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我国工农业发展与资源配置方式直接相关。计划经济体制下形成城乡工农业部门资源配置的隔离格局,造成农业生产的"内卷化"及城市工业低效率和高消耗的恶性循环;市场取向改革条件下形成城乡工农业部门资源配置的双向互动格局;市场机制作用下农村和农业资源向城市和非农产业逆向流动;以工哺农背景下的包容性增长体制使工农业部门资源配置和流动趋向协调。  相似文献   
物权状态二元结构理论可挑战甚至取代所有权权能结构分析。一些长期争议和令人困惑的以权利、权力及其关系为内容的理论问题,运用物权二元结构理论"公式"求解,则可以发现入口和找到出口,且能定纷止争。权利的绝对性与相对性的对立统一性,是权利自由和受约束的方法及依据;收入分配改革的关键是限制、解放和扩展权力,即权力的合理配置;市场与政府职能分工,主要是明确公权力与市场权利的边界,公权力管制的领域限于动态权利的行使;国有物权的流失和浪费,主要是因为主体代表权没有限定权利边界而可以轻易地滥用公权力。  相似文献   
利益分配是考察社会公正与和谐社会建设的一个视角.基于湖南塘镇乡镇煤矿背后的矿主、矿工、村组、基层政府及各相关部门、红黑恶势之间利益关系的考察发现,乡镇煤矿背后存在着按势分配的两端:一端是在井下漆黑世界劳作的外地农民矿工,另一端则是一些握有权杖的腐败官员或依仗暴力的社会混混.这样一种按势分配的利益格局对社会公正形成了强烈的挑战.我国目前收入分配差距过大的原因,主要不在于市场化,而在于制度不健全所导致的腐败和灰色收入.  相似文献   
胡莹 《桂海论丛》2007,23(4):58-60
文章从收入分配问题出发,探讨了生产、交换、分配和消费等诸多经济环节中的利益关系和其它矛盾。以收入分配问题为切入点去理解经济和谐的具体要求和实现经济和谐的途径,对于正确认识当前我国社会的收入分配问题和推进社会主义和谐社会的伟大实践,具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   
甲基苯丙胺及其代谢产物在急性中毒豚鼠体内的分布   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的研究甲基苯丙胺 (MAP)及其代谢产物苯丙胺 (AP)在急性中毒豚鼠体内的含量分布。方法应用GC/NPD技术 ,以 4 苯基丁胺 (4 PBA)为内标 ,样品经水解后碱化或直接碱化至pH >11,环已烷混旋提取 ,三氟乙酸酐 (TFA)微波衍生化 ,测定MAP急性中毒豚鼠体液和组织中MAP及AP的含量。结果急性中毒死亡豚鼠体内各器官和体液中MAP及AP含量最高为肺 ;其次为肝、脑、肾、脾、肠、心、血 ;再次为胃、胆汁 ;最少是尿。结论MAP在动物体内代谢迅速 ,组织或体液中MAP和AP浓度的比值与豚鼠给药后存活时间有关  相似文献   
在推动区域协调发展和推进农业现代化的条件下确保国家粮食安全,要立足于未来较长时期我国粮食供求偏紧、结构性矛盾突出的总体格局,提高粮食综合生产能力和农民种粮积极性,不断改进和完善粮补政策,合理利用国际市场调节国内粮食需求,有效控制粮食进口规模。  相似文献   
夫妻一方婚前财产于婚后所生利益的归属历来较有争议。本文首先将这些利益划分为孳息、投资收益和增值三个种类;然后对国内学者的不同观点进行了总结;在此基础上提出确定其归属的一般规则和补充规则:一般规则是如果婚后利益的产生体现对方协力则作为共同财产,否则仍为个人财产;补充规则是如果一方仅以婚前财产所生利益为唯一收入来源,则将其中一部分视为共同财产;最后提出完善我国婚姻立法的条文设计方案。  相似文献   
Forensic examiners are frequently confronted with content in languages that they do not understand, and they could benefit from machine translation into their native language. But automated translation of file paths is a difficult problem because of the minimal context for translation and the frequent mixing of multiple languages within a path. This work developed a prototype implementation of a file-path translator that first identifies the language for each directory segment of a path, and then translates to English those that are not already English nor artificial words. Brown's LA-Strings utility for language identification was tried, but its performance was found inadequate on short strings and it was supplemented with clues from dictionary lookup, Unicode character distributions for languages, country of origin, and language-related keywords. To provide better data for language inference, words used in each directory over a large corpus were aggregated for analysis. The resulting directory-language probabilities were combined with those for each path segment from dictionary lookup and character-type distributions to infer the segment's most likely language. Tests were done on a corpus of 50.1 million file paths looking for 35 different languages. Tests showed 90.4% accuracy on identifying languages of directories and 93.7% accuracy on identifying languages of directory/file segments of file paths, even after excluding 44.4% of the paths as obviously English or untranslatable. Two of seven proposed language clues were shown to impair directory-language identification. Experiments also compared three translation methods: the Systran translation tool, Google Translate, and word-for-word substitution using dictionaries. Google Translate usually performed the best, but all still made errors with European languages and a significant number of errors with Arabic and Chinese.  相似文献   
This paper compares income tax evasion in the US and China with regard to several aspects, including income tax evasion laws and cases, problems both countries face and their possible solutions. It provides a general picture of income tax evasion in the US and China from both theoretical and practical perspectives. In the last part of the paper, errors in translation on some websites are present to remind readers to be wary of such errors.  相似文献   
程春华 《现代法学》2008,30(2):99-107
举证责任分配是民事证据制度核心中的核心,举证责任分配实质标准应遵循的原则顺序为:实体法律(包括实体法司法解释及实体法附属法、隐形法)的规定,当事人的约定,经验法则,公平或诚实信用原则。举证责任的转移与举证责任倒置二者均是对可能导致适用失当的一般举证责任分配规则的调整,不同的是举证责任倒置为法定,举证责任部分转移制度则是由法官根据具体的案件情形作出的裁定转移。  相似文献   
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