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All negotiation processes involve an exchange of concessions, and compromise is an agreement based on mutual concessions. Hence the questions investigated in this article: Why are concessions in negotiations always reciprocal? Why do negotiators follow this rule? And why do negotiators achieve these concessions through a process that we call compromise? Is there a connection between conceding and promising? In this article, I examine the structure of concession making and compromise through sociological, anthropological, and etymological lenses to better illuminate this critical negotiation component.  相似文献   
刘家沂 《法学论坛》2006,21(1):108-111
在商事仲裁中,出现有瑕疵的仲裁协议是不可避免的,特别是对仲裁机构约定不明确的情况时有发生,这是一个值得认真探讨的问题。从大多数国家的规定来看,只要使当事人通过仲裁解决他们之间的争议的最初目的得以实现,在仲裁协议或合同的仲裁条款中存在不完善或瑕疵是可以允许的。对这一问题的妥善处理应充分体现当事人意思自治原则。特别是在瑕疵仲裁协议的效力认定上,不能轻易否认其效力,尤其不能将未选定明确的仲裁机构作为认定瑕疵仲裁协议无效的条件,对此,我国《仲裁法》应作修改和完善。  相似文献   
中国古典法律解释中的目的智慧--追求法律的实用性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢晖 《法学论坛》2005,20(4):53-65
尽管在中国古典法律解释中存在着多样的解释目的追求,但其中最重要者为寻求法律解释的实用性.这种实用性的实现具体地体现为以"情理交融"来实现不可言说的良心判决;借"实用理性"来寻求法律解释的可接受性;通过"妥协意向"追求法律解释中的实践互动;并最终实现在法律解释中人们交往行为的"视域融合".  相似文献   
Simon May has argued that the notion of a principled compromise is incoherent. Reasons to compromise are always in his view strategic: though we think that the position we defend is still the right one, we compromise on this view in order to avoid the undesirable consequences that might flow from not compromising. I argue against May that there are indeed often principled reasons to compromise, and that these reasons are in fact multiple. First, compromises evince respect for persons that we have reason to think of as our epistemic peers, and acknowledgement of our own finitudes as moral reasoners. Second, compromises are often made morally necessary by the shortfalls that unavoidably separate democratic institutions from democratic ideals. Third, compromises express a desirable form of democratic community. And fourth, compromises are often justified from a consequentialist point of view, in that they allow for the realization of values that would not be realized as well by the failure to compromise.  相似文献   
Could the notion of compromise help us overcoming – or at least negotiating – the frequent tension, in normative political theory, between the realistic desideratum of peaceful coexistence and the idealistic desideratum of justice? That is to say, an analysis of compromise may help us move beyond the contrast between two widespread contrasting attitudes in contemporary political philosophy: ‘fiat iustitia, pereat mundus’, on the one side, and ‘salus populi suprema lex’, on the other side. More specifically, compromise may provide the backbone of a conception of legitimacy that mediates between idealistic (or moralistic) and realistic (or pragmatic) desiderata of political theory, i.e. between the aspiration to peace and the aspiration to justice. In other words, this paper considers whether an account of compromise could feature in a viable realistic conception of political legitimacy, in much the same way in which consensus features in more idealistic conceptions of legitimacy (a move that may be attributed to some realist theorists, especially Bernard Williams). My conclusions, however, are largely sceptical: I argue that grounding legitimacy in any kind of normatively salient agreement does require the trappings of idealistic political philosophy, for better or – in my view – worse.  相似文献   
我国现行《企业破产法》承继1986年破产法的基本思路,破产程序开始仍然以法院受理破产案件为始点。但是,按照我国《破产法》之规定,法院受理破产案件,并非意味着一定要宣告债务人破产。但是,从整个制度设计看,只要破产案件被法院受理就要开始破产程序,而破产程序一经开始就要发生一系列效力,如指定管理人接管债务人财产、债权申报、未到期债权到期、债务人的人身自由要受到一定的限制等。如果法院不宣告债务人破产,这些已经经过的程序及损失应如何处理?本文认为,能够恢复的,就恢复;不能恢复的,应当按照过错的不同来承担赔偿责任。另外破产程序开始后对债务人的人身、财产及其他效力在三种程序中是否一致?笔者认为,三种程序有不同。  相似文献   
在全球化日益推进的现代,作为调节、整合社会利益冲突机制的政治妥协,不应该仅仅局限于民族国家内,而应该站在全球视野和思维的高度上,发挥应有的效用。只有当政治妥协成为一种普世性的价值选择时,和平与发展的时代主题才能真正实现。  相似文献   
五四前后的思想文化运动为什么没有产生有效的现代宪政制度,因为我们缺乏形成和革新制度的能力。制度经常是利益斗争和调和的产物;制度需要建立在一定的基本共识基础上;制度的构建还需要法治文化、社会和经济因素以及制度本身的作用。  相似文献   
张苏军 《现代法学》2001,(1):128-131
监狱是社会文明进步的一个窗口 ,监狱行刑是刑事司法的一个重要环节和实现司法公正的实践保障 ,由于种种原因造成监狱行刑中的“妥协执法”现象危害深重 ,了解其表现、追索其根源和治理的对策意义重大。  相似文献   
刑事和解在我国作为犯罪处置模式,具有公权力推进型的政策性导向,由于追求化解纠纷,办案效率等因素,在刑事和解实践适用中存在异化现象。权力机关主持刑事和解的主体多元化,强力促使当事人达成和解,与辩诉交易制度混淆,在刑事和解的案件适用范围上进行扩张,将刑事和解适用于重罪案件甚至作为控制死刑的手段。理性反思刑事和解实践中的异化形态,应将刑事和解通过法益原则在实体上进行限制,控制在侵犯个人法益轻罪范围内,程序上明确刑事和解的启动程序、和解内容、救济途径。  相似文献   
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