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This article examines the political role of a group of academic lawyers based at Thammasat University who have been seeking to reform various aspects of the Thai legal and judicial system. The seven-member group started out by criticising the illegality of the 2006 coup. After the 2010 crackdown against redshirt protestors, the group named itself Nitirat and started to hold seminars, draft legal proposals, and campaign to amend various laws. Nitirat has repeatedly challenged the legal and constitutional underpinnings of three key elements of the Thai state: the judiciary, the military, and the monarchy. In doing so, the group has gained a mass following, drawn mainly from those sympathetic to the “redshirt” movement which broadly supports former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. Informally led by scholar Worajet Pakeerat, Nitirat has created a popular branding which is reflected in huge audiences for public events, and the sales of souvenirs. The article aims to answer the following questions: How does Nitirat combine the roles of legal academic and political activist? How does it differ from the traditional mode of Thai public intellectuals? How significant is the Nitirat phenomenon?  相似文献   
《青春之歌》版本变迁中的核心内容是对知识分子进行改叙,这涉及自由主义知识分子,更涉及革命知识分子,尤其体现在林道静身上。改叙导致人物形象、文本释义、版本本性等方面的重大变异。  相似文献   
穿梭于封建"道统"和"政统"之间的知识分子,因为国家的衰朽和社会的动荡,趋向社会边缘化.科举的废止,打破了知识分子赖以支撑信仰的工具性循环;心灵的煎熬和变异,表露为浓郁的社会沉思和人生悲叹.异域文明的输入,解构了"道统"话语的桎梏;中西文明的对比,为广大知识分子提供了返观自身的时代命题.边缘化的生存境遇,造就了晚清小说的繁荣,也改变了知识分子社会诉求的既定轨迹.晚清小说以其鲜明的时代表征,书写着一代知识分子痛苦灵魂的锐变过程和图谋富强的普泛心路.  相似文献   
Islamic scholarship, in Iran and elsewhere, has a long tradition of debate and critique. This tradition has come to pose a challenge to the constitutional order of the Islamic Republic of Iran, as a number of seminary-trained scholars have applied their critical methods to basic issues of state legitimacy, in particular the state's right to insist on interpretive closure. The regime has responded with force, convening special clergy courts to silence and imprison scholars, in violation of seminary norms of scholarly debate. These conspicuous acts of discipline seem to have backfired, as each escalating punishment has generated new critics within.  相似文献   
在建设和谐社会、实施人才强国战略中,高校的统战工作的重要任务就是做好党外知识分子的工作,即要对其进行思想教育引导,营造宽松健康的政治氛围,创新用人机制,优化创业环境,从而发挥其重要作用.  相似文献   
在留法勤工俭学运动中,一批青年知识分子抱着寻找救国真理的目的赴法,他们中的先进分子经过斗争实践的锻炼和理论上的不断探索,最终成为坚强的共产主义战士。新时代的青年知识分子要以他们成长的道路为榜样,热爱祖国,忠于人民,坚定地信仰马克思主义。  相似文献   
随着知识经济的来临,知识分子的地位和作用将会变得越来越重要。如何充分发挥统战工作的职能,创造性地做好高校党外知识分子工作,充分调动他们的积极性和创造性,团结他们为实现我国社会主义现代化服务,是当前高校统战工作面临的重要课题。  相似文献   
新世纪之初,我国社会结构的变化,知识分子阶层的分化,知识分子的阶级属性遇到挑战;知识经济的到来,知识分子的地位和作用更加凸显。重新研究党外知识分子工作有其重要的理论指导意义。在“党外知识分子既是工人阶级的一部分,又是统战对象”的问题上,有些人的认知还存有误区,行动上还有偏颇,为此,要坚持“知识分子是工人阶级的一部分”仍然是解决知识分子问题的基本前提,是实现中国社会发展第三步战略目标的重要保证;把党外知识分子视为统战时象并作为基础性工作,既是历史选择,也是现实需要;“党外知识分子既是工人阶级的一部分,又是统战工作时象”的时代命题,具有内在统一性、现实合理性和社会发展的规律性。  相似文献   
与日本知识分子的危机意识相比 ,中国知识分子的危机意识产生较晚 ,两者至少相差一个多世纪。就危机意识的深度而言 ,中国知识分子也远不如日本知识分子。并且 ,中国知识分子危机意识的发展经历了十分艰难曲折的过程。但是 ,他们的危机意识始终都是围绕着自己国家的富强、民族独立 ,摆脱外来侵略与欺凌而发展和深化的。而日本知识分子的危机意识在初萌时期 ,便伴随有对外侵略扩张的意识 ,并在争取摆脱外来危机的同时 ,逐步膨胀着对外侵略扩张意识 ,以至于为日本政府的侵略扩张政策摇旗呐喊 ,推波助澜 ,最终酿成悲剧  相似文献   
“理念出版”和“职业出版”是近现代中国的出版理念,这一理念的形成与现代转型后中国知识分子价值体系不可分。现代出版产业的出现,不仅推动了近代出版的专业化道路,同时也为转型后的知识分子开辟出一个广阔的知识分子公共话语空间。  相似文献   
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