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当前,部队执勤目标及营区被袭击事件时有发生。为此,各级领导和广大官兵应充分认清形势与任务,认真查找防袭击存在的问题,加强警惕性教育,完善防袭击机制,强化防袭击训练,提高物防水平,努力实现部队安全稳定。  相似文献   
The success or failure of an ineffective assistance of counsel claim turns largely on the testimony of trial counsel. It is therefore common for the government to communicate ex parte with trial counsel in order to formulate its response to such a claim. But even after the representation has ended, trial counsel continues to be bound by duties of loyalty and confidentiality to their former client, as well as the attorney-client privilege, subject to a limited waiver relative to information that is reasonably necessary to respond to the ineffectiveness claim. Because of their interests in the litigation, however, neither trial counsel nor the government is positioned to objectively decide what information is covered by that waiver. In order to ensure that trial counsel respects their ethical duties to their former client and to protect the sanctity of the attorney-client relationship, post-conviction courts should prohibit trial counsel from communicating ex parte with the government. These courts should instead require that all such communications take place on the record—ideally at a deposition, but alternatively through affidavits.  相似文献   
董淳锷 《北方法学》2014,8(5):48-59
为了促进公司法实体规则的实施,立法者除了需要重视法律责任和惩罚措施的运用之外,还应当建立各种激励机制,即以经济利益的给付、道德声誉的褒奖、相关权利的优先享有以及法律责任的豁免为手段来促使公司及其参与人主动遵守法律。因为激励机制在解决"共益权行使的集体行动问题"以及"义务规则的非标准化问题"等方面具有不可替代的作用,而且激励机制的运用还有助于把公司法的公共实施转化为私人实施,进而降低法律实施的成本。  相似文献   
Accounts of turnout often maintain that citizens participate in elections because the expressive, instrumental and normative benefits associated with the act of voting outweigh the respective costs. Although the impact of those benefits has been empirically assessed in many studies, we know little about when and for whom this impact is stronger. To this end, this paper examines 1) how the effect of those benefits and particularly that of civic duty increases over the election campaign and 2) whether this increase can be attributed to voter heterogeneity. Survey respondents who have not yet decided how they are going to vote will be increasingly swayed to cast a vote on the basis of their civic duty and not other predictors of turnout. The empirical hypotheses are being tested by utilising recent rolling cross-section election studies from Britain. The results suggest that the influence of civic duty on turnout is stable for decided but increases for undecided voters the closer the election day looms.  相似文献   
党的十八届三中全会确定了市场化改革的基调,如何进一步完善国有企业现代企业制度,提高国有企业竞争力成为一项重要课题。国有企业董事勤勉义务制度建设存在不少问题,应明确责任内容与认定标准、建立激励与约束机制、完善责任体系等建议,以期为新一轮国有企业改革提供可借鉴的法治化路径。  相似文献   
试论临床教学基地患者隐私权的限制与保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医学临床教育的社会公益性、医学生受教育权的法定性和临床教学基地性质与功能的双重性决定了临床教学中患者的隐私权应受到必要的、合理的限制。同时,从防范医疗纠纷等角度来看,也应对隐私权这一重要权益予以法律保护。临床教学中患者隐私权的保护既可规定于患者权利法中,也可规定在相关的临床教学规范中,在内容上应确立告知原则、同意原则和适当原则,并规定医学生的守密义务。  相似文献   
为保护公司债权人的利益,追究股东违反出资义务的责任,《公司法解释三》将债权人代位权制度引入了公司法领域。该制度在公司法中的应用与传统合同法中的适用要件存在差异,彰显了其在公司法中的实践价值。不过,该制度引入公司法后引发了多重诉讼、债权人间利益冲突等问题,文章提出了三种可能的解决思路,以期对公司法中债权人代位权制度的完善有所裨益。  相似文献   
食品监管渎职罪条文中“滥用职权或者玩忽职守”的规定表明其与滥用职权罪和玩忽职守罪有直接的联系,故此有学者认为食品监管渎职罪兼具故意和过失两种罪过形态,突破了传统刑法的单一罪过说。刑法总则中故意和过失的确定是针对危害结果而非危害行为而言,滥用职权罪和玩忽职守罪的主观罪过均应是过失,食品监管渎职罪没有突破单一罪过说。  相似文献   
公权力优位是中国权力文化的特点之一。尽管当代社会在生产方式、社会结构及伦理基础方面均发生实质性变迁,但公权力优位的传统文化至今仍然深刻禁锢并影响着现代人特别是广大官员的思维模式、行为习惯和交往方式。比如过度适用刑法解决民事行政事务、“官本位”思想及公权力过度介入市民社会等都是典型例证。当前,检察制度改革应当以公权力优位传统文化为突破口,在刑事诉讼中要注意宽缓刑事政策的适用和加强人权保障;要进一步强化检察机关对职务犯罪的侦查权力;进一步拓展和加强检察机关对行政权的检察监督,把行政权力“装进”制度的“铁笼里”。  相似文献   
通过分析物证监控信息化管理系统的特点和智能化发展趋势,提出综合利用物联网RFID技术来对物证进行智能化识别、登记、使用、监控以及生命周期管理等;应用RFID与Zigbee相结合的室内无线定位技术,实现自动获取、管理物证实时可控的状态信息,防止物证被盗或丢失,提高管理和维护效率。  相似文献   
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