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我国劳动争议调解制度具有文化价值、经济价值、效率价值和效果价值,而从我国劳动争议调解制度的实施现状来看,其价值实现却受到许多限制。为此,需要从劳动争议调解范围的类型化、调解人员的专业化、调解工作的制度化、调解组织的协调性、调解协议的效力性等五方面对我国劳动争议调解制度进行理论构建,从而使我国劳动争议调解制度在实践中不断得到完善。  相似文献   
刘启春 《桂海论丛》2011,27(2):32-35
党的十六大以来,以胡锦涛同志为总书记的新一代中央领导集体对党的建设提出了一系列具有创新性的理论观点,部署了新的实践。学术界对此展开了深入研究。这些研究梳理了新一代中央领导集体党建理论形成的基本脉络,归纳了其基本内容,概括了其基本特征,总结了其基本经验,为我们学习和领会新一代中央领导集体党建理论奠定了良好基础。  相似文献   
自改革开放以来,我国文化体制改革经历了从拨乱反正到制度、理论创新的持续探索,初步形成了指引文化体制改革实践的新的文化发展观。本文通过透视我国文化事业单位改革的基本历程,勾勒了我国文化事业单位改革的理论发展和制度创新,并在此基础上反思当前改革所面临的主要问题:缺乏事业单位改革整体战略思考及内在动力不足。文章并对进一步推进我国文化事业单位改革提出了几点思考。  相似文献   
Every day in family law courts and mediation rooms across the world, complex decisions are made about postseparation parenting that affect the developmental outcomes of countless children. Attorneys, judges, parents, and even mental health professionals are often poorly equipped to accurately apply developmental knowledge to these decisions, including knowledge from the vast field of attachment theory. A mounting body of research from developmental psychology and neuroscience confirms attachment relationships to be a central axis of the child's developmental pathway, in every family, in every culture throughout the world. The health of a child's attachments can influence multiple and far‐reaching outcomes. As such, attachment theory and knowledge deserve a place in the family court's deliberations and planning for children, but to date, that place remains ill defined. Inconsistencies and misunderstandings, conundrums and complexities of applying attachment knowledge to divorce and separation matters are evident throughout the field. This Special Issue went in search of a shared praxis of meaning about attachment. The resulting collection of papers and interviews documents the views of multiple, eminent attachment experts, who discuss advances in the theory and consider guidelines for legal and mental health practitioners in applying attachment concepts to post‐separation decision making. This opening paper charts the course of this project and summarizes the major points of convergence.  相似文献   
Daniel Siegel is renowned for his ability to translate neuroscience for professions working outside the arena of science. Here, Siegel discusses advances in interpersonal neurobiology, specifically considering applications for family law. Siegel is a clinical professor of psychiatry and co‐director of the Mindful Awareness Research Center at UCLA and director of the Mindsight Institute. He is the author of numerous articles, chapters, and books, including the internationally acclaimed professional texts, The Developing Mind: Toward a Neurobiology of Interpersonal Experience and The Mindful Brain: Reflection and Attunement in the Cultivation of Well‐Being.  相似文献   
Infants, parental separation, custody, and overnight care: a vexed combination of issues and needs that has long perplexed the family law field. Carol George and Judith Solomon have conducted the only published observational study of infant attachment in light of postseparation overnight care arrangements. Here they revisit that study and bring more than three decades of experience to bear on questions concerning very young children implicated in family law disputes. Currently a professor of psychology at Mills College, California, George is an author and coauthor of several notable attachment measures and has over 50 research publications in the area of attachment. Judith Solomon is both a clinical psychologist and a researcher in the attachment field, specializing in the study of early attachment relationships and representations, most recently in the Department of Pediatrics, Bridgeport Hospital. George and Solomon are associate editors of the journal, Attachment and Human Development, reviewers on multiple developmental journals, and both consult and teach internationally.  相似文献   
当前司法会计理论研究存在的突出问题及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于我国司法会计理论研究起步始于检察机关,也比较集中于检察机关,具有比较注重查账实务总结,理论层次界线不太明显和易与相邻理论混淆等一些特点,比较容易出现以表象代替本质、以个别代替总体、抽象常与具体矛盾和盲目扩张排斥友邻等一些欠妥之处,因而在方法上应当遵循宜清不宜糊、宜小不宜大、宜细不宜粗、宜简不宜繁、宜缓不宜急、宜宽不宜窄和宜实不宜虚等主要原则。  相似文献   
警察防卫控制训练长期以来主要是通过“教师讲解示范一学生模仿练习”的形式进行教学训练,注重整齐划一、严格的组织纪律,学生的个性发展被压抑,忽视了学生的学习方法的培养及学生生理、心理和认知水平的发展。在警察防卫控制训练中引入元认知理论、快乐体育理论、终身体育理论,来指导学生的训练,让学生懂得学,也懂得为什么要这样学,在辛苦的警察防卫控制训练中找到快乐,从而为树立终身进行防卫控制训练打下基础,提高公安队伍的战斗力。  相似文献   
理论与实践相结合是马克思主义哲学的基本原理之一。传统教科书对二者关系的理解和阐释往往局限于认识论领域,且对之的理解有简单化的倾向。这种现状不利于形成用以指导社会实践的创新型理论。应对理论与实践的关系进行系统地划分与考察,区分二者关系的滞后、同步和超前状态。唯有如此,才能辨证地把理论和实践统一起来,才能进而得出具有先导功能的用以指导中国特色社会主义实践的超前性理论,而后者所具有的创新特征正是社会发展理论在实践之维下所必需的。  相似文献   
在苏东剧变20周年、中国共产党成立90周年之际,从国际共产主义运动发展的历史考察中国特色社会主义,研究中国共产党的理论创新,具有重要意义。本文认为,中国特色社会主义之所以成功,一个很重要的原因是中国共产党改变了传统社会主义的发展理念,从以国为本、以制度为本,转向了以人为本,真正从满足民众利益出发制定国家的方针政策,克服了苏联发展模式的弊端,走出了一条社会主义建设新路。"以人为本"是中国共产党对社会主义理论与实践的重大贡献,但在实践中还存在不足,而真正加以落实是解决许多问题的关键所在。  相似文献   
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