires effectuent aussi des recherches actives de cas, rendant visite aux leaders communautaires susceptibles d’être en contact avec des cas de paralysie. Les méthodes du projet renforcent la prise de conscience par les communautés de la PFA et leurs liens avec le système de santé. Les données indiquent que le nombre de cas de PFA signalés a presque doublé dans les zones du projet depuis la mise en ?uvre de la SC, d'après les statistiques du Ministère de la Santé, éthiopien et de l'OMS.

Llegar más allá del puesto de salud: vigilancia comunitaria para erradicación de la poliomielitis

Este artículo examina el Proyecto contra la Poliomielitis llevado a cabo en Etiopía por CORE Group (CGPP por sus siglas en inglés), así como el uso que realiza del método de vigilancia comunitaria (VC) para el seguimiento de la parálisis flácida aguda (PFA). El objetivo de este proyecto es erradicar la polio. Constituye un esfuerzo conjunto de ONG etíopes y estadounidenses, financiado por USAID. CGPP apoya la formación de voluntarios para la vigilancia de la PFA, promoviendo la elaboración de informes sobre distintos casos. Asimismo, los voluntarios dan seguimiento a los casos vigentes, realizando visitas a los líderes comunitarios que, con frecuencia, tienen contacto con personas con parálisis. La metodología del proyecto impulsa la conciencia comunitaria en relación a la PFA y al vínculo entre las comunidades y el sistema de salud. Las estadísticas reportadas por el Ministerio de Salud de Etiopía y la OMS indican que, desde que inició la VC, se han duplicado los informes sobre PFA en las áreas abarcadas por el proyecto.

Indo além do posto de saúde: investigação baseada na comunidade para a erradicação da polio

Este artigo discute a introdução da Investigação Baseada na Comunidade sobre casos de paralisia flácida aguda (AFP) do Projeto Pólio do Grupo CORE da Etiópia, voltada para apoiar a erradicação da pólio. Uma colaboração financiada pela USAID entre ONGs baseadas na Etiópia e EUA, o CGPP apóia voluntários na educação sobre AFP e incentiva o relato de casos. Os voluntários também conduzem pesquisas de caso ativas, visitando líderes de comunidade que provavelmente tenham contato com casos de paralisia. Os métodos do projeto fortalecem a conscientização das comunidades a respeito da AFP e sua conexão com o sistema de saúde. Os dados indicam que o número de relatos de AFP nas áreas do projeto quase dobrou desde a Implementação da Investigação Baseada na Comunidade, de acordo com estatísticas da MOH-E/WHO.  相似文献   
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