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行政规范性文件监督制度的反思与重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行政规范性文件在我国行政管理中起着非常重要的作用,提高行政性规范文件的品质,促进行政主体依法行政,有利于提高行政效能,促进法治建设。但由于制定、执行与监督制度中的诸多问题,很大程度上影响监督效能的发挥。我们对这些制度存在的缺陷进行反思与重构,确立了以程序控制为主线,以立法监控、行政监控、司法监控为重点的多层次的监督体系。  相似文献   
本文从各国对待非法获得的言词证据与实物证据之证据能力的不同态度出发 ,考察了在非法获得的实物证据之证据能力问题上具有代表性的国家的法律规定及实践做法 ,分析了背后蕴涵的理念基础 ,从而 ,力图为我国在非法获得的实物证据取舍方面寻找合理又合情的理论基础 ,并对具体制度的建立提出建议。  相似文献   
通过对几个海上货物运输公约及《中华人民共和国海商法》相关条款的理解,分析海上运输合同、买卖合同以及付款方式,进而指出在《鹿特丹规则》下FOB卖方的地位。与此同时,提出出口商应如何处理买卖合同与海上运输合同的关系,如何处理提单签发问题,如何减少风险,维护自己的权益。  相似文献   
通过对CIETAC一则案例的评析,研究了CIF合同下买卖双方的义务以及开证行拒付留单后CIF合同的履行方式,探讨了在中国法律及<联合国国际货物销售合同公约>的环境下CIF合同的性质,认为CIF合同仍然是货物交易而不是单据交易.  相似文献   
二十世纪90年代中国电视节目趋向栏目化发展,原先以电视节目形态播出的电视纪录片,也顺应了这种发展趋势。1993年上海电视台《纪录片编辑室》的开办和中央电视台《东方时空.生活空间》的开播,标志着我国栏目化纪录片的开始。这类栏目,既保证了我国电视栏目纪录片的合法性存在,也培养了中国的电视栏目纪录片观众。只是如今这种栏目化所导致的流水线批量生产的方式是否有违纪录片特性,则尚是一个值得业界深思和探讨的重要问题。  相似文献   
This paper casts a look on media aspects of the anti-war-on-terror struggle in western countries. A peculiar warfare, the “war on terror” that officially begun in 2001, is a low-density global warfare, fought in different internal and external fronts . Within a liberal, increasingly post-political social terrain, where social affairs are objects of expert management lacking public accountability and legitimacy, the role, status and the identity of the contemporary citizen is in decline. New media “affordances” offer critical possibilities for challenging hegemonic political discourses, and addressing political alternatives for a broad range of social problems; a re-invention of citizenship through the construct of a new (collective) political subject is central in the reinvention of democracy today. Discourse analysis, drawing reflexively on post-structuralist discourse theory and critical discourse analysis, is deployed in the study of counter-war-on-terror discourses in different documentaries critical to the “war on terror”. Analysis looks at different constructions of “us” and “them” in the context of counter-hegemonic discourses today. Identity is central in the engagement, participation and orientation of citizens today. Identity is central in organising a collective centre and in initiating subjectivity to fragmented liberal, postmodern individuals.  相似文献   
为建立无损、快速、直观的文件物质材料检验方法,利用物理光学仪器—文检仪比对检验常用的文件物质材料,主要包括纸张和色料。结果显示,利用文检仪的不同光源即可有效区分不同物质的种类,且区分能力较强。该法无需对检材进行任何处理,简单、快速、直观、方便、不损坏检材。  相似文献   
纪实学作品的重要特征之一,便是它的“真实性”,为此它为后人留下了弥足珍贵的“史料”。诞生于抗日战争时期的以记载侵华日军暴行为内容的大量通讯与报告字,同样因作的“身临其境”,而成为揭露侵略残暴罪行的原始“证据”。尤其是其独特的报道角度与宽广的覆盖面,不仅弥补了以往史料中的空白与不足,而且为今天的研究提供了一个新的渠道。  相似文献   
在中国古代的司法实践中,口供不是惟一的证据形式,书证这一带有浓厚客观色彩的证据在案件审理中受到了审判人员的重视,尤其在民事案件的审理中更成为具有关键意义的证据形态。本文旨在对古代社会的书证制度在司法领域的运行状况进行探讨,并依托于司法案例展开各项阐释,展现古代书证制度的原貌及特征,以期为今日社会之书证制度的完善提供历史借鉴。  相似文献   
This article explores the way cross-dressing has been used as a tool of dissent by queer subjects in the film Mariposas en el andamio . This documentary not only advocates the integration of homosexuals in the realm of Cuban society, but also evidences the establishment of a culture of transvestism on the island. The ultimate intention of Mariposas is to posit the male-to-female transvestite as a figure that contests hegemonic heteronormativity as well as the machista values predicated by the Cuban revolution. The film not only opposes sexist heteronormativity (machismo in Latin American societies), but also establishes a link between homosexuality and cross-dressing practices in Latin America, as transvestism becomes an externalisation of these individuals' homosexual identity. Furthermore, the film seems to suggest that the transvestites feel trapped in the wrong biological sex. The second focus of this article is on the geographical spaces where such transvestic practices are permissible on the island. Although the film makes a case for a more open and inclusive Cuban society, it fails to show that same-sex desire and cross-dressing can be played out outside the neighbourhood's canteen in which the show takes place. Finally, I intend to show how camp becomes the best strategy for the transvestites to challenge the idea of homosexuals as anti-revolutionary figures as well as Latin American heteronormativity. To this end, I engage in a study of a strategy of gender subversion that I call 'camp fuck'. This type of campness de-constructs the idea of a bourgeois camp to transform it into a more political device, which permits the contesting of heteronormativity through elements that have traditionally been regarded as frivolous and apolitical.  相似文献   
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