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Changes in the size of the pulp canal, caused by apposition of secondary dentine, are the best morphometric parameters for estimating age by X-rays. The apposition of secondary dentine is the most frequently used method for age estimation in adult subjects. In two previous papers, we studied the application of the pulp/tooth area ratio by peri-apical X-rays as an indicator of age at death. The aim of the present study was to test the accuracy of age evaluation by combined analysis of labio-lingual and mesial peri-apical X-rays of lower and upper canines. A total of 200 such X-rays were assembled from 57 male and 43 female skeletons of Caucasian origin, aged between 20 and 79 years. For each skeleton, dental maturity was evaluated by measuring the pulp/tooth area ratio according to labio-lingual and mesial X-rays on upper (x(1), x(2)) and lower (x(3), x(4)) canines. Very good agreement was found between intra-observer measurements. Statistical analysis showed that all variables x(1), x(2), x(3), and x(4) and the first-order interaction between x(1) and x(3) contributed significantly to the fit, so that they were included in the regression model, yielding the following regression formula: Age = 120.737 - 337.112x(1) - 79.709x(2) - 364.534x(3) - 65.655x(4) + 1531.918x(1)x(3) . The residual standard error of estimated ages was 3.62 years, with 94 degrees of freedom, and the median of the residuals was -0.155 years, with an interquartile range of 4.96 years. The accuracy of the method was ME = 2.8 years, where ME is the mean prediction error. The model also explained 94% of total variance (R(2) = 0.94).  相似文献   
性别是个体识别的主要生物学指标之一,是法医学鉴定不明骨骼残骸的重要初始步骤。枕骨大孔因其解剖学位置的隐匿性、形态学的稳定性、性别与种族的差异性成为法医学性别判定的研究热点,其中枕骨大孔面积是枕骨大孔区域中进行性别判定准确率较高的指标之一。本文以枕骨大孔面积为主要研究对象,就国外学者通过干颅骨样本、CT影像、CBCT影像测量枕骨大孔面积判定性别的方法进行总结,对国内应用枕骨大孔面积进行性别判定研究提供参考。  相似文献   
Prefects are considered important actors in the formation of different public policies in Turkey. While prefects and sub-prefects are empowered by means of new policies, their roles are also altered during the process of strengthening local governments. This alteration process represents the spirit of the state reform in its broadest range, that is, the conflict between the central and the local. Another new public policy for Turkey is metropolization. The administrative structure of Turkey has been dramatically changed by the introduction of the new Metropolitan Municipality Law (Law No. 6360, 2012). Representing a major change, this law added 14 more metropolitan municipalities to the already existing 16, and abolished Special Provincial Administrations within the metropolitan municipalities. This study aims to explain the reforms made on a metropolitan level together with the transformation of the government, the central–local conflict, and the prefects’ role in these reform and transformation processes in Turkey.  相似文献   
当前,我国进入全面建成小康社会决定性阶段,全国各地正在加快推进新型城镇化建设。在推进城镇化进程中促进农村富余劳动力转移就业,是实现全面建成小康社会目标的重要保证。重视农村劳动力转移工作,建立城乡平等的就业体系,拓宽农村劳动力就业渠道,是解决农村富余劳动力的关键所在。  相似文献   
良好学风是干部教育培训质量的保证。加强学风建设,倡导优良学风,历来是我们党高度重视并着力解决的重要问题。2013年2月,中组部针对学员管理中存在的突出问题,下发了《关于在干部教育培训中进一步加强学员管理的规定》,意在通过强化学员管理带动学风建设。中国延安干部学院结合培训管理工作实际,从今年3月份开始,对所有培训班次在入学动员会上都发出"弘扬延安精神,树立优良学风"的倡议书。  相似文献   
As the policy discussions of historic preservation have become complicated in recent years, the advocacy for the use of heritage is now even more important, and the number of coalitions for promoting the economic value of heritage has been on the rise. This research provides a historical view of the development of advocacy coalition networks that actively pursue the benefits of heritage resources. Through this context, the article then examines a case study of the Wheeling National Heritage Area. The case exemplifies the framework of how coalition networks can provide the structure necessary to push preservation policy in government.  相似文献   
女村官是民族地区农村文化建设的一支重要力量。她们是党的农村文化政策和民族文化政策的重要宣传者和实施者,是民族文化传播和民族文化产业开发的重要推动者,是乡风文明、和谐农村的示范者和引领者。由于受多种因素的制约,女村官在农村文化建设中的主导作用并没有得到充分发挥,为此,需要通过健全农村文化建设的投入机制,建设民族地区农村女性人才库,构建先进性别文化,分层次、多渠道培训女村官等多种途径,推动女村官在民族地区农村文化建设中发挥主导作用。  相似文献   
This article will develop an explanatory theory on terrorist safe havens. Focusing on Islamist Terrorist networks, this article argues that four specific conditions are necessary for the establishment of a safe haven for Islamist terrorist networks: geographic features, weak governance, history of corruption and violence, and poverty. At the conclusion of the article, the developed theory is applied to the Tri-Border Area of South America (TBA), where the frontiers of Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay meet, an area overlooked by the 9/11 National Commission Report's list of Islamist terrorists' safe havens.  相似文献   
国家综合配套改革试验区的实践探索与发展趋势   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近几年,为适应改革开放新形势的需要,国家推动了综合配套改革试验区建设,赋予其落实科学发展观、体制创新、探索新发展模式、提升区域竞争力以及建设和谐社会的历史使命。从目前已经推行综合配套改革的几个试点城市来看,改革方案的内容及举措均体现出鲜明的时代和区域特色,尤其是与以往经济特区模式相比具有较大的差异。在当前区域竞争日益激烈的情况下,能否利用自己的特色和优势,推进体制创新,掌握改革主动权,将决定一个城市或地区在未来竞争格局中的位置。获准设立国家综合配套改革试验区,对于一个城市或地区来说,无疑相当于获得一次体制创新、再创业和腾飞的机会。这也正是各地在申报建立国家综合配套改革试验区上竞争激烈的原因所在。  相似文献   
我国边境地区群体性事件具有自身的特征,针对这些特征,由生物、电子和物理三类技术构成的防范技术体系,适用于警察在应对和处置边境群体性事件过程中对人、物和环境的自我防范,在技术体系的具体应用过程中要重视"理念体系"的作用,在技术培养训练过程中要明确影响警察自我防范技术水平层次提高的因素类型,着力提高应对和处置边境地区群体性事件中警察自我防范技术和水平。  相似文献   
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