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We investigated the previously unstudied relationship between procedural justice and identification within virtual teams, with a particular focus on how two features of virtual teams, namely frequency of face-to-face meetings and geographical dispersion, moderate that relationship. We argue that these two variables are sources of uncertainty, which in turn makes virtual team members more sensitive to perceptions of procedural fairness as essential cues in the identification process. In this study, we used cross-sectional survey methodology and data aggregated to the team level (N = 39). As predicted, our results showed that the link between procedural justice and identification was stronger when there were few face-to-face meetings and when teams were highly dispersed.  相似文献   
This paper describes how supervised visitation programs in Florida rapidly transitioned from in‐person supervised visits to virtual, online visits during the COVID‐19 pandemic to protect the health of families and staff. Structured telephonic interviews and an online survey revealed that although most program directors had not previously developed guiding policies or hosted such visits, within weeks they were providing hundreds of online “virtual visits” between children and their non‐custodial parents to maintain the crucial parent–child relationship in a safe manner. Vignettes from this data provide lessons regarding parent and child reactions to virtual visits, advantages and disadvantages of virtual visits from the programs' perspectives, and levels of enthusiasm for using virtual visits going forward. In addition, the data includes recommendations for new program guidelines and protocols for the ongoing use of virtual visits. Although it is too early to call these policies best practices, the study does offer insight into the challenges and opportunities afforded by virtual visits and can inform disaster planning that supervised visitation programs develop to prepare for inevitable future disruptions in services to families.  相似文献   
网络的发展使人类社会从工业社会走向信息社会,从而人们获取财富的手段表现为对信息的创造、占有、处理和分配上。网络文化也是虚拟文化,对经济发展的影响主要表现为促进了虚拟经济的发展,给实体经济甚至整个经济发展带来了活力。在人们的交往方式上,网络使人与人之间实现了很大程度上的平等关系,打破了传统的等级尊卑、贫富贵贱的交往模式,这便进一步对传统的金字塔政治模式提出了挑战,要求平等对话、独立、自由、开放的新模式出现,进而,网络文化对传统道德的冲击也是很大的。在文化消费模式上,网络文化把工业和文化连接在一起,消解了传统的经典文化。然而,网络文化对人们生活的一系列影响不总是积极的,还有其消极甚至恶劣的一面,这要求我们从人的主体性出发,扬弃其有利和不利因素,超越网络文化的现状,使网络文化朝着网络文明的方向发展。  相似文献   
虚拟社会的警务工作是一个新课题。目前,虚拟社会警务工作面临着法律依据不完善、管理体制不明确、管辖权划分失当、管理队伍不健全、管理模式落后等诸多困难。针对这一系列的难点与挑战,应开创虚拟社会警务工作的新思路,通过完善有关法律法规、强化虚拟警务建设、建立网络舆情预警机制、强化重点网站监管、打击虚拟社会中的不良行为和不法行为等措施,保障虚拟社会警务工作的高效有序。  相似文献   
虚拟财产是以数字化、非物化的形式存储在虚拟网络空间中,被网友或者游戏玩家利用网络服务器拥有、支配的有价值的一种财产形式。虚拟财产具备刑法意义上的财产属性,属于盗窃罪的犯罪对象。网络背景下,对盗窃虚拟财产犯罪客观方面的危害行为、危害后果等要件的司法认定应结合其自身特点进行,以准确地打击该种犯罪。  相似文献   
“虚拟”社区是实体社区的数字化存在,具有与真实社区同源异体的特征。“虚拟”社区因承载功能不同而具有不同的类型。“虚拟”社区蕴藏有犯罪防控所需的文化认同、情报信息、组织动员等资源性价值,也具有情报搜集、组织动员、警情通报、邻里守望等功能价值。提高“虚拟”社区犯罪防控价值的认识,搭建“虚拟”社区犯罪防控应用平台,创新“虚拟”社区犯罪防控新技术,培养“虚拟”社区犯罪防控力量,建构双向互动的工作模式,是“虚拟”社区犯罪防控价值实现的基本途径。  相似文献   
《Digital Investigation》2014,11(1):30-42
The pervasive availability of cheap cloud computing services for data storage, either as persistence layer to applications or as mere object store dedicated to final users, is remarkably increasing the chance that cloud platforms potentially host evidence of criminal activity. Once presented a proper court order, cloud providers would be in the best position for extracting relevant data from their platforms in the most reliable and complete way. However, this kind of services are not so widespread to date and, therefore, the need to adopt a structured and forensically sound approach calls for innovative weaponry which leverage the data harvesting capabilities offered by the low level program interfaces exposed by providers. This paper describes the concepts and internals of the Cloud Data Imager Library, a mediation layer that offers a read only access to files and metadata of selected remote folders and currently supports access to Dropbox, Google Drive and Microsoft Skydrive storage facilities. A demo application has been build on top of the library which allows directory browsing, file content view and imaging of folder trees with export to widespread forensic formats.  相似文献   
It is increasingly common that children of divorce are geographically separated from one of their parents. This article considers the challenges that arise from that reality by exploring this problem from a variety of perspectives and by providing practical tips to minimize the impact of the distance. A review of the Ontario caselaw and Arizona Guidelines reveal that certain factors are important in the resolution of these disputes, including: the age of the child, mode of transportation between homes, distance, prior contact, and feasibility of virtual access. Court‐ordered access may include remedies that, absent the distance issue, may be considered extreme, including moving to overnight/extended access periods for young children, permitting children to travel unaccompanied, favoring the nonresident parent for holidays and vacation time, allowing children to decrease contact with the nonresident parent, and decreasing or terminating child support. Where distance dictates the in‐person and virtual access schedules, creative solutions are critical to the successful resolution of these cases. Forward thinking family law professionals can meaningfully help parents to achieve better outcomes for children.  相似文献   
互联网络对社会政治、经济、文化的影响越来越大,这给公安机关对网络虚拟社会的管理提出了更新、更高的要求。建立基于互联网的虚拟社区警务,是公安机关顺应时代发展大趋势的需求。公安机关依法、主动、公开管理互联网络,严厉打击网上违法犯罪活动,构筑全面覆盖网络虚拟社会的综合防控体系,是维护社会和谐稳定的必然要求,同时对于降低警务成本、整合警务资源、创新警务模式、提高警务效能、促进公安工作全面协调可持续发展也具有积极意义。  相似文献   
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