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民事诉讼证明标准   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郝振江 《现代法学》2000,22(5):81-84
证明标准是民事证据法中的一个基本问题 ,本文介绍了几种主要民事诉讼证明标准 ,考察了英美法系和大陆法系的多元证明标准 ,分析了我国传统证明标准的缺陷 ,认为我国应建立多元制证明标准 ,并提出了具体的建构设想。  相似文献   
从“有法必依”到“公正司法”喻示着一种刑事司法观的应然转变:放松了司法者对法律文本本身严格服从的要求,更加强调文本之外的个案公正、合情理等实质合理性依据。这对破解当下具有普遍性的法条主义裁判思维,无疑是一种很好的政策支持和启发。按照罪刑法定原则本意进行合乎逻辑的推演,绝不能推导出“法有明文规定即可定罪处罚”的结论。韦伯关于中国古代司法系“卡迪”模式(即“非理性”)的论断具有一定的事实依据及合理性,这种卡迪模式对实质公正的追求具有目的正当性,不宜将此简单视为“恣意司法”的代名词,其中体现的能动性判断具有司法出罪维度的意义。在目前刑法体系下,法的公正价值与法的安定性并不存在冲突,出罪的理论依据与规范依据完全可以得到恰当融合,但在法适用中需要缓和法的命令性要求。恰当的说理论证是嫁接法的安定性与个案公正的纽带,该过程实际上是将合情理、合目的等价值考量揉入刑法文本的理解、适用及说理论证过程当中。  相似文献   
具有强制执行效力的公证债权文书在执行时 ,存在执行难的问题。应该通过严格强制执行公证文书的范围、提高公证质量、提高执行人员素质等方法解决这一问题。  相似文献   
在林几的学术生涯中,中国法医学史是其研究的重要领域,并取得一系列研究成果,进而形成的法医学史观,构成了林几法医学术思想的重要组成部分。林几的中国法医学史观主要包括:以比较法医学的视野研究中国法医学发展史;运用实验法医学的方法鉴别中国古代法医学的精华和糟粕;古代法医学的现代转型具有必要性和迫切性;实现法医学的现代转型,应注意科学总结中外法医学发展史的经验教训。这些法医学史观对于全面理解中国古代法医学兴衰之路,以及推动民国时期中国法医学的现代转型具有重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   
论中国民事审级制度面临的挑战及其完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国现行民事审级制度不是"舶来品",而是经过漫长的演变过程逐渐形成的。现行法上的"四级两审制"民事审级制度在特定历史时期发挥了其应有的作用,但目前已经无法满足人民群众日益增长的接近司法的需求。我国民事审级制度体系的完善应当确立"四级三审制"、增设职能管辖制度、贯彻上诉利益理论、明确第三审为法律审等基本制度,同时建立允许例外情形下基于法定或意定的原因而适用一审终审制度,以及越级上诉制度和特别上诉制度。  相似文献   
《Communist and Post》2019,52(2):169-176
The article analyzes authoritarian regimes within the post-Soviet territory in terms of informal practices (clannishness, clientelism and patronage) and their characteristics used by political leaders to form a power coalition. It has been argued that any of these informal practices determine a power coalition of a certain size, which is consequential for regime sustainability. Power coalitions formed on the basis of a clan-like nature is the least effective way to retain power and generally leads to regime destabilization. Clientelism, which allows for forming a power coalition on a wider basis, is a more effective strategy in terms of regime sustainability. Maximum regime sustainability is reached when patronage practices are used, which require more material resources and are only accessible to a limited number of wealthy states.  相似文献   
第三方支付在便利人们生活的同时,也带来了犯罪手段的升级,典型的如网购中利用淘宝系统的规则恶意申请退款的行为。对于吴某网购恶意申请退款行为的刑法定性,理论上出现了四种观点:盗窃罪、侵占罪、诈骗罪与合同诈骗罪。该案之所以复杂是因为涉及第三方支付平台和购物系统智能化,导致对沉淀资金的权属和占有以及购物系统默认自动退款行为等问题的理解存在较大分歧,对此,应当正确厘清这些问题,从而将吴某的行为认定为盗窃罪。  相似文献   
随着司法体制改革的深入推进,“谁办案谁负责、谁决定谁负责”的司法责任制落实完善,检察机关如何立足主责主业,有效防范检察办案风险,规范检察权的运行,化解社会矛盾,切实提高司法公信力,满足人民群众对民主、法治、公平、正义、安全、环境等方面的新需求,提供更优质的法治产品、检察产品成为新课题。文章从检察办案风险存在的客观性以及进行风险控制的必要性出发,对检察办案风险控制现状进行分析,从而进一步明确检察办案风险点并进行重点监控,并就在案管部门的协调监督下如何建立长效的检察办案风险处理机制提出意见建议。  相似文献   
人口是构成劳动力的基础,生育政策调整下生育水平变动引发人口规模与结构变动,从而对劳 动力市场尤其是劳动力供给产生重要影响。本研究在对我国计划生育政策的调整和演变、劳动力供给的状况与 趋势进行分析的基础上,进一步从宏观视角探讨全面二孩政策与我国劳动力供给的关系。总体来看,全面二孩 政策对政策实施后前十五年女性劳动力的劳动参与率影响十分有限,而从长远来看,对我国未来的劳动力规模 有一定的补充。另外,产业结构升级和技术发展背景下我国未来劳动力需求主要是质量和结构而非规模。因此, 进一步减弱了生育政策调整对劳动力市场的影响后果。  相似文献   
The authors develop a new multi-level streams model in order to explain the Chinese decision-making process with regards to the top-down allocation of resources and administrative reforms. Using this policy model, the 2005 decision to upgrade the Tianjin Binhai New Area (TBNA) to the national level can be regarded as a relatively rational choice with a series of interaction of political processes among the elites at the central and local levels such as the local officials and social elites, and central leaders. However, in the administrative system of economic development, there are disagreements and conflicts among different parts within and outside the TBNA. The central and the Tianjin governments are now trying to coordinate the relationship among local governments within the Circum-Bohai Region and within the TBNA through structural reform and personnel reshuffling.
Xufeng ZhuEmail:

Xufeng Zhu   is an associate professor at the Zhou Enlai School of Government, Nankai University, and a Yenching Visiting Scholar at the Harvard Yenching Institute, Harvard University. His current research interests involve the study of the Chinese policy process, China’s think tanks, policy analyses, and social stratification in transitional China. His recent publications appear in Social Sciences in China (in Chinese), Policy Sciences, Public Administration and Development, and Asian Survey, to name a few. He is also the author of a forthcoming book entitled Chinas Think Tanks: The Research on Their Influences in the Policy Process (in Chinese). Bing Sun   is an assistant professor at the Zhou Enlai School of Government, Nankai University. His current research interests involve the study of China urban and regional public administration. His recent publication is Regional Coordination Organization and Regional Governance (in Chinese).  相似文献   
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