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The emerging field of synthetic biology (SB) is just entering policy debates. Reports from non-governmental organizations, such as the ETC Group and the International Risk Governance Council, have recently been issued, but there have been few systematic analyses of the policy problems that we will likely face as this area develops. Biosecurity issues are the most defined; other societal oversight issues and implications have not been well explored. Although SB could assist in addressing pressing global challenges, such as sustainable and renewable energy, there are considerable societal concerns that accompany its development and applications. This article is designed to anticipate and prepare for these concerns by identifying policy problems associated with SB oversight, upstream of its development. Projected applications of SB are reviewed and a typology of them is developed. Key oversight policy problems are then identified based on historical experiences with other emerging technologies, such as nanotechnology and biotechnology. Problems associated with biosecurity, biosafety, intellectual property, and ethics are discussed in relation to the typology of SB applications to identify applications of the highest potential concern. Finally, policy options for SB oversight are considered, preventative to promotional. We propose that different categories of SB application may warrant different oversight regimes: there might not be an appropriate “one size fits all” approach. We stop short of making specific recommendations, but suggest that the typology, problems, and oversight options identified in this article be used as a starting point for deliberative, democratic decisionmaking processes that take into account a wide range of perspectives about risk, economic impact, scientific progress, and moral reasoning in the design of oversight systems.  相似文献   
For most democracies across the world, legislative engagement in foreign policy development has traditionally been limited to ratification of international agreements and oversight of the executive. While the Parliament of South Africa tends to adhere to this traditional approach, deferring to the executive on matters of foreign policy, this paper argues that a collaborative approach between the legislative and executive branches as articulated in the South African constitution must rather form the basis of South Africa's foreign policy development process. Moreover, by comparing the parliament of South Africa, a legislature with limited policy influence, to the United States’ Congress, a policy making legislature, it becomes clear from Congress that political will in employing constitutional power is the most important factor in ensuring legislative engagement in foreign policy decision making.  相似文献   
1997年<刑法>对走私犯罪的组织结构、体系安排、罪名设置、罪刑配置等都作了较大的调整,值得充分肯定.但走私犯罪体例安排仍欠协调、走私犯罪构成要件设计有偏差,如犯罪构成要件设计偏重犯罪目的、走私犯罪的模糊用语表述导致其立法权旁落,以及处理走私货物、物品与运输工具于<刑法>无据等问题的存在也是不容忽视的.针对上述问题,应当通过调整走私犯罪立法体例、增加走私特定违禁品罪、增加特定犯罪目的为选择构成要件等加以解决.  相似文献   
Independent oversight institutions are critical components of the accountability landscape in modern democracies. This paper presents a framework for assessing the accountability powers of these watchdogs. This watchdog accountability index is an empirical tool to assess the key accountability powers of accountability forums that operate in a democratic constitutional context. The aim is to provide a richer evidence base to assess evolving external accountability arrangements and their effectiveness. Our approach breaks down the concept of watchdog accountability power into three distinct, conceptually coherent dimensions. We apply the accountability index to assess the strength of one of the main watchdog institutions in the EU, the European Court of Auditors in 2017. Data were collected by means of a study of secondary sources and by an expert survey.  相似文献   
强化我国检察机关自侦案件的内部监督,形成依法、规范、高效的自侦案件侦查机制,是我国检察改革的重点之一。文章从我国检察机关自侦案件的内部监督现状着眼,归纳了关于自侦案件内部监督的有关规定以及这些规定设置的法律意义,并在此基础上提出发展和完善检察机关自侦案件内部监督的设想和观点。  相似文献   
列宁对党和国家监督机制的思考与设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏联实行一党制后,对党和政府的监督中,异党监督不复存在,社会监督基本消失,司法监督作用有限,苏维埃自身监督机制极为脆弱。列宁生命垂危之际考虑建立新的监督机制,主张改革党的最高机构,以党的监察为核心,统一对党、国家的监察,为党的最高领导机关及其负责人设置监察机关。但斯大林等进行了抵制,使得列宁的构想未予落实。列宁的建议虽然仍是一种自律和自体监督,但其要为俄共最高层设置一个平行的监督机构的设想具有积极意义。  相似文献   
强化内部监督制约与强化法律监督同等重要,应在健全办案流程化管理机制的基础上,设立专门的执法办案内部监督机构,注重各监督责任主体的职权配置,探索建立起组织完备、衔接配套、有效管用的内部监督体系。  相似文献   
化解社会矛盾是社会发展的需要,是构建和谐社会的需要,是衡量法律监督工作效果的重要标尺。侦查监督工作作为刑事检察工作的"大门",直接与犯罪嫌疑人、被害人接触,不可避免地存在各种矛盾。要想快速、有效地化解社会矛盾,侦查监督部门必须创新工作制度、方法及措施;着力培养司法服务型理念,未雨绸缪,将矛盾化解在源头;增加人员配置,升级办案装备,使社会矛盾化解工作得以有效开展。  相似文献   
随着经济社会发展水平的快速提升,城市建筑垃圾必然大幅增加,要按照科学发展观和循环经济的理念,围绕建筑垃圾(渣土)减量化、资源化和无害化管理原则,运用城市数字化管理体系,促进城市建筑垃圾循环利用市场化平台的形成。  相似文献   
基层民主是社会主义民主最广泛、最深刻的民主实践,发展社会主义民主政治,必须重视基层民主建设。发展基层民主,有利于提高全民民主素养,有利于化解人民内部矛盾,有利于对基层干部的有效监督。发展基层民主是社会主义民主政治的基础性工程,实践中,我们要坚持以人为本,全面落实科学发展观,要始终注意保持稳定,避免为民主而民主的偏差。  相似文献   
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