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The current European Union (EU) legislative framework on child-related leave is facilitating an imbalance in the take-up of leave by women over men. There is a consolidated EU right to maternity leave for mothers but there is no parallel EU right to paternity leave for fathers. The EU right to parental leave is for both working mothers and fathers, but its design does not encourage an equal take-up by women and men. The aim of this article is to gain insight into the effects of child-related leave on women’s labour market outcomes. On the one hand, it reviews and analyses economic literature which points to the adverse consequences of leave on women’s earnings, and even on women’s labour market participation when the absences from work are very prolonged. On the other hand, it underlines the new direction followed by the European Commission towards greater equality between men and women at home and at work.  相似文献   
This study examines citizens’ support for state surveillance, contingent upon factors related to policy design and the context of implementation. While most people want to live in a secure environment, we argue in this study that the support of policies to reach this goal depends on their necessity, extensiveness and reliability. Results from survey experiments in four European countries show that citizens are ready to approve the introduction of far-reaching state surveillance that includes measures of facial recognition and motion detection. Public support is further enhanced if these measures are to be targeted at potential criminals, rather than at all citizens (i.e., policy extensiveness), as well as if a safety threat is salient (i.e., policy necessity). Concerns about data security reduce support (i.e., policy reliability). While these conditions matter for the support of specific policies, they do not influence how trustworthy citizens consider government and other political authorities to be.  相似文献   
将横断研究与纵向研究相结合,对660名大学生进行了问卷调查,结果发现,社会支持和人格对同期和两年后应对方式均分别具有显著的独立主效应;高支持组"筹划行动"、"寻求支持"、"主动克制"显著高于低支持组,而"停滞放弃"则显著低于低支持组;同期及两年后应对方式的比较均发现,"开朗-果断"型人格者"筹划行动"、"寻求支持"等得分显著高于"拘谨-温和"型人格者,而"停滞放弃"等得分则显著低于后者;人格比社会支持对应对方式的影响力更持久.  相似文献   
When analysing support for democracy, researchers tend to assume that ‘democracy’ is a concept that travels across countries. This paper argues that democracy is not the same thing for every citizen, because collective and individual socialization experiences strongly shape the criteria citizens expect a democracy to fulfil. Based on the literature on varieties of democracy, I suppose that individual expectations of democracy are influenced by regime‐specific socialization, and depend on the democratic history, authoritarian legacies, and the prevalent democratic model. Due to socialization and democratic learning, individuals acquire democratic preferences and value those dimensions more which they experience in their own democracy. Using data from the European Social Survey (ESS) and the Democracy Barometer, I test how the national democratic context in 26 European democracies influences these individual democratic ideals. I find evidence for both socialization and participation effects of the democratic context on citizens’ democratic expectations.  相似文献   
1978年党的十一届三中全会以来,我国经历了否定"文革",以经济建设为中心、改革开放和确立社会主义市场经济体制三个阶段.相应地在哲学思想上经历了"实践标准"、"生产力标准"、"人民拥护标准"的主题转换这样一条主线.标准问题的不同主题讲的是认识和实践问题的三个不同方面检验的途径及客观标准、主观标准和检验的主体.在实践过程中,检验的主体依据实践结果提供的客观标准和依据理想目的提供的主观标准,在二者的互相对照、检验、修正中使实践向着合乎规律和合乎目的的方向发展.在当前,只有把"指导社会实践和检验评价实践结果的主体--人民大众"这一主题通过相应的民主制度和程序而在实际中真正贯彻下去,才能有可靠的政治保障使改革开放始终代表人民利益,使中国社会持续和良性地发展.在这个意义上,我们说"人民拥护不拥护"是一切标准中的根本标准.  相似文献   
中小企业在国民经济中占据着举足轻重的地位,特别对经济发展相对滞后,生产力水平低下的西部欠发达地区来说,振兴和发展中小型企业,更是推动经济进一步发展的一条重要途径,是关系到整个西部大开发及构建和谐社会战略能否实现的重要因素。而目前该地区中小企业在发展中遇到的融资难问题,则成为阻碍其发展和壮大的瓶颈。因此,围绕适合西部欠发达地区中小企业特点的金融需求,改善和优化对当地中小企业的金融服务和融资环境,将成为“十一五”期间金融改革和发展的一项重要任务。  相似文献   
论述了城市供水企业实施多种经营的必要性和发展形式 ,并对供水企业实施多种经营问题的积极作用和负面影响进行了讨论。指出在供水企业发展的初期要大力鼓励和发展多种经营 ,当供水企业经营状况比较完善后 ,要积极搞好主副业分离  相似文献   
“三三制”抗日民主政权是中国共产党在以民族革命为主要内容的特殊历史条件下建立的一种特殊政权形式。它既是无产阶级领导的新民主主义政权,也是包容性更强、代表性更广泛的根据地广大抗日军民的民主政权。其在实践过程中所积累的依靠工农、民主执政、多党合作等丰富历史经验,对于新时期提高党的执政能力、巩固党的执政地位具有十分重要的现实意义和深刻启示。  相似文献   
从实践"三个代表"重要思想的高度来认识工会的地位、重视工会的工作、发挥工会的作用,做到从加强措施上营造工会良好的工作环境;从落实制度上支持工会依法行使民主权利;从机制建设上强化工会认真履行维权职责,促进了企业的健康发展和稳定.  相似文献   
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