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“其他规范性文件”的规范化问题及其规制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行政法规、规章以外的规范性文件即“其他规范性文件” ,存在概念、名称、制定主体资格、制定程序等的不规范。在国家统一的行政程序法典没有出台以前 ,最便捷、最有效的办法是对现行《国家行政机关公文处理办法》进行修改 ,尽早明确和统一其他规范性文件概念的内涵和外延、表现形式、行文规则和制定程序。  相似文献   
杨春宇 《思想战线》2005,31(3):83-87
近年来从事视觉研究的学者指出,人类学学科史可以从视觉的角度来加以读解.3位人类学家与3位电影制作者的并置为这种反思打开了一条路径,让我们看到在人类学知识背后的视觉机制,包括人类学学者如何看待异文化、如何看待自身以及用何种方式来呈现自己的看法,进而理解在这种机制下左右人类学学科发展的权力格局.  相似文献   
孙运旭 《学理论》2012,(15):148-151
长安是历经最多朝代的千年古都,《望长安》等电视纪录片都从不同角度再现了历史上的长安的方方面面,长安拥有丰厚的文化历史底蕴,有着属于自己的独特文化氛围,长安独特的城市背影在纪录片中渐渐清晰和明朗,一层一层的剥落神秘的外壳,显露出真实而深厚绵长的城市文化。  相似文献   
The aftermath of the Korean War (1950–1953), the North Korean refugees and political prisoners in the South, the separation of families, and others painful traces of the division of Korea (1945), have occupied a central place in South Korean cinema. However, for decades, the cinematic representations of the ideological conflict did not take into account the way in which violence and horror struck the Korean diaspora. The presence of these memories in Our School (2006) and Grandmother's Flower (2008) has produced a new challenge to the ways of seeing and narrating the historical memories in visual images. In this article, I will focus on revealing the values of the past in terms of memory space. I suggest a reading from a peculiar understanding of violence, oppression and discrimination. By comparing these two acclaimed films, I have attempted to rethink the boundaries and dispute processes of appropriating historical traumas and its relation to the multiple locations of historical memories.  相似文献   
曹志勋 《现代法学》2011,33(5):151-160
引入两大法系共通的书证搜集裁判,有利于解决我国当事人提交书证能力不足的现实问题。在裁判模式上,大陆法系和美国在基本问题上达成共识,其书证搜集裁判的适用范围大致相似,并且裁判本身都在解决纠纷过程中发挥决定作用。在裁判效果上,妨碍书证搜集的一方应当在不同情况下分别于证据、事实、请求和程序层面承担不利后果。从现有制度出发,法院依申请取证制度应当引入比较法上书证类型的共识并且区分法官的裁判义务事项和自由裁量事项,同时从条件和过程两方面控制法官的裁量权,强调以裁判的形式加以保障。我国《证据规定》第75条正是书证搜集裁判的现行法基础,有必要重塑和细化其规范要件,并且建构层次清晰的裁判效果体系。  相似文献   
长篇历史小说《孙中山》将在纪实基础上的合理想象与在艺术品位中遵循史实有机地结合起来,构成此部作品宏大气场。作品具有穿越时空的力量,将历史文献考据与合理的逻辑演绎精心对接,让历史人物及场景得以真实地再现。小说创作坚持严肃谨慎的态度,不断挖掘细节,丰富精神骨架。既重整体构思,也精细节刻画,注重艺术性和纪实性的高度统一。把历史巨人写成邻家少年,让他从神坛上真正走下来,走到读者中间,走到民众中间,给读者以历史时空的无限想像和智慧启迪。  相似文献   
This article examines the role performed by the autobiographical body in Lola Arias' documentary play Minefield (2016). Through a ‘hypermedial’ representation of the cultural memory archive, Arias challenges dominant perspectives towards the Malvinas/Falklands conflict by repeatedly using screens, recording devices and documentary footage to highlight the mediation and subjectivity inherent in both individual and collective memories of the past. By engaging with recent work on documentary theatre and live performance, this article reflects on how Minefield's narrative repetition and formal reflexivity demand, though ultimately confound, an empathetic connection between performer and audience.  相似文献   
20世纪90年代的中国纪录片之所以有翻天覆地的变化,与当代中国的三种文化形态密切相关.官方主导文化、民间大众文化及学界精英文化这三种文化决定了中国纪录片的三种主要形态:主旋律纪录片、大众式纪录片及精英式纪录片.90年代中国纪录片的这三种主要形态在当今文化的影响下,经历相互间的冲撞与融合,逐渐形成了各自的特点,并日益明显地呈现出各自的发展态势.  相似文献   
This article considers Elena Poniatowska's La noche de Tlatelolco [ Massacre in Mexico ] as an example of documentary narrative. It examines the narrative strategies she uses to articulate a tripartite interpretation of the events of 2 October 1968. First, it argues that Poniatowska's text represents the Tlatelolco massacre as a crime against humanity constituted by multiple abuses of human rights. Second, the text is shown to expose the cover-up that occurred as a result of the deliberate manipulation of information by the Mexican state. Third, from a more positive perspective, it is argued that the text represents Tlatelolco as a milestone in the ongoing struggle for democracy. Overall, attention is drawn to the importance of Poniatowska's text in the construction of cultural memory as a counter to official history in narrative representations of this particular trauma in Mexican history.  相似文献   
直接言词原则是近现代各国通用的一项重要的诉讼原则,但在我国现行立法中却没有确立,司法实践中普遍采用间接书面审理方式。直接言词原则对控制犯罪与保障人权诉讼目的的实现具有重大价值,应在我国立法上尽快确立。  相似文献   
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