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This article undertakes an auto-critical analysis of the research team's ethnographic study of Cultural Enterprise Office (CEO), a Scottish creative business support agency. We discuss the team's composition and how this relates to other analyses of ethnographic teamwork. Our research is situated in the wider policy context of the “creative-economic” turn in the UK's research funding. This has been accompanied by increased emphasis on “knowledge exchange” and “impact” in the drive for greater accountability in higher education. The team's evolution in the course of undertaking research is illustrated by reference to four “pivotal moments,” which illustrate how we “performed” knowledge exchange.  相似文献   
宁夏干部目前精神状态值得肯定的方面是具有务实的工作作风、吃苦耐劳的精神品质、耐得住清贫的心理素质。存在的问题表现为争先意识较差、自足自满情绪较盛、干事业的激情不足、开拓创新的意识不强、迎难而上的锐气不够。在贯彻科学发展观的实践过程中,应防止将开拓发展与科学发展观、敢于发展与善于发展对立起来,重点克服“稳”字当头的保守理念和庸碌无为的精神状态。  相似文献   
While opportunities for women have certainly improved and they are far better represented today in a range of music sectors, Creative and Cultural Skills (2010) found that women occupy only 32.2% of all music industry related jobs, they earn less, give up their careers sooner and experience more barriers to progression than their male counterparts. It has been shown that while ‘creative labour’ can be rewarding and fulfilling it is also a source of (self-) exploitation, is insecure, involves long hours, entails working for low or no pay, through the gifting of free labour, requires high levels of commitment from a normatively younger worker and results in bulimic patterns of work. It appears that the contested nature of creative work may have particular implications for female freelance musicians but, hitherto, very little critical attention has been paid to their experiences. Using an innovative methodological approach combining visual social research methods and digital ethnography, this paper presents the findings of an exploratory study into the working lives of five professional female musicians based in London and the South West of England. It examines the nature of their work and seeks to understand how freelance careers are experienced, supported and developed. The findings suggest that this is often contingent on the context of the work, its purpose, the types of work the musicians undertake and the meanings they attribute to their various musical activities.  相似文献   
坚持和完善生态文明制度体系,构建现代环境治理体系,需要地方政府的创造性执行,把生态文明的制度优势转化为生态环境保护和环境治理效能,切实改善环境质量,不断满足人民日益增长的优美生态环境需要,建设美丽中国。推动地方政府的创造性执行,要建立必要的制度保障,核心就是地方政府推动发展的强力激励与地方政府生态环境主导责任落实的制度能够相容,还需要构建合宜的运行机理,即执行要落地、规划要协同、执法要服务。  相似文献   
党校函授教育质量的优劣在于办学者的综合实力,班主任是综合实力的重要组成部分。只有建设好班主任队伍,才能不断提高党校函授教育的管理能力和水平。  相似文献   
对比大陆法系与英美法系通行的构成要件理论,我国的犯罪构成理论存在一些问题,这突出地表现在它不符合人的思维逻辑。它的四个要件没有主次之分,影响了对共犯的认定。另外,它的客体要件、主体要件以及在正当化事由方面都存在明显缺陷,因此,有必要对我国的犯罪构成理论进行创造性的转化。  相似文献   
王丹阳 《金陵法律评论》2007,(2):143-147,153
文学翻译的过程同时也是创作文学作品的过程.文学翻译的性质决定了文学翻译的核心问题是努力做到全面实现译文的文学功能,即原文文学意境的传达,或者说原作文学效果的再现,译者应当把完善译文的文学功能作为自己的主要目标.因此,创作文学作品是文学翻译的根本任务,而译文则是作者和译者共同写作的结果.  相似文献   
吴琳 《行政与法》2006,4(5):42-44
公务员的理论思维是政府行政工作中的灵魂,体现的是政府公共行政的精神。理论思维是以科学的理论为路径来思考问题的。它是一种批判性思维,具有抽象性、系统性和前瞻性的特征,是对经验思维方式的超越。因此本文试图通过经验思维与理论思维的对比,从而提出提高理论思维的三种模式:提取与配置信息的模式,分析与解决问题的实践模式,自我反思与超越自我的模式,最后提出了理论思维能力提高与创新的原则。  相似文献   
新的社会阶层成为新世纪统一战线的生力军 ,统一战线工作的新对象 ,这是统一战线工作范围的扩大 ,工作对象变化的必然结果。新社会阶层是先进生产力的重要代表 ,我们要根据新社会阶层各个不同群体的特点 ,有针对性地开展创造性的统一战线工作 ,团结组织起浩浩荡荡的革命大军 ,为建设有中国特色社会主义作出新贡献。  相似文献   
培养学生的侦查创新能力包括创造性思维、创造性人格、创造性实践能力。侦查学的创造性教学,具有以下四个特征:一是问题设计性,以问题作为整个教学过程的出发点和归宿;二是求异思维性,多种侦查途径的选择训练是培养学生求异思维的良方;三是学生主体性,教师在教学中必须尊重学生的人格,让学生主动参与教学过程;四是过程变通性,不把教学过程看成是某种固定不变的流程,而是适时地更新教学内容、改进教学方法、调整教学环节,机动灵活地组织教学过程。  相似文献   
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