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形迹可疑型自首是对传统自首的发展,对于便利诉讼和提高诉讼效益具有很大的作用。但对形迹可疑型自首的理解运用在学界仍存在分歧。只有结合侦查实践并运用刑事法学的相关知识才能对"形迹可疑"、"盘问"等词语做出全面理解,才能在司法实践中对各类自首做出全面准确的认定。  相似文献   
Mr. Big is a Canadian undercover police technique used to elicit confessions. Undercover officers befriend the suspect, and gradually draw them into a fictitious criminal organization. Upon meeting the boss of the organization, ‘Mr. Big’, the suspect is pressured to confess. When evidence from the sting operation, including the confession, is presented later in court, it may induce juror moral prejudice towards a defendant. We evaluated how situational and dispositional sting factors (crime task severity, financial incentive, and defendant intelligence) influence mock juror moral prejudice and decision-making in Mr. Big cases. Results from Experiment 1 (N?=?270) showed fewer guilty verdicts in the high incentive conditions. In Experiment 2 (N?=?1,666), high incentive and low defendant intelligence were related to fewer guilty verdicts, more favorable ratings of defendant character, and more skeptical evaluations of confession evidence. Additionally, there were differences between community and student participants on multiple outcomes.  相似文献   
文章基于经济犯罪案件与杀人、抢劫等传统刑事案件之间的巨大差异,通过深入研究和分析经济犯罪案件以及经济犯罪嫌疑人的特点,系统总结和归纳了在经侦实践中经侦民警需要学习和了解的讯问方法与技巧。具体包括:讯问时机的把握、科学讯问计划的制定、讯问场所的安排、讯问实施中的方法与技巧以及经侦讯问中应当注意的问题五个方面。  相似文献   
侦查讯问训练教学作为侦查讯问教学的重要组成部分,是目前公安院校专业教学的重要内容之一。然而,其在教学实践中却存在着与理论教学不协调、选取的案例不典型、模拟讯问不能贴近公安实战、忽视对讯问笔录制作的指导等问题。这不仅影响了教学的效果,还背离了课程设置的初衷。因此,有必要引起我们足够的重视。  相似文献   
侦查讯问学是一门应用性很强的综合学科。侦查讯问学教育的根本目的之一,在于提高招录试点班学生应用讯问知识解决实际审讯办案问题的能力。传统教学法有着自己的优势与不足,案例教学法对实现这一目的有不可替代的作用。侦查讯问学的案例教学,是教师与试点班学生之间及学生与学生之间的交流过程,课前准备及组织课堂教学十分重要,教师要在案例选择上下工夫,学生要课前预习,充分参与。实施案例教学应遵循知行合一与重在实践的原则、教师发挥主导作用的原则、引导学生成为教学主体的原则。  相似文献   
Confrontational interrogation techniques seek to produce a confession, while investigative interviews focus on information gathering and/or catching suspects in lies. Confessions obtained during interrogations are potent for securing a defendant’s conviction. However, the goal of investigative interviews is not to produce a confession, yet it is unknown if their outcome (e.g. exposed lies) is as effective in court as that of an interrogation (i.e. a confession). In two studies, mock jurors read case summaries wherein a defendant was accused of murder and terrorist activities. In both cases, the statement a defendant made during a police interview was manipulated: The defendant either lied or not and either confessed or not. Participants then rendered a verdict and were asked about the probative value of several pieces of supporting evidence. Results were similar across both studies with more convictions when the defendant lied, confessed, or did both relative to when the defendant produced a statement without lies and without a confession. Furthermore, we found that perceptions of supporting evidence mediated the effect of exposed lies on culpability, but this was not the case for confessions. These findings illustrate the positive qualities of presenting exposed lies in court, diminishing the need for a confession.  相似文献   
对构成犯罪、依法追究刑事责任的交通事故案件,对交通肇事犯罪嫌疑人要实施讯问。道路交通事故处理中的讯问,是一项严肃的执法活动,必须严格按照法律、法规的规定进行。在道路交通事故处理中,保障讯问及时、有效地进行,保障被讯问人客观、全面地提供有关事故的真实材料,对于道路交通事故的处理工作具有十分重要的意义。文章在明确道路交通事故处理中讯问的概念与要求的基础上,深刻阐述了道路交通事故处理中讯问的技巧,目的是为道路交通事故处理的业务部门和办案民警提供帮助。  相似文献   
侦讯组织是为促使嫌疑人如实陈述、侦查员互相协作而成的有序群体,有主动性、适应性和对策性等特点。其组织形式受体制制约,一般有讯查同一、讯查分工、同案或不同案分工等类型。讯问人员由主讯、助讯、记录等组成,大要案件需侦讯、查证、搜捕人员配合,由案侦指挥部统一协调。指挥形式,有临场实时的直接指挥、侦讯前后的间接指挥、直接与间接相结合的指挥。组织者还应进行侦讯谋划和场所设计,考虑强制措施的适用与配合,讯问环境要安全保密,不受外界干扰,尽可能使侦讯具有突然性。同时,也要对在犯罪现场的讯问、押解途中的讯问和其他场所的讯问进行协调。侦讯组织效益最大化的瓶颈,有人员素质问题,更有体制问题。  相似文献   
侦查讯问录音录像制度的建立对遏制侦查人员采用刑讯逼供等非法手段获取口供具有非常重要的意义,但其功能的发挥必须具备一定的前提:对讯问活动的录制必须是全程的;必须建立完善的程序和证据规则。要保证录音录像制度在我国实践中良性运作,必须对相关制度作以下改革:强化对侦查权的控制,杜绝侦查人员在讯问程序外对犯罪嫌疑人采用强制手段;建立严格的证据规则,确保裁判者客观公正地审查录音录像材料的证据能力和证明力;完善程序规则,强化辩护方对录音录像的程序参与权。  相似文献   
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