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《Critical Horizons》2013,14(2):153-171

The imagination opens onto a reconciliation of the past with the future, especially when it is activated as a retrieval of the memories of collective suffering. This is especially the case with the Latin American experience, with its history of military governments and their ‘dirty wars’ against their civilians. Using Ricoeur's notion of the metaphorical imagination, and drawing on Dussel's work on ethical hermeneutics, this paper argues that, in the act of remembering, other social imaginaries can be created as possibilities that go beyond the concrete present, and which occur from the vantage points of oppressed others.  相似文献   
“法的目的”研究与争论虽绵延几千年,但缘于对法治的渴求、理性的推崇等原因,始终徘徊在传统的主观论与客观论之间.这不但有悖客观常理和法学科学性原则,而且终将会动摇公共秩序和危及市民社会建构.鉴于此,有必要在归结传统理论中法的目的基础上,对其进行批判与反思,进而从马克思主义法律思想的视角出发,在法解释学语境中重新考察法的目的,并申明加强“法的目的”研究有利于增强中国法律自信、扩大中国法律话语权.  相似文献   

This article addresses challenges arising from the guarantee in South Africa's Constitution (1996) of continued use of indigenous law. This law has been handed down in oral form, but increasingly, written sources are needed when cases relating to indigenous law are heard in South Africa's higher courts. Although access to this kind of information is vital to empowerment and justice in Africa, wider access is hampered by different literacy levels and language differences. This article examines accountable translation into English of legal anthropological texts, referring to a case study on law practised among the Nkuna of Ritavi to demonstrate some of the complexities. The article considers the Anglo-American translation tradition's preference for idiomatic translation (paraphrasis) rather than word-for-word faithfulness (metaphrasis). It advocates focusing on the Skopos (purpose) of texts negotiated with the author. It also proposes foregrounding the hermeneutic engagement of translators as readers. For the text in the case study, it suggests two translations, for two audiences: one into an academic register (for academics, legal experts, and educated members of the Nkuna community), and one into Plain English (mainly for members of the Nkuna community for whom English is a second language). To address political dimensions of responsible translation, metatextual strategies espoused by feminist translators to increase translators’ visibility and accountability can be used, and postcolonial translation theory should be considered.  相似文献   
西方心理学在研究课题,研究方法,指导思想和组织机构等方面存在着严重的分型现象,面对这种分裂现象,不少心理学家为之焦虑,提出各种解决方案,其中以美国心理学家斯塔茨等人所倡导的整合主义最为引人注目,整合主义站在自然科学的立场上,试图以贯彻客观性原则,严格遵循客观方法来作为统一心理学的方式,由于整合主义的基础是传统的实证主义和行为主义,因而整合主义受到了不少批评,面临着尴尬的困境,心理学的整合只能是多元化的整合,这种整合是建立在共同基础上的,同时又允许多样化成分的存在,多元化和多样化的成分之间是可比的,和谐的,而不是矛盾,冲突的,通过释义学式的对话,增进相到的了解,这种基础是可以建立的。  相似文献   
法律方法论研究的高雅与媚俗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以法律解释学为核心内容的法律方法论是实用性学科,为吸引学者们关注现实、关注读者的需求,应把更多的研究志趣集中于具体、把法律方法论的工具性展现出来。对法律方法论命题的论证务求翔实准确,但在结论的表述上务求简练、明晰。研究者应设法增大理论的可接受性,以方便学者与实务法律人的沟通、理论与实践的联系。理论作品的读者越多,所产生的影响力就越大。  相似文献   
马克思主义哲学研究对象的解释学探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马克思主义哲学研完对象就是马克思主义哲学文本著作,对它既要作认识论研究,又要作解释学研究,解释学研究包括两个方面:其一,研究马克思主义哲学文本的"量"和"质",量是指马克思主义哲学文本的范围,质是指此范围内的文本是绝对具有还是相对具有"马克思主义哲学"性质,马克思主义哲学教科书、恩格斯等经典作家的著作、马克思本人的全部著作不能绝对地、确定无疑地认定为马克思主义哲学著作.其二,研究马克思主义哲学文本的本质--意义,这个意义是体现在文本中的马克思的哲学思想,它是马克思赋予的,而非读者赋予的,它是固定不变的,并可以被认识.  相似文献   
广义的诠释论与统一的心理学   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
广义诠释论认为实证研究实际上也是一种诠释 ,它是包含了实证研究的诠释论。统一的心理学应当包括三个层次的研究模式 :传统的、狭义的诠释研究着重个案的、质化的分析 ,其目的是达到对具体的、个人的、临时的对话事件的理解 ;实证的诠释研究重在抽象、定量分析 ,以求作出具有普遍意义的推论和预测 ;广义的诠释研究综合以上两种研究策略 ,即对同一心理现象同时采取个案的、质化的和抽样的、量化的研究策略 ,既要具体的、个人的现象的丰富性和生动性 ,又要科学的抽象、量化、推论与预测 ,既要避免个案研究的局限 ,又要防止实证的抽象推论造成的对人类经验的割裂和肢解  相似文献   
《Critical Horizons》2013,14(1):33-59

The concept of emancipation has an increasingly ambivalent status in postcolonial criticism. Under the influence of poststructuralism, the idea that the subaltern subject might overcome colonial relations of cultural domination through acts of self-representation has been thrown into disrepute. If there is to be emancipation, according to this view, it will not come through the recovery of an authentic speaking subject, but through strategies of ‘strategic essentialism’. Here it is argued that this postructuralist approach leaves the subaltern in a politically pre carious position and should be exchanged for the kind of hermeneutic approach that makes possible a genuine politics of recognition.  相似文献   
魏东 《政法论丛》2020,(3):107-120
人工智能犯罪的实质内涵是人工智能算法安全犯罪,其保护法益是作为公共安全的人工智能"算法安全"。人工智能算法安全犯罪的规范刑法学研究应当采取贯通当下视角和将来视角的第三种视角,努力实现"算法安全犯罪"规范一体的立法论建构和解释论建构的融合,将人工智能犯罪的保护法益类型化、犯罪行为类型化、归责类型化研究作为重要学术使命,推动人工智能犯罪领域的刑法立法完善和规范刑法学理论创新。  相似文献   
崔若椈  崔永杰 《理论学刊》2012,(2):65-71,128
“假相说”是培根哲学体系中最重要、最有影响的学说之一.该学说的重要理论价值关键不在于它包含有对经院哲学的批判,而在于它从认识主体即解释者的角度探讨了认识或解释自然过程中产生谬误的原因,在于它通过对阻碍“自然的解释”种种因素的精彩分析深刻阐述了偏见与理解、解释之间的关系,从而以特有的方式揭示了“理解的历史性”等问题.内涵于培根“假相说”中的诠释学思想,深刻地影响了近代以来诠释学的产生与发展.  相似文献   
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