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高校是培育创新精神和创新人才的重要基地。在高校英语教学中培养学生创造性思维能力是可行的。教师在教学中应努力创设有效的氛围,采取适当的方法,培养学生的创新意识,发展学生的创新思维能力。  相似文献   
随着全球化进程的加快和知识经济的发展,以文化为核心的创意产业在全球蓬勃兴起,已成为衡量一个国家综合竞争力高低的重要标志。针对我国创意产业存在的竞争力不足及人才匮乏等问题,应从转变观念、构建产业支持体系、加快产业人才的培养以及利用地域优势等方面入手,寻找适合我国创意产业发展的路径。  相似文献   
This article provides a framework for the conceptualization of arts entrepreneurship in the US by first examining a range of perspectives on the boundaries of the “arts and culture sector” in the US and then exploring in some depth four theories of entrepreneurship and how such theories may be realized within the arts and culture sector. Theories of firm formation are considered both generally and as potentially applied to the arts and culture sector, with examples of firm formation drawn both from existing literature and the author's direct observation of entrepreneurial activity. Finally, the essay connects these theories in a means and ends framework to provide a context for understanding arts entrepreneurial activity, especially in the US arts and culture sector. The theory that emerges from the examples provided to illustrate the framework is a simple one: artists form firms or otherwise undertake entrepreneurial action toward the end of creating art sustainably and they do so by discovering or creating new connections between their means and that desirable end.  相似文献   
This article develops a critical appraisal of the UNESCO Creative Economy Report (2013). It dis-cusses continuity and change in the focus and message of the UNCTAD Creative Economy Reports. The UNESCO Report aims at Widening Development Pathways and provides a balanced engagement with the relation between culture and development. It is a welcome addition to the creative economy debate that is now uncontestably global in scope. In spite of many perks, there is always room for improvement. First, there is a need for more critical engagement with examples, including bad ones. Second, mobility and visa issues among artists remain a concern. Third, the problematic opposition of developed and developing countries is no longer useful. Finally, the limited historical framing of (cultural) policy issues often leads to myopic thinking.  相似文献   
首都职工素质教育工程是实现党的十六大报告中提出的"形成全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会,促进人的全面发展"的全面建设小康社会目标的重要举措;是深入开展"创争"活动的重要形式,是"学习型城市建设、创新型城市建设、和谐城市建设"的重要途径。《实用文体写作》是通用能力培训的必修课程之一。  相似文献   
当前,我国博士研究生教育在数量上已经达到相当可观的规模,但在创新能力培养方面与发达国家的差距明显。本文通过分析影响我国当前博士研究生创新能力培养的因素,提出促进博士生创新能力的相应对策,以确保高层次人才培养的高质量。  相似文献   
This article addresses the current focus within urban cultural policy on using art as a tool in urban development. Based on theories of participation, democracy, and public art, the article sets out to investigate critically the concept of placemaking. The discussion is based on an analysis of the public art project Placemaking, which took place during 2015 in eight municipalities around Copenhagen in Denmark. I argue that, when used as a tool in urban development, participatory public art engenders contradictory encounters. These encounters challenge the cultural political effort to democratize art and culture.  相似文献   
宁夏干部目前精神状态值得肯定的方面是具有务实的工作作风、吃苦耐劳的精神品质、耐得住清贫的心理素质。存在的问题表现为争先意识较差、自足自满情绪较盛、干事业的激情不足、开拓创新的意识不强、迎难而上的锐气不够。在贯彻科学发展观的实践过程中,应防止将开拓发展与科学发展观、敢于发展与善于发展对立起来,重点克服“稳”字当头的保守理念和庸碌无为的精神状态。  相似文献   
本文根据知识经济时代对创新人才的要求以及我国创新人才素质的状况提出并论述了当代创新人才应具备的六个方面的特征 :一是坚持探索 ,惟真是求的独立人格 ;二是不拘陈见 ,破除框框的批判思维 ;三是敢想敢干 ,敢为天下先的开拓精神 ;四是锲而不舍 ,不屈不挠的意志品质 ;五是学贯中西 ,宽广渊深的文化素养 ;六是博采众长 ,海纳百川的广阔胸怀。  相似文献   
江泽民以巨大的理论勇气和创新精神,结合当今时代特征和我国现代化建设的基本情况,着眼世界军事的发展趋势,创造性地发展了毛泽东军事思想和邓小平新时期军队建设思想,主要有:揭示了新时期我军建设的主要矛盾;提出了“两个根本性转变”的战略指导思想;提出了新的国家安全观;确立了新时期我军建设的发展道路;首次提出了国防建设发展战略;指出了国防建设与经济建设相互促进、协调发展的关键环节;提出了健全和完善国防法规体系的思想。  相似文献   
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