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East European countries, including Albania aren't totally immune from the troubles of the international financial trade, although they will not have direct influence on their finances system. These effects of the global economy crisis have begun to be felt even in Albania. The poor classes will be much more and faster effected from this crisis. This article will treat the effects of the crisis into these classes, and the risks that this crisis brings to their finances. Important factors for this will be the decrease of the monetary incomes in the country, the emigrant remittance and foreign investments decrease and as a result they will influence in a decrease of the income for person in the country, which will have much influence at this level. The intention of the article is to treat the policies that should be taken by the government to protect them. The government of these countries should be concentrated in the social protection of the poor classes and in the ways of overcoming the crisis for them.  相似文献   
This paper is a review of the literature that examines obesity in China. Multiple factors that contribute to this phenomenon are investigated, such as globalization, urbanization and cultural changes. Most of the researches reviewed in this paper concern urban, coastal populations of China. Obesity is defined differently for Asian populations; thus, diagnosis has been underestimated in the past. As China's economy develops, the country may now be gaining western problems, such as obesity. Obesity is related to economical causes as China participates in international business and trade. Furthermore, the role of the globalized food industry is reviewed. More western food companies and restaurants have infiltrated Chinese cities, causing mass changes in the traditional Chinese diet. Likewise, employment is a significant factor examined since more occupations in Chinese cities have transitioned to the service sector. Cultural attitudes differ from those of the West in which the Chinese view heavier bodies as healthier than thinner figures. Interventions that have been attempted are reviewed.  相似文献   
在两百多年的经济全球化进程中,世界经历了两波全球化和一次完整的逆全球化。当前,世界正面临第二波全球化转型发展的关键时期。全球化极大地促进了世界货物和服务贸易、国际资本流动和跨国直接投资,促使世界各国和地区深度融入全球产业链、价值链和创新链,推动了知识的生产、传播和扩散以及人力资本的增进和人口迁移,获得了持续的经济增长。但是,由于全球化导致利益分配不均,部分发达国家掀起逆全球化浪潮,致使贸易和投资规模萎缩、产业链断裂、科技进步受阻、世界经济低迷和社会矛盾激化。为此,中国必须积极参与重构国际经济规则和增进全球化公共产品的供给,主动承担主导全球化的责任。在夯实基于内需和全球化的国内大循环的基础上主动规划和融入国际大循环,创新驱动本土产业链现代化,激发全人类的企业家精神和深化经济体制机制改革,力促全球化转型发展。  相似文献   
“全球公域”系指主权国家管辖之外的人类共有资源、区域与领域。全球公域战略是北约为顺应国际安全形势变化所推出的重要举措,也是其为促进自身转型所采取的关键步骤。在全球公域战略新语境下,北约在继承后冷战时期以“进攻性防御”、“全球性防御”和“预防性防御”为逻辑主线的理念前提下,进一步扬弃创新,继而形成以“综合安全”、“相对安全”与“合作安全”为思想内核的安全新理念。在新战略、新理念的指导下,北约充分动员一切可用的军事和民用资源,审慎而有选择地将有限的力量部署在国际海洋、国际空域、外太空与网络空间等不为任何主权国家所有而全人类安全与繁荣所系之域,以保障其成员国的安全利益与战略优势。面对北约“合作加防范”双轨制全球公域战略,中国宜积极回应、力促合作,同时树立防范意识、加快自身能力建设,在维护国家利益的同时与北约携手为全球公域安全治理贡献力量。  相似文献   
国家安全是一个动态演进的概念。现代意义上的国家安全概念产生于工业社会的民族国家,并体现出以民族国家为中心、强调外部安全的特征。目前,中国正在从工业社会向后工业社会转型。在经济全球化的影响下,国家安全风险出现了高度的复杂性和高度不确定性等特征,内外界限被模糊。总体国家安全观是契合中国向后工业社会迈进时代特征的系统性、整体性的国家安全观。它具有多元性、层次性、结构性和整体性等特征,强调对内部安全与外部安全、国土安全与国民安全、传统安全与非传统安全、发展问题与安全问题、自身安全与共同安全的整合。作为一个重要的国家安全问题,中国打击“东突”恐怖主义可以在总体国家安全框架下呈现新的图景。由于“东突”恐怖主义日益被打上后工业化时代的烙印,中国反恐怖的模式必须实现从“统治”向“治理”的演变,这是因为“东突”恐怖主义日益显现出组织的松散性、风险的流动性和行为的不确定性以及思想的激进化、活动的虚拟化和联系的全球化,对既有的反恐模式提出了挑战。中国应在统筹国家治理与全球治理的基础上,构建内外整合型的治理模式,实现对恐怖主义的国家治理与全球治理良性互动。  相似文献   

The Ukraine crisis is usually treated either as Russia’s return to the old-style empire-building (the right) or as a clash of two imperialisms (the left). However, the essence of this crisis can be understood only from the dual perspective of the consequences of the Stalinist degeneration of the Russian Revolution and the fate of the modern global capitalism. The most rotten sections of the Soviet bureaucracy moved the society to capitalism. However, this effort could secure only a peripheral (Ukraine) or at best semi-peripheral (Russia) position in the capitalist world-system as a provider of cheap raw materials. Meanwhile, modern capitalism led to world economic crisis. In these conditions, the capital of the core capitalist countries obviously decided to strengthen its control over the periphery, and Russia’s aspirations to secure its domination over the former Soviet space were in the way. To thwart them, Western powers decided to provoke a Ukraine crisis, exploiting Ukrainians’ justified indignation at the backwardness and corruption inherent in their own peripheral capitalism. Hence, a study of the properties of the post-Soviet societies and their place in the world hierarchy is the key to understanding the Ukraine crisis.  相似文献   

The article aims to reassess the statebuilding endeavour of international interveners in the case of Haiti, from an interpretative and socio-historical perspective. First, the article analyses the existing critical literature on statebuilding and the growing literature on peacebuilding and legitimacy. Second, it introduces the case of Haiti, analysing the process of state formation and the production of the present conditions in the country. It then presents an assessment of Minustah, arguing that the lack of a local source of legitimacy, connected to a ‘security-first’ statebuilding approach, led the intervention to reinforce the predatory and undemocratic logics of Haitian politics.  相似文献   
近年来,中东地区的持续动荡导致难民潮汹涌不止,为恐怖分子的跨境流动提供了新的机会,这不仅不利于难民的保护,而且使反恐形势变得更加复杂,探寻能够从源头上预防和阻止恐怖分子对难民身份利用以及难民向恐怖主义转化的措施成为国际社会当前所面临的一大难题。对此,国际社会要在厘清难民潮与恐怖主义之间的关系,明确难民与恐怖分子互相转化的原因的基础上,进一步规范难民甄别机制,建立公平合理的难民责任分担机制,加强国际难民治理与反恐合作,促进庇护国内难民的社会融入,以期实现打击恐怖主义和保障难民基本权利的双赢。  相似文献   
The Growth Report neither addresses the issue of growth and poverty, nor considers the implications of binding constraints on global carbon emissions, which invalidate the argument for global growth as a positive‐sum game. The polarisation of the debate on growth and poverty reflects different perspectives and priorities between economists, environmentalists and development professionals, and the absence of constructive dialogue between them. “Growth or no growth?” is the wrong question. Reconciling poverty eradication and tackling climate change requires us rather to ask what our ultimate objectives are, and how economic policy can best achieve them.  相似文献   
This article examines China's motivations for trilateral aid cooperation in the context of its seemingly assertive diplomacy in recent years. Previously known for its preference for bilateral aid delivery, China, however, is increasingly conducting trilateral cooperation with western donor states and UN agencies. By employing constructivism and cognitive learning theories, this paper focuses on two perspectives: China's calculation of national interests and international engagement, and is structured around two case studies: UNDP's advisory role for China on development cooperation, and China–US trilateral aid cooperation. It argues that strategically, China is putting growing emphasis on its identity as a growing great power in the development sector, using trilateral cooperation to build its global image. Technically, China's four-decade long external engagement has promoted changes in its ideas about aid cooperation, thus reinforcing its desire for cognitive learning to improve its aid performance.  相似文献   
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