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The issue of old age as a period in life of a person in the cities of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was not widely discussed in historic literature of the past. This was due, to a large extent, to the beliefs of the researchers regarding the difficulty in capturing this phenomenon in light of rather Modest statistical sources. This study is, therefore, an attempt to scrutinise the mechanisms behind the functioning of city communities in the territories of central Poland in the late-feudal age on a basic level - the level of the smallest social unit and its economic base, i.e. the household, based on handwritten civil-military censuses from 1791-1792. The author is interested in the living situation of old people, their sizes and gender proportions in cities varying in size: from small to large ones in the second half of the 18th century. The article presents the dependencies between the age and position of men and women in the household and the proportions of old people being heads of households. Using the typology by Peter Laslett a model of a household ran by old people was shown against the background of a general structure of households in cities. The last part of the text concerns the size of households ran by old people, taking into account the social status, and their position within the family. The analysis of the censuses does not allow to determine any clear difference of living through old age in Polish cities in the 18th century in comparison to the regions which are attributed a ’unique’ model of European forms of family. The structural similarity of old age seen in Polish cities is closer to the model observed in cities of western than of eastern Europe.  相似文献   
Underpinned by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRDP), Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is the international goal to ‘leave no one behind’. However, the World Federation of the Deafblind have argued that deafblind people have been excluded from international welfare and disability development programmes. Despite making up the majority of the deafblind population, it appears that older deafblind people are particularly invisible. The paper builds on the earlier work of others, which translated the UN Principles for Older Persons into the language of older visually impaired adults, by using them here as the lens for a narrative review of the literature on older deafblind people. It argues that existing research demonstrates that older deafblind people are not only being ‘left behind’ in benefitting from implementation of the UN Principles, but also that the focus of the UN Principles themselves risks maintaining or enhancing their exclusion. Further research and policy development with older deafblind people is required to ensure that international and national social welfare policies and provision are not nugatory to the older deafblind population.  相似文献   
本文从行政文化的界定出发,认为当代行政文化研究是政治文化的一个特定的论域。现代行政发展需要开展行政文化研究,特别是要关注社会政治主体的实际展现。为此需要树立"以公民为本"的政治理念,以催动社会政治主体的成熟与行政管理现代化的发展。  相似文献   
信访制度是我国最基本的民意表达制度,近期以来信访的人数剧增,影响社会的稳定及和谐社会的构建。因此,要加强对信访工作的领导及预警分析,预防突发事件的发生。  相似文献   
近几年来,城镇非就业人员“失保”成为我国实现“全民医保”的瓶颈。为解决这一问题,我国在2007年启动了城镇居民基本医疗保险试点工作。在人口大规模流动的情况下,解决这一问题的关键是:当前任何社会保障制度的设计都不应受城乡身份的限制,而应保持一种开放的体系,赋予社会保障主体自由选择的权利,为早日实现“全民医保”提供基础条件。  相似文献   
周树智 《理论学刊》2008,4(2):39-43
以人为本与以物为本具有三方面的同一性:其一,在本体论上以物为本是以人为本的基础,以人为本是以物为本的升华;在人类社会历史里人是主体,物是客体,互为条件,互相转化.其二,在价值论上人的价值与物的价值相互比较,相互依存;人和物的具体价值由人类历史发展过程具体环节的价值需要来确定;人的发展与物的发展互相促进.其三,在现实论上现实的个人是由个人的现实的物质生产劳动创造的,人与人的物质交往又造就了有社会性的现实的个人;而当今中国社会现实是中国处在社会主义初级阶段,只有全面协调以经济建设为中心的经济、社会、政治、文化和人的各方面关系,才能促进经济社会和人的全面发展;只有人与自然和谐相处,才能实现人与自然的可持续发展.  相似文献   
孔子主张德政,提倡把政治道德化,政治与道德合一是孔子政治理论的特色。从根本上说,孔子德治理论是为维护当时社会秩序服务的,但其中也包含着对任何社会政治行为都有益的普适性原则。这些原则主要有仁爱原则、正义原则、重民原则、廉洁原则。虽然这些原则具有历史的局限或封建的糟粕,但至少是可以批判地汲取其合理内核,作为历史的借鉴,以服务中国特色社会主义的政治建设。  相似文献   
我国社会转型期群体性事件研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前我国社会转型期群体性事件时有发生、组织化倾向明显、联动性增强、诱因更加复杂。群体性事件的发生是各种社会经济矛盾的集中体现,而群众合法利益受到侵害、基层工作薄弱、官僚主义作风、参与人员法制意识淡薄、别有用心者煽动等因素是其发生的直接诱因。要处理好群体性事件,必须深化改革,加快发展,完善社会保障体系,消除矛盾隐患;必须强化基层组织建设,转变工作作风,提高化解矛盾能力;必须提高群众素质,疏通民意表达渠道,完善社会宣泄机制;必须完善群体性事件处置机制,区分性质,及时妥善处置。  相似文献   
羌族民间宗教与道教的关系源远流长。道教在西蜀的初创和传播,吸收了不少羌族民间宗教的成分。羌族巫师传承的历史文化背景,反映出羌族民间宗教与道教古来关系甚密。道教的多神崇拜,正建立在民间由“万物有灵”的原始观念演绎而出的原始多神信仰的基础之上,这自然就与羌族民间多神信仰相融汇或取而代之。而佛、道合一的信仰形式,则表现了羌族民间道教信仰的显著特征。  相似文献   
民本思想是儒家传统文化中的一个重要概念,对古代社会政治与法律的发展产生了深远的影响.它是统治者制定政策与法律的立脚点.其内涵为关心民瘼,注意民众的舆论与情感,要求统治者自律,省徭薄敛.这对于促进社会发展,减轻广大人民群众的苦痛有一定的积极作用.但是我们也应该看到这种"民本"思想具有其局限性,它是自给自足的自然经济的产物,与小农经济相适应,是宗法伦理社会的内在要求,是"外王"的一个重要手段,与今日的民主政治不可同日而语.因此必须加以批判继承,借以弘扬传统法律文化民主性精华,推动社会主义精神文明与民主法制建设.  相似文献   
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