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间接正犯特征探微   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
间接正犯是刑法理论和司法实践中的一种特殊的犯罪形态 ,有其独特的特征。深入剖析它的基本特征和构成特征 ,对于在理论上将间接正犯与教唆犯、亲手犯、共犯等相关概念区别开来 ,在司法实践中准确地认定间接正犯 ,都具有重要意义。  相似文献   
The Grand Chamber has ruled that the data retention directive was invalid ex tunc since it seriously interfered with the fundamental rights to respect for private life and protection of personal data and exceeded the limits of the principle of proportionality which are provided for in the Charter. The scope and temporal effects of this ruling should be clarified, especially its legal impacts on national laws of Member States which enacted the directive. In addition, the findings of the Grand Chamber on geographical safeguards have far-reaching implications on the retention and storage of personal data in the EU.  相似文献   
我国不同时期的宪法文本都规定了基本权利,但是在条文数量与内容上各不相同。中国宪法所规定基本权利深受政治、经济和权利意识等因素的影响,具有深刻的时代烙印。基本权利的规定体现了中国宪法对基本人权原则的确认,进一步完善基本权利内容,必将对更好地落实基本人权原则、促进人权保障具有重大意义。  相似文献   
娄杰 《桂海论丛》2004,20(5):6-9
加强党的执政能力建设是在国际竞争中应对挑战,促进三个文明协调发展,增强党的执政基础,提高党的拒腐防变能力和抵御风险能力的迫切需要。必须加强党的思想建设以增强执政为民意识,加强制度建设以提高执政为民水平,加强干部队伍建设以完善择优汰劣机制,加强基层党组织建设以增强执政基础,加强党风廉政建设以确保领导干部廉洁从政和执政为民。  相似文献   
社会保障权属于人权发展史上的二代人权,具有典型的社会权特征,是讨论社会保障问题的逻辑前提和基础.社会保障权从学理上分析具有宪法基本权利的四个特征,是国际人权文件所确认的基本人权,也是世界各国宪政实践所确认的基本权利.我国宪法虽然没有明确使用社会保障权这一概念,但相关规定都在社会保障范畴之中,理当承认社会保障权的宪法基本...  相似文献   
荷兰刑事司法受到了现代人权法律的深刻影响。在荷兰刑事诉讼过程中,诉讼权利保障主要依据国际性和地区性的人权条约以及相关国内法。荷兰刑事诉讼程序运作体现了对人权的真切关怀:荷兰签署加入了多部国际公约和欧洲区域公约,国际条约、欧洲人权法院的判例法都对荷兰刑事诉讼中的人权保障起到了重要作用。在国内法体系中,荷兰的《宪法》、《刑事诉讼法》以及其他法律也规定了刑事诉讼程序权利保障。荷兰的法院、检察机关组织运作体制和诉讼制度设计较为完备,保障了诉讼参与者在刑事诉讼程序中的权利。在刑事审前程序中,检察机关发挥了主导作用,但参与其问的侦查法官则对检察官和警察的侦查权形成了有效制衡。从刑事诉讼权利保障法律体系的整体而言,荷兰审前程序权利保障的体制属于适度的职权主义诉讼模式,而审判程序中的权利保障体制则兼采当事人主义和职权主义的混合式诉讼模式。  相似文献   
陈锴 《桂海论丛》2012,28(2):72-75
西方主流经济学哲学上的唯心主义和形而上的思维是导致其不能深刻认识现代经济特征、做出合理预测和有效解决问题的根源。因此,主流经济学的实证与规范分析存在很大的缺陷。《哲学的贫困》是马克思开始运用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义进行经济分析的标志性文献。逻辑与历史相统一是认识经济现象、把握经济发展变化的根本方法,在今天看来,这一根本方法对审视主流经济学研究的缺陷及指导我国经济理论研究依然有重要意义。  相似文献   
基本权利既是主观权利,又是客观规范,具有第三人效力。将基本权利适用于民法,目的在于通过民法保护尚未被民法确立的基本权利。此种保护方法为"基本权利第三人间接效力说"。基本权利规范不宜直接作为民事判决依据,宜透过公序良俗、一般人格权等概括条款间接作为民事判决的说理依据。而通过民法保护并可作为民事裁判说理依据的基本权利有平等权、自由权、人格权及部分社会性基本权利。  相似文献   
我国公民基本权利之立宪发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
一个国家对基本权利采用何种立宪形式往往同该国的历史积淀、立宪的人文背景、当时的权利意识存在极大的关联。纵观基本权利在我国历部宪法中的发展,可以发现宪法对公民权利趋于全面规定、宪法对个人权利空前重视、公民的人身人格权利上防御性的规定模式形成、公民的经济社会文化权利上国家义务被强调。为了宪法保障基本权利的价值得到实现,在公民基本权利的立法模式上,我们需要改变宪法不断确认权利的传统思维、强化国家义务、提供公民权利的救济原则和基本途径、明确公民权利受限制等等。如此才符合国家追求法治状态的价值目标、符合立宪规律。  相似文献   
The human species is again becoming nomadic. Each year, about two billion persons move across large geographic distances (not to mention people in “virtual mobility” through information and communication technology). Many of these people have weak or unreliable identification documents—and many poorer people in developing countries do not even have these documents. In 2000, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) calculated that 50 million babies (41% of births worldwide) were not registered at birth. In this scenario, a personal identification scheme based on birth registration and state‐issued passports is less and less tenable. Biometrics appears to offer a viable technological solution. However, the technology itself is subject to popular critique, warning of dystopian futures of overwhelming surveillance and loss of privacy. The best answer to those who fear an Orwellian future is to engage with the technology and seek to ensure that biometric identification systems are developed in positive ways. We suggest that identification schemes become problematic when the reciprocity of identification goes unnoticed, forgotten, or (what is worse) is intentionally bypassed. The dynamics of identification should be reciprocal, dialogical, and involving mutual recognition. In the traditional political domain, this is the recognition by the state of a citizen and by the citizen of the state. In the digital age, identification systems must increasingly transcend geopolitical borders. A globally recognized identification scheme is therefore a necessity. However, it is merely the nature of the borders that has changed here—not the nature of identification. Our call will be: no identification without representation.  相似文献   
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