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从印度洋海啸分析国际人道主义援助模式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2004年底发生的印度洋海啸给人类带来了一场空前的灾难,随后的国际人道主义援助无论从规模上,还是从数量上都突破了历史记录。通过对这次国际援助的分析,我们看到国际人道主义援助模式还不可能摆脱国际权力政治,依然是一个援助国和受援国之间互相作用的复杂过程。要使国际援助更加符合人道主义的本意,国际社会还需要继续培养合作意识,加强国际协调组织的建立和作用。  相似文献   
西方女权主义思想在中国的变异   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
施旻 《理论学刊》2003,(2):110-113
西方女权主义思想在 2 0世纪的中国遭遇到尴尬 ,尤其是对“女权主义”这一外来词语形成的种种曲解或误解 ,造成了众多女性学者对于“女权主义者”立场的不认同等 ,而隐于这种现象背后的原因在于异质的中西文化。女权主义与中国特定的文化相遇和碰撞 ,产生了某种程度的变异 ,由原来激进的、女性自主的行动演变为温和的、有男权参与的、凭借社会政治手段实现的解放妇女的运动。“女权主义”与“女性主义”、“妇女解放”与“解放妇女”的差异不应仅仅被视为词语的偏正关系的变化 ,而更有着深刻的内在民族文化心理上的原因。  相似文献   
The authors trace and compare the developments in recorded juvenile delinquency in Hamburg, Prague, Cracow and Budapest from 1991-1997 and then analyse the processing and selection procedures of the various justice systems. They devote special attention to ethnic minorities within this filtering process. The most salient feature is that the crime rates and processing structures in the former socialist countries display considerable similarities. It would almost be possible to speak of a specific type of criminal justice system with a typical form of reaction. While in the West, the large number of suspects is considerably reduced during later stages of selection to a much smaller number (those actually sentenced and/or imprisoned), what the authors call a funnel model, in the East a smaller number of suspected offenders enters this selection process, but tends to remain within it and be sentenced - the cylinder model. These procedural structures have changed little in the 1990s, and there has certainly not been any increasing alignment of the Eastern systems with the Western one. Indeed, the difference has, if anything, become greater. These lower crime statistics as compared with the West - represented here by Hamburg - are, however, not only the result of equally large discrepancies between the real crime rates, but in this regard the pro-active crime prevention measures of the police, which in Hamburg have caused the inclusion of an increased number of juveniles and foreigners in the crime statistics since 1995, have also had a great effect. The research project thus clearly demonstrates the importance of interpreting crime statistics neither as a true representation nor as a distorted reflection of the activities of a criminal justice system. Instead, these statistics should be seen as reflecting specific processing procedures and methods of crime control.  相似文献   
抓住西部大开发机遇 积极推进跨越式发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
国家批准延边州享受西部大开发的有关政策,给延边州的跨越式发展提供了宽松的政策条件,重要的是扎扎实实地抓好各项工作的落实。  相似文献   
在产业发展过程中,政府在经济发展的不同阶段都会制定与产业相关的各种政策鼓励重点产业的发展。政府选择重点产业动因是重点产业能支撑经济快速发展,能引导产业结构的调整,能发挥区域比较优势,能代表产业发展方向。结合国家深入实施西部大开发战略背景,选取7个指标基于SPSS对重点产业发展的比较优势进行实证分析。以贵阳市为例,指出重点产业选择的基本方向并提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   
目前,海西建设面临重要的发展机遇期,也是基础性投入的重点时期,更多需要仰赖外源性投入和政策性投入。因此,借重与海峡东岸台湾地区之间的“五缘”优势和先行先试的政策优势,通过建立、完善不同特色、不同层级的“两岸经贸合作载体功能区”,促进海西对台产业的深度对接,推进海西“两岸经贸合作紧密区域”建设,以尽快形成多个具有功能特色、梯度分工合作的地域增长极,推进海西建设快速启动和高效发展,至关重要。其策略取向在于充分发挥闽南地区的作用,科学统筹对台产业深度对接,大力完善、提升既有政策型对台经贸合作“载体功能区”的功能,设立新政策型“载体功能区”。  相似文献   
福州城内三山鼎立乌山尤为著名,自唐代以来,不少名人墨客在此留下了琳琅满目的摩崖石刻,仅宋代的摩崖石刻现存就达35段,佚刻40段。南宋时期,随着西外宗正司迁入福州,乌山也留下了大量宗人活动的痕迹,从乌山摩崖石刻中我们可以窥见宋朝对宗人的管理、赵氏宗人避地福州的情况、西外宗正司的宗学情况等。  相似文献   
邱永辉 《东南亚》2009,(2):47-52
本文重点研讨两个方面的问题,其一是“反恐文化”阴影下的印度穆斯林,二是“桑奇报告”及印度穆斯林的发展问题。前者所关注的是“9·11事件”后国际上和印度国内形成的“反恐文化”,及这种阴影下的印度穆斯林在思想意识和行为方式上的变化;后者则关注印度政府对于穆斯林团体存在的困难和问题的关心、认识和政策。  相似文献   
Ethical principles are often presented as universal, immutable rules. However, when conducting research with ethnic minority groups, such as Asian Americans and immigrants, ethical issues need to be placed within a sociocultural context as ethical responses are filtered through the specific value orientations and belief systems of the ethnic group under study. Further, when the group is a marginalized population, power dynamics complicate ethical principles of autonomy. The complexities are further accentuated with sensitive topics such as intimate violence or domestic violence. Consequently, ethical questions about autonomy, informed consent, confidentiality, limits to confidentiality, and protecting participants’ safety and reducing distress need to be at the forefront when planning intimate violence research. An overview of sociocultural context of Western biomedical ethics is presented and specific ethical issues that emerge when conducting intimate violence are discussed.  相似文献   
明末清初耶稣会士来华所引发的知识汇通,是中西文明互鉴的客观需求和重要表现。中西文化交流过程中形成了三种知识汇通模式:“中学为本”“西学为本”和“中西学并举”。它们分别以“西学东源”“中学西源”和“中西学异源”学说为理论依据,在不同历史时期都曾发挥了主流作用。在中西文化交流频繁的当下,如何将中西知识实现恰如其分的对接,仍是一个十分现实的问题。明末清初以来形成的三种中西知识汇通模式或可提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   
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