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国际法的正当性关注国际法本身的正义问题。现代国际法正日益面临正当性危机。危机主要表现在国际组织的结构和国家权限、国际法规则的实施与适用、国际民主的程度的减弱等方面。评估正当性不仅涉及到价值的判断、解构,而且更需要论证价值的重新建立。正当性理论实际上是正义理论在国际法中的应用,但对正当性的论证不能将其用作违法行为的正当化辩解。  相似文献   

How can support organisations build the capacity of volunteer-driven non-governmental organisations (NGOs)? Citizen aid for relief and development has expanded rapidly in the twenty-first century, and the number of American aid organisations operating in the Global South has grown to nearly 10,000. These grassroots international NGOs – GINGOs – are small-budget, volunteer-driven organisations typically launched by Americans without professional experience in international development or nonprofit management. These groups prize the expressive and voluntaristic dimensions of development work, yet face challenges of amateurism, material scarcity, fragmentation, paternalism and restricted focus. We investigate whether support organisations, whose primary goals are to build the capacity of organisations and strengthen the organisational field, offer solutions to GINGOs’ inherent weaknesses. We draw on 15 semi-structured interviews with a stratified selection of support organisations, including associations tailored towards international development and towards nonprofit work at large. We find that support organisations offer resources to help GINGOs in managerial and administrative domains. Fewer support organisations help GINGOs build technical development skills, and fewer still push GINGOs to critically reflect on their role in development. We find that peer learning and online platforms could help engage GINGOs volunteers in networking spaces, even as their geographic dispersal in the US encourages their fragmentation and isolation.  相似文献   

The premise of this paper is the elucidation of a different ontology of global politics and order of the nineteenth century. International relations theory takes for granted a largely ahistorical state-centric ontology, which reifies a specific Eurocentric state and state-system as the embodiment of global politics. Instead, I focus on an alternative ontology of race, racial hierarchy and racial difference as significant for defining the content of an imperial global politics and order. My paper places into context the emergence of scientific racism and social Darwinism as key intellectual elements in defining a political imaginary that influenced the politics of difference and violence. What I show is that this intellectual history reveals a global order that was fundamentally racialised and that global violence was understood and practiced as race wars.  相似文献   

This article presents an analytical framework that guides the contributions to this special issue and, in general terms, aims at enabling a systematic investigation of processes of negotiation in the international promotion of democracy. It first briefly introduces the rationale for studying democracy promotion negotiation, offers a definition, and locates the general approach within the academic literature, bringing together different strands of research, namely studies of negotiation in international relations as well as research on democratization and democracy promotion. The larger part of the article then discusses key concepts, analytical distinctions and theoretical propositions along the lines of the three research questions that are identified in the introduction to this special issue. More specifically, the article (1) offers a typology that facilitates a systematic empirical analysis of the issues that are discussed in democracy promotion negotiations; (2) takes initial steps towards a causal theory of democracy promotion negotiation by identifying and discussing a set of parameters that can be expected to shape such negotiations; and (3) introduces key distinctions and dimensions that help guide empirical research on the output and outcome of negotiations in democracy promotion.  相似文献   
由于缺乏足够的阐释和论证,兼之世界主义思潮的影响,当前西方学界对罗尔斯的国际正义理论总体上仍持批判意见。这些批判主要涉及理论旨趣、人民观、人权清单和援助责任等四项焦点问题:前三种批判揭示了罗尔斯理论的疏漏之处,但通过对其思想脉络和观点立场的同情式理解,在既有理论框架内加以翔实阐释,这些理论疏漏可以在一定程度上得到回应和辩护;围绕援助责任的争论,则集中展现了罗尔斯与世界主义者之间的观点分歧,双方在可欲性和可行性两个层面各有优劣。相比之下,容纳二者优势并有所超越的人类命运共同体理念能够为全球正义的理论探讨提供一个更为有效的支点。  相似文献   
个人解雇保护立法实践的国际比较:回应与建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钱叶芳 《法律科学》2011,(1):170-183
在个人解雇保护制度的基本要素中,我国在解雇理由、解雇费、不公平解雇赔偿金、不公平解雇主张的时效和复职程度等五个方面的立法规制强度高于国际平均水平;在解雇通知期、解雇程序、通知期开始前的延迟时间三个方面的立法规制强度低于国际平均水平。但综合来看,我国解雇理由虚严实宽,在解雇灵活性和解雇成本方面呈现出复杂扭曲的特点,尤其是定期劳动合同的解雇保护制度大幅降低了我国解雇保护的水平。借鉴国际立法例,根据我国的国情,可以在劳资双方都可接受的限度内,循降低解雇行为灵活性、改变解雇经济成本结构的思路提高解雇保护严格度,并做若干具体制度之改进。  相似文献   
当前国际贸易法治面临第二次世界大战以来空前之危机。此次危机具有深刻而复杂的国际背景及现实根源,但从国际贸易发展历史来看,贸易自由化与贸易保护主义的博弈从未消失,向来是国际贸易法发展中的永恒主题。当前国际贸易法治危机的根源依然是保护主义的幽灵作祟。今天的保护主义与历史上的保护主义并无本质上的区别,无非是添加了时代的特点和因素。法治的危机仍然需要法治的方式予以克服,当前国际贸易危机的本质说到底是国际贸易法治发展的不完善、不充分导致的,只有以法治的思维、法治的方法才能找到克服当前国际贸易危机的正确路径。  相似文献   
针对目前我国医学院校中人文精神的缺失,文章探讨了人文社会科学与高等医学教育的关系,回顾了国内外医学教育中人文社会科学教育的近况,最后提出了人文社会科学在医学院校中的定位。  相似文献   
2010年前后,随着中国经济的快速赶超,东亚安全结构发生了重大变化。深感"权力转移"之忧的美国试图以"重返亚太"及"亚太再平衡"战略来缓阻中国崛起的势头,此战略调整客观上极大地刺激了东亚地区个别国家"借美制华"的念头,它们试图以制造安全事端来"引美入亚"。美国也愿借助这些国家对华挑衅来增强其亚太战略调整的效果。对此,和平崛起的中国不得不积极应对日益严峻的周边安全形势,采取"缓美抑边"之对策,即在维护国家主权与核心利益的前提下,缓和对美关系,同时坚决回击个别国家对中国主权的严重挑衅。中美之间的安全博弈虽有所加剧,但主客观条件决定了中美之间不会爆发新冷战,中美两国终将走出大国博弈的安全困境。此轮中美安全博弈对当今国际安全格局产生了很大影响,它导致中国战略西向,积极实施"一带一路"战略,中国在亚太国际安全格局中的地位有所上升;美国可能陷于东西两线作战的尴尬境地,美国在国际安全格局中的地位和作用有所下降;大国安全博弈中心西移,国际安全格局呈现某种"西升东降"之态势。  相似文献   
Acute aortic dissection (AAD) is the most common cause of sudden unexpected death related to aortic diseases. A retrospective study of 31 sudden unexpected deaths caused by AAD was conducted at Xi'an Jiaotong University Forensic Center from 2001 to 2012. We summarized the forensic characteristics of AAD and assessed the clinically diagnostic accuracy of AAD. The characteristics of sudden unexpected death due to AAD were male predominant (male: female = 6.7:1), relatively young with the mean age of 44, and predominance of type A dissection (77.4%). Cardiac tamponade was the most frequent cause of sudden death (87.1%). Of the 31 cases, 26 (83.9%) patients were not recognized clinically and were misdiagnosed with acute myocardial infarction, coronary artery disease, cholecystitis, acute gastroenteritis, renal/urinary lithiasis, or acute pancreatitis. In summary, AAD can be difficult to recognize, diagnosis is therefore sometimes delayed or missed. The medicolegal death investigation can help physicians have a better understanding of AAD.  相似文献   
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