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鸦片战争失败的主要原因在于反动和腐朽的清王朝封建统治。表现为清政府实行的闭关锁国政策 ,“防民甚于防寇”的愚民政策及妥协投降的卖国政策。  相似文献   
伊拉克战争预示着战争正在告别传统进入"后现代",它以新的作战理念与游戏规则为军事新闻传播活动带来不同往昔的影响军事新闻传播是以"事实第一性"还是"利益第一性"为原则?军事新闻的正义诉求与大众媒介的娱乐化消解构成何种关系?当国家利益在力量游戏中被合法化后,新闻自由以何种形式实现?这些不能不引起人们的深入思考.  相似文献   
人民警察在当前日益复杂的斗争形势中,不仅要具备过硬的制敌技能,而且也要善运谋略。《孙子兵法》作为举世公认的兵学宝典,其所蕴涵的“庙算”、“知彼知己,百战不殆”、“攻其不备,出其不意”、“奇正相生”等谋略思想是指导警察对敌斗争中克敌制胜的法宝,应加以重视、学习并灵活运用。  相似文献   
在抗日战争时期,我们党就非常重视干部队伍建设,尤其是重视干部的选拔工作。而做好干部选拔工作关键是解决好与此相关的两个问题:一是选拔标准即选拔什么样的干部的问题,二是选拔的方法即怎样选拔这样的干部的问题。抗日战争时期我们党的干部选拔工作,使得我们党在抗日战争这种艰苦的环境中保存下实力,迅速发展壮大了党组织。站在历史与现实的角度来认真学习和研究这些干部选拔工作与相关论述,对于深刻认识当时历史环境下选拔的历史规律和加强当前的干部队伍建设都具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
毛泽东在抗日战争中把群众路线运用于以战争为中心的党的各项实际工作中,结出了丰硕的成果,是我们打败日本帝国主义,夺取抗日战争胜利的重要法宝。  相似文献   
土地革命战争时期,鄂豫皖苏区的广大妇女在中国共产党的动员和号召下,投身革命战争事业,在参政、生产、拥军、支前、宣传等工作中显示出了伟大的力量,同时也为争取自身解放进行了不懈努力。妇女们在家庭领域以外的参与使她们在政治、经济、文化教育、婚姻等各方面的地位得到提高,并为革命战争提供了稳固的后方基础和保障,也为鄂豫皖革命根据地的建设和发展做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   
太平天国1860年嘉兴战事是东征苏南战役的延伸,历时两个多月,是太平军东征战役中,清朝方面难得的一次局部战术反攻。清军将领张玉良表现了良好的战术素养和战场指挥水平。李秀成在嘉兴彻底击溃张玉良部后,为日后经略浙江打下了良好基础。  相似文献   
抗战期间,日本在中国占领区的毒化政策进一步加剧了近代中国鸦片烟毒的泛滥。中国共产党为使根据地成为抵抗日本侵华和消灭敌人的坚强堡垒,竭尽全力从政治、经济、军事、文化和社会生活的各个方面进行了根据地的建设,其中禁烟禁毒就是重要内容之一。这些措施不仅取得了显著成效,也为抗日战争的胜利作出了贡献。同时,对于抑制日本帝国主义的毒化政策,维护抗日民主根据地的安定团结也起到了重要的作用,成为中国禁烟史上的一面光辉旗帜。  相似文献   
This paper examines the policies and directions framing the professional practice of Australian combat photographers in the Second World War. It argues that while their endeavours to offer an account of the nation at war were constrained by predictable considerations of politics and censorship, their commitment to truth was also framed and constricted by an array of cultural considerations. The nation’s ongoing engagement with the history of the First World War, the contrasting organisational cultures of the bureaucracies that the photographers served, and Australian culture’s visual inarticulacy concerning death on the battlefield played key roles both individually and collectively in shaping the photographers’ practices and outputs. The paper will trace the operations of these influences and contend that, as a result, the photographers’ visual record of the Second World War, particularly as it related to the death of Australian servicemen, served to conceal rather than reveal the ultimate truth about the Australian experience of the war.  相似文献   

At the dawn of the twentieth century, ignorance towards the growing military power of Japan led Imperial Russia to her unexpected and decisive loss of the war of 1904–1905. Just ten years earlier in 1895, Japan was almost half-robbed of the spoils of her victory over China by the Western Powers (including Russia), which insisted on revising the Treaty of Shimonoseki. The Boxer Rebellion of 1899–1901 stopped this confrontation and turned Japan and Russia into allies for a short time: Russian and Japanese soldiers fought together against the Chinese, constituting the two largest units among the five allied troops with Russians playing the leading role on the battlefield and the Japanese being their loyal deputy (as it was viewed by Russian media of the time). All these circumstances led Russia to underestimate the Japanese army in the following years. However, the Russo-Japanese War itself changed that attitude, turning it into a sort of ‘a-next-war-to-be-hysteria’ among the Russian officials who served in Japan after the war. The reports by Russian military agents and diplomats from special collections in the Hoover Institution of War, Columbia University, and other archives used in this paper show us that despite being their government's only ‘eyes’ watching the Orient, sometimes those eyes were ‘blinded’ by the loss in the recent war and by their own experiences. One major reason for this was that many Russian diplomats, military agents and spies had long been serving in the Far East, and for some of them the transformation of Japan from ‘weak ally’ to ‘strong enemy’ status happened so swiftly, they came to overestimate this new ‘peril.’ Another problem was Japanese language skill. In the same way that Russia could not properly predict the growing power of Japan before 1904, she wanted after the war to obtain all possible information about her neighbor and, thus, paid special attention to educating a new generation of oriental specialists.  相似文献   
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