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This paper explores the struggles of China's party-state to address chronic food safety problems by adopting international best practices of risk-based regulation. Despite formally adopting risk-based approaches for targeting inspections and enforcement in 2002, implementation has been halting and uneven, as we show in the first analysis of risk-based regulation beyond its OECD heartlands. Drawing on policy document analysis and 36 key informant interviews with food business operators and government officials working on food safety regulation at every level of the state, we identify contradictions between official commitments to risk-based inspection and top-down demands for zero tolerance and strict accountability, which leave local inspectors preoccupied with avoiding blame more than reducing safety risks. Our analysis advances recent scholarship on regulatory states of the global South by highlighting how risk-based ideas, instruments, and practices are refracted through the distinctive norms and style of China's reactive regulatory state.  相似文献   
当前我国粮食安全面临着诸如粮食生产动力不足,粮食供需结构失衡,资源环 境压力过大,粮食产业竞争力不强和生产效益较低等问题,给国家经济社会稳定带来了一定 的隐患。“十四五”时期还需继续贯彻落实新发展理念,在复杂的发展形势下不断完善已有的粮食安全保障体系,为“十四五”时期乃至未来国内经济社会可持续发展提供保证。具体应以创新的理念突破粮食生产瓶颈,以协调的理念化解粮食结构矛盾,以绿色的理念缓解资源和环境压力,以开放的理念防范国际粮食贸易风险,以共享的理念提高粮食生产整体效益,共同提高我国粮食安全保障能力。  相似文献   
There have been efforts to establish agencies as part of a strategy to improve service delivery world-wide. In Nigeria, agencies have also been established at both the national and state levels. The Lagos State Government has also established various agencies to fulfill different government functions in the state. After many years, the activities of these agencies have improved the delivery of services to the people in Lagos State, but there is still much to be done. This is why this study examines agencification of public service delivery in Nigeria with reference to Lagos State. The study uses mixed methods and triangulated data to achieve the research objectives. Questionnaire was used to collect data from service users and departmental officials. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with key officials of the selected agencies. Key documents were also reviewed. The findings reveal: lack of human resources capacity, inadequate financial management skills, and poor management of service providers, and the environment of the people of Lagos State are not considered in the conception and the implementation of the service-delivery-driven agencies. The study therefore recommends that agencification of public service in Lagos State as conceived if properly implemented can contribute to effective public service delivery.  相似文献   
Currently the Academy operates primarily as a space that helps to create and cement neoliberal hegemony in the Gramscian sense. However, since hegemony is never complete, universities are a site of struggle and the opportunity exists to engage in a “war of position” within them. This must necessarily involve allowing space for counter-hegemonic discourses to emerge through critical reflection on “common sense” discourses, as well as the deliberate inclusion of counter-hegemonic thinking and theory from below. This article reflects on an attempt to do this in a South African university, the University of KwaZulu-Natal, in relation to the issue of food. The Food Festival was an attempt to subvert interlocking hegemonic discourses, including that of food security, by “reading the world” (à la Freire) in order to understand the actual nature of existing food systems as inherently oppressive, and “inserting” the concept of food sovereignty as developed by the global peasants’ movement La Via Campesina. After considering the counter-hegemonic intentions of the Festival, the article reflects on its uneven success.  相似文献   
食品安全是维系民生和社会安定的重大问题。在严重危及民众生命健康安全的食品犯罪案件层出不穷的情况下,以“严刑峻法杀无赦”的重刑主义规制食品犯罪无异于舍本逐末;反之,在食品犯罪认定中,降低因果关系的证明强度,提高刑罚的不可避免性,才是规制食品犯罪之正途。对此,在食品犯罪认定中可引入过错推定责任、疫学因果关系说,将食品犯罪认定中因果关系的证明强度相对淡化,从而遏制食品犯罪的高发势头,保障民众食品安全。  相似文献   
日本是目前世界上食育体系最为完善的国家,研究这一体系,特别是关注其中的政府角色,对在中国推广该机制,具有重要意义。文章以日本为研究国别,在描述食育基本内容的基础上,论述了不同历史阶段食育的特征与消长,尤其是政府对推进食育计划的积极作用,最后重点关注了发挥管理保障功能的日本政府有关食育计划的组织架构。  相似文献   
论《食品安全法》中的新型民事责任   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为降低消费者的维权成本与经营者的违法收益、提高消费者的维权收益与经营者的违法成本,《食品安全法》创设了集中交易市场开办者对消费者的连带责任、虚假代言人对消费者的连带责任以及10倍惩罚性赔偿责任。三类民事责任都有充分的法理依据,特定的构成要件,在司法实践中有可能引起相关争议。  相似文献   
我国的物流企业逐渐成熟,给人们生活带来方便,但由于物流寄递渠道人货分离的特点,不法分子利用物流企业监督管理不到位,规章制度不落实的漏洞,通过物流渠道夹带贩运枪支弹药、爆炸物品、危险化学品、管制刀具、毒品等禁寄物品以及盗窃、冒领、隐匿、毁弃、私拆货物邮件的案件和问题逐年增多。针对当前物流行业存在的问题,公安机关有必要对物流行业在各环节中出现的问题进行治安监管。  相似文献   
文章认为,两性关系、食物需求与私有制的起源有密切联系。远古社会男女两性比例失调给男女生活带来了难以化解的张力,只是由于食物缺乏、女性尊贵等因素,部落自身才具有自我调节的能力。进入母系社会末期,部落之间为争夺食物发生了大规模战争,女子沦为俘虏,被胜利者当作“财产”加以瓜分,从此成为男子独占的对象。男子为了养活女子,开始寻求更多的属于自己支配的食物和财产,此即人类私有制最初的意义。后来,在相对固定的两性关系下,血缘意识出现,男女关系开始从属于父子关系。这种关系的转变促发了私有财产意义的变换。男子转而将为子女积累更多的财产作为生命追求的目标,财产传承制度由此萌发,并反过来影响了私有财产的逐渐制度化。  相似文献   
该文探索性地分析了食品安全警示双向失控的概念、类型、成因及对策。为了矫正双向失控,该文提出应当规范警示术语,减少有权发布警示的单位数,建立统一、完整、连续的警示信息发布和汇总平台。  相似文献   
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