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道教是在我国土生土长的宗教,它同我国的社会发展关系密切。任何宗教都有它推崇的最高偶像,道教当然也不例外,它尊奉老子为惟一教祖,以老子所著《道德经》为根本经典。但是老子生活的年代与道教创立的年代中间相隔数百年,已经死去数百年的老子为什么能成为道教教祖?本文对此做了一些探讨,同时对老子思想的博大精深也作了简要的介绍和论述。  相似文献   
作者从法律规范、检察院、法院、犯罪嫌疑人、辩护律师、社会舆论等方面探究了刑讯逼供外部遏制力量的缺陷,进而以刑事诉讼构造、刑事诉讼目的、国民性格等角度深入挖掘了形成这些缺陷的根源。  相似文献   
传统知识来源披露产生机理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
来源披露是传统知识保护的重要内容和方式。对来源披露的产生机理进行研究,有助于厘清来源披露的产生、演进脉络,展析其功能及规则运作,并为构建科学合理的来源披露体系奠定基础。在其机理的细化上,可以分为衍生机理、功能机理、运作机理,各机理有机联系和辩证统一,共同构成来源披露的产生机理体系。  相似文献   
The article analyses the country of origin principle of information society services in the light of harmonisation and unification efforts undertaken by the European lawgiver. Although the country of origin principle remains the key element of the construction of freedom to provide information society services, the principle itself suffers a number of both explicit and implicit restrictions which render its practical application a serious challenge. The difficulty is posed by the fact that the Electronic Commerce Directive fails to expressly specify both the scope of harmonisation as regards the principle, and the level of harmonisation of the directive itself. Furthermore, it is understood differently by private international lawyers. In the eDate Advertising case the ECJ ruled that the principle is not a conflict-of-laws rule, neither does it require implementation to the national legal systems in this shape. This is not to mean, however, that the debate over the function of the country of origin principle in private international law is over. Last but not least, there are many different types of country of origin principles applicable to various types of services provided via the Internet. This multitude of country of origin principles is perhaps the greatest weakness the regulatory approach adopted by the European lawmaker.  相似文献   
The point of origin of an impact pattern is important in establishing the chain of events in a bloodletting incident. In this study, the accuracy and reproducibility of the point of origin estimation using the FARO Scene software with the FARO Focus3D laser scanner was determined. Five impact patterns were created for each of three combinations of distances from the floor (z) and the front wall (x). Fifteen spatters were created using a custom impact rig, scanned using the laser scanner, photographed using a DSLR camera, and processed using the Scene software. Overall results gave a SD = 3.49 cm (p < 0.0001) in the x‐direction, SD = 1.14 cm (p = 0.9291) in the y‐direction, and SD = 9.08 cm (p < 0.0115) in the z‐direction. The technique performs within literature ranges of accepted accuracy and reproducibility and is comparable to results reported for other virtual stringing software.  相似文献   
肖卓 《思想战线》2000,26(5):115-117
神话中的龙分生物性的龙与作为神祗的龙,而龙崇拜与饲龙之俗都为卜辞材料所证实.神话中的龙伯国或与卜辞中的龙方有关,视两龙交尾为不祥,神话与卜辞又相契合.因此可以说,神话并非人类头脑中的空想,神话的产生是有其历史渊源的,龙的起源也如此.  相似文献   
犯罪主要是由于人类自身的原因.本文根据达尔文对人类的研究,探讨了犯罪的人性方面的原因,包括遗传、变异、返祖现象、生物欲望等等.同时亦从人的社会性等方面论述了人类自身对犯罪的免疫,说明法律的根本是关怀人,法律应当注意到人性,人的社会性,而非其残酷的严厉性.  相似文献   
条约与习惯是国际法的主要法律渊源,但由于在不恰当的程度上强调作为法律渊源规则拘束力的普遍性和适用的自动性,多数学者将双边条约拒斥于外.事实上,在同一事项上具有相同或相似条款的双边条约并不总是能促进习惯法的生成和证明其存在,双边条约之所以是适格的国际法渊源,就在于其规定了体现当事各方权利义务关系的法律规则.  相似文献   
在历史上,法庭之友,最初正如拉丁文“amieuscuriae”的释义那样,属于法庭的朋友。它的作用是只从法庭的利益出发,向法庭提供其专业范围之外的客观的、公正的信息,协助法庭确保裁判的准确性、维护法庭的荣誉和司法公正。但是在美国,法庭之友已经发生了较大的转变,其不仅仅代表法庭的利益,更多地代表了特殊团体的利益,法庭之友的地位变得多样化。  相似文献   
美国犯霏学家C.雷·杰弗瑞(c.Ray Jeffery)首创了CPTED这个术语,之后又发展了CPTED理论,从大处着眼,强调多策并举的综合性预防犯罪措施。而今天的CPTED理论主要是指纽曼(Newmanl或者克罗(Crowe)模式,主要从小处入手,以环境设计威慑犯罪来达到预防犯罪目的。经过40年的发展,该理论日臻成熟和完善,有了第2代CPTED,并由美国走向了世界。对CPTED理论的赞誉之词颇多,但批评之声也从来不绝于耳。唯有全面审视其评价,才能对CPTED有一个客观的认识。  相似文献   
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