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Driving while intoxicated (DWI) offenses provide a unique focal point for research in criminology. In recent years, legislative and media attention has increasingly focused on the harmful acts of drunk drivers, but little is known of the characteristics of individuals arrested for driving while drunk or of the court processing and sanctioning of such offenders. The research presented here uses a variety of methodological techniques to analyze individual-level court processing data for persons convicted of DWI on a revoked license. We find that the population of persons processed for this offense have certain characteristics which are not unlike those of persons processed for street crimes. Further, we find evidence of differential sanctioning related to ethnicity and level of education. We conclude with a call for future investigation of court processing to understand better why the DWI legislative mandate is being applied differently across social groups.  相似文献   
本文阐述了道家"无为而治"思想的社会内涵,并在两个方面揭示了道家"无为而治"思想在企业管理上的现代价值。第一,在行为上要求管理者"逆其自然"者有所不为,而"顺其自然"者则有所作为;第二,在竞争上要求管理者既要善于竞争,又要善于不竞争。这是一种以最小的管理行为获取最大的管理效果的高超管理艺术,在现代管理中,具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
香港基本法的实施,使得中国当代法制在"一国两制"原则下有了新发展,具体表现在立法制度、法律渊源体系、法律体系、司法体制、法律适用制度以及法律解释制度等方面。基本法实施带来的影响不能简单加以衡量。两地应互相包容与理解,以弥合彼此之间的距离,求同存异,给香港基本法的实施提供前行的动力和活力,进一步完善我国当代法制。  相似文献   
杨师群 《北方法学》2010,4(2):118-125
荀子思想在有关性恶、法制方面颇有创意,其礼法融合、圣王之治诸内容成为中华法系之内核。然而论及法为工具、礼为根本的基础上演化出的“化性起伪”、“君上之势”、“圣王之治”等有关的政治法律思想时,其思路却相当幼稚,使中国的制度文化深陷专制之泥潭。  相似文献   
不符合卫生标准的食品是指不符合《食品安全法》规定的食品卫生及安全标准的食品,它包括两层含义:一是这些食品的原料是食品原料,而不能是掺入的非食品原料;二是该食品是不符合卫生标准的食品。有毒、有害食品是指掺入了有毒、有害的非食品原料的食品。区分两种生产销售食品犯罪的根本在于两个:一是毒源不同,二是掺入方式不同。  相似文献   
Despite growing interest over the last 20 years in the position and power of the Japanese prime minister, what he does after resigning from this position has been overlooked in the extant literatures in both English and Japanese. This is unfortunate because, to paraphrase former US President Bill Clinton, as an ex-leader “you lose your power but not your influence.” This article represents the first attempt to explore what post-war Japanese prime ministers have done after stepping down and what influence they have continued to exert. It does so by providing an empirical overview of the afterlives of Japan’s 33 post-war ex-prime ministers before then discussing the benefits and shortcomings of applying the comparative, conceptual literature on the role of former leaders in Western democracies to the specific case of Japan. After providing the necessary justification, it then focuses on three detailed and illuminating case studies of Nakasone Yasuhiro, Murayama Tomiichi and Fukuda Yasuo. It argues that Japanese prime ministers continue to exert influence in several informal ways.  相似文献   
正Food safety scandal involving Shanghai Husi Food invokes calls for stronger oversight By Wang HairongOn the morning of July 29,customers arriving at the McDonald's in the Ganjiakou area of Beijing's Haidian District were disappointed to find that the store served nothing more than drinks and taro,pineapple and potato pies."Chicken nuggets and hamburgers are not available,"said a female clerk,pointing at prominent signs posted on every cash register on the check-out counter,which stated McDonald's  相似文献   
正UK Names New Ambassador to China On August 6,2014,the British Foreign and Commonwealth Offi ce(FCO)appointed Barbara Janet Woodward to succeed Sebastian Wood as Britain’s Ambassador to China Woodward,who is experienced in Chinese issues at the FCO,will take up her appointment early next year.She served as a political counselor and later minister and deputy head of mission in Beijing from 2003to 2009.Woodward joined the FCO in 1994.Since 2011,she has been a member of the Board of the FCO as director general of economic and consular affairs.Woodward said:"I look forward to supporting  相似文献   
吉田松阴是幕末著名的阳明学家,他分别中日国体不同,把孟子君臣观限制在中国,倡导"皇国史观"的国体论,但他依然吸收了孟子君臣观的思想因素。在面对藩主、将军和天皇三个效忠对象时,松阴强调对藩主和天皇的忠是无条件的、绝对的,而对将军的忠,更多的是出于民生和维持国内安定的考虑,假若幕府无法行使自己的责任,孟子所说的"汤武放伐"即可发挥理论作用。而且松阴认为所谓"性善"即"得五伦五常而不失于外",将忠孝仁义统归于"忠",以"忠"来解释"性善",赋予"忠"以普遍性和绝对性,改变了孟子性善论的内核,为其君臣观打下了人性论的理论根基。  相似文献   
把握时代特点走和平发展道路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
把握时代特点是我们正确认识世界形势的出发点。20世纪80年代初,邓小平指出,和平与发展是世界上面临的两大问题,根据这一论断,我党在“十五大”报告中明确指出:和平与发展是当今时代的主题”。在这一时代背景下,中国政府多次向世界宣告,中国将坚持走和平发展的道路。因为这不仅符合中国人民的利益,而且符合世界人民的利益。中国现在需要和平,将来发展起来更需要和平,因为我们深知,和平是人类的共同追求,也是人类的共同利益所在。和平发展是中国人唯一正确的选择“。韬光养晦,有所作为”的方针,是小平同志为我们留下的一笔宝贵遗产。历史说明,韬光养晦,有所作为”的方针是完全正确的,背离这个方针就会付出沉重的代价。  相似文献   
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