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四 有人形象地描绘了"全球化的颠峰状态":前英国王妃和她的埃及男友乘坐带荷兰引擎的德国汽车,因司机醉酒而亡于车祸;司机是位喝多了苏格兰威士忌的比利时人;骑着日本摩托的意大利狗仔队追踪他们到一条法国隧道里;车祸发生以后,抢救者是美国医生,用的药则来自巴西[27]!由于现实中"国族认同"(nationalism)这一"想象的共同体"还没有被另一个仍处于想象中的全球共同体认同所取代,许多人心目中的全球化还只限于经济领域,因而以各种方式强调"经济全球化"[28].  相似文献   
在印度近代的(对外)民族主义斗争和(对内)世俗主义改革的“双重奏”局面中,国大党恰当地把握住了这两者各自的轻重缓急,并以尼赫鲁为代表,面对宗教传统深厚且教派冲突激烈的社会现实,形成了自己成熟而系统的世俗主义的国家观念。而国大党世俗主义国家观念的形成是印度世俗化在制度的层面得以实现的先导。  相似文献   
清末民初国家的权力以非常理性的方式强化了对国民和社会的监控,通过大规模的统计调查实现了对信息的控制,从而将个体的国民变成国家可以加以掌控、指导、征发、分配的对象,通过建立新式监狱对社会正常秩序的越轨者进行了规训,通过兴办新式学堂对未来的合格公民进行了规训,通过建立新式警察实现了对城市空间中的安全、消防、卫生、文化活动的治理,将公共空间中发生的一切纳入自己的掌控之中,最后国家还对过去通常自由生长的城市进行雄心勃勃的管控和规划,直接指导城市的发展。在这个从传统帝国向近代民族国家转型的重要阶段,国家的权力不是削弱了,而是以前所未有的深度和广度渗透到了社会的每一个角落,直接与每一个公民对话。  相似文献   
This paper examines the relationship between the nation-state and migration through the activities of the International Organization for Migration (IOM). The IOM operates at the intersection of nation-states, international human rights regimes, and neo-liberal governance. We find that the IOM enforces the exclusions of asylum seekers and maintains the central role of nation-states in ordering global flows of migration. In addition, we argue that the IOM acts on behalf of nation-states by using the language of international human rights, as though working in the interests of migrants and refugees. In providing a geographic appraisal of the IOM alongside its image and presentation with an analysis of its activities on voluntary returns, we address the new spaces of ‘networked’ governance that control and order migratory flows in the interests of nation-states.  相似文献   
现代募兵制的形成必须具备三个条件(因素):一是民族国家的确立;二是兵役商品化;三是公民兵役义务观的形成。考察募兵制的历史演进,就是要将募兵制作为一个历史范畴,以构成现代募兵制的上述三个条件为线索,探究它们在兵役活动中的形成、发展,以及它们是如何相互关联、共同作用,最终促成了完整意义上的现代募兵制。但是,受制于这些因素在新的历史条件下所面临的挑战与回应,募兵制有着其自身难以克服的局限性。  相似文献   
清末民初是20世纪中国文学新传统形成的重要阶段,特别是在中国意识的影响下,中国文学的文学观念、制度建构和审美趋向等方面都出现了有别于古典文学和西方文学的新传统因素,诸如文学功能的历史化、文学建构的社会化和文学演进的尚武化等都较大地改变了文学书写的整体面貌。  相似文献   
The international community has expressed great concern about the treatment of the Uzbek minority in the south of Kyrgyzstan and has called on the majority community to make major efforts to improve the situation. The article compares the treatment of minorities in Kyrgyzstan with analogous situations in the Balkans and contends that, given the European-style ethno-national state model and democratic political system that have been adopted by independent Kyrgyzstan, such calls are unrealistic.  相似文献   
中国能动司法理论的宪政逻辑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法律职业化理论和司法能动理论是对中国司法发展道路的不同探索理论。中国能动司法理论的可能宪政逻辑是:民族国家之间的激烈竞争、司法社会主义特色的塑造、司法服务于政治、转型时期需要司法快速做出回应等。能动司法理论宪政逻辑的合理之处在于它是从中国国情、中国民众的社会需求出发而不是西方的现行司法理论出发去论证自己的合理性。但中国能动司法理论始终面临着司法规律的普适性、政治统摄司法抑或司法控制政治、法律是统治工具抑或法律具有自身价值等理论追问。中国能动司法宪政逻辑面临的困境是政治系统和法律系统相对分立而引发的社会结构性危机。通过论争来寻求更多的政治共识,对中国司法发展道路的探索具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The fourth term official announcement of the Algerian President provoked in February 2014 a microscale protest movement called “Barakat” (Enough!) in Algiers. The state repression of the pacific protesters triggered a political mobilization among the Algerians living in France, particularly in Paris. Through an Algiers–Paris round-trip analysis, this article sheds light on the political involvement of the Algerian protesters in Paris. It explores the new Algerian diaspora process experience in the Arab civil uprising context, post-2011, and its protean outlines and contributions to reshape (or not) the frontiers of nation, citizenship, political participation, and public debate.  相似文献   
The idea of citizenship has today emerged as a global horizon under which a proliferating range of claims and demands for recognition, visibility, care, moral dignity, and inclusion are made. Initially a legal concept tied to self-determination and national sovereignty, the global human rights agenda has made citizenship less tied to the nation-state and instead a carrier of multiple cultural and political meanings and agendas from the global level to the most localized context. But can there be meaningful forms of citizenship that are not guaranteed by a sovereign state?  相似文献   
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