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The impact of the cease fire is addressed by examining the geography of troubles-related fatal incidents since 1985. This provides a period of 9 years both before and after the cease fire for comparison. The substantial decline in violence in Northern Ireland as a whole has a clear geographical pattern, with the rural nonmetropolitan zone experiencing a much steeper fall than Belfast and elsewhere. This is explained in terms of two factors. One is the relative rate of decline of killing by Republicans and Loyalists, while the other is the spatial variability of this decrease for each of these two perpetrator categories.  相似文献   
东南亚海盗问题探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海盗问题是对当今世界安全构成重大威胁的非传统安全问题之一。东南亚海盗对我国的安全,尤其是海洋和能源安全构成了巨大的威胁和挑战。本文力图探讨东南亚海盗的历史与现状、当今东南亚海盗猖獗的主要原因以及东南亚海盗问题的影响和前景。  相似文献   
One of the surprising things about the resurgence of piracy in the Gulf of Aden is that there is not yet a clear standard of conduct when suspected pirates are eventually caught. There are many cases in which pirates have been released by the military navies that arrested them and other cases of excessive use of force. This article addresses the possibility of providing a fair trial to suspected pirates, also on the ground of new developments in establishing dedicated courts in states of the region. Judging suspected pirates presents a variety of problems associated to evidence collection, availability of witnesses and national laws to be applied. In spite of these difficulties, Western powers, which have invested so much in patrolling the Indian Ocean with their navies, have so far been unexpectedly reluctant to provide fair trials.  相似文献   
海盗行为和海上恐怖主义行为受国际政治经济因素的影响,近年来在国际上呈现愈演愈烈之势。本文通过对国际条约中有关两者的定义和主要管辖机制的对比分析,试图找出两者的共同之处,以期对打击两种犯罪提出建议。  相似文献   
《亚洲打击海盗及武装抢劫船只的地区合作协定》评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年9月4日,正式生效的《亚洲打击海盗及武装抢劫船只的地区合作协定》(以下简称《协定》)将对该地区的国际关系和打击海盗与武装抢劫船舶活动造成重要影响。对于同样是该地区有重要影响的中国来说,国内学界未对《协定》进行专门分析与论述。本文就《协定》产生的背景、《协定》与《联合国海洋法公约》中关于“海盗行为”与“武装抢劫船舶”定义之异同、缔约国在《协定》中享受的权利与义务、《协定》的意义与特点进行了分析与论述。  相似文献   
海盗罪及其犯罪构成条件析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鉴于当今海盗犯罪的猖狂和肆虐以及在犯罪主体、犯罪地点、犯罪对象等方面所呈现的新特点,现行国际公约中关于海盗罪构成条件的规定已明显不能适应打击和惩治此种犯罪的需要的实际,笔者提出应将海盗罪表述为“登上船舶,旨在行窃或进行其他犯罪行为,且有使用武力继续犯罪的任何行为”。  相似文献   
对国际社会来说,海盗仍然是一种严重威胁,尤其是在索马里地区,海盗异常猖獗。由于海盗对国际贸易和世界安全的破坏,对海盗罪的普遍管辖权已得到各国的普遍承认,但现行国际法关于海盗罪的规定却存在许多"空白",普遍管辖权不能涵盖所有的海盗行为,因此,国际法应该进行相应的变革以应对海盗的威胁。这些变革应包括对海盗罪重新定义,建立危险海域的护航机制,推动区域性打击海盗机制的建立及由安理会提供必要的授权。  相似文献   
Piracy off the coast of Somalia has resulted in a steady decline in trade through the Arabian Sea and higher costs of doing business for multiple world regions. The EU has responded to the threat with a large-scale anti-piracy operation in the Horn of Africa, which constitutes the first free-standing Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) military operation that is not entirely dependent on North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) planning and assets. The operation is designed to interdict Somali piracy operations across the Gulf of Aden and to keep some of the world’s busiest sea lanes open for reasons of world trade. This article argues that the EU preoccupation with military solutions to the piracy problem, based on interventions through the Somali federal government with an emphasis on security, is insufficient because it fails to address the underlying causes of piracy and misunderstands the Somali socio-cultural-security nexus and the need for practical longer term land-based approaches to development. The reduction of Somali piracy activities can be linked to this increased military response capacity as well as to increased security precautions undertaken by shipping companies, but none of these strategies has succeeded in dismantling piracy networks. They therefore offer only a temporary and costly stopgap measure.  相似文献   
我国知识产权犯罪的定罪标准呈逐渐下降的趋势,相应的刑罚制度严厉程度也处于世界前列,然而侵犯知识产权的犯罪活动仍比较猖獗,犯罪化程度较高。这种现象表明,仅依靠严刑重罚的方式难以实现防治侵犯知识产权犯罪行为的目的。完善我国知识产权刑法保护,应从协调统一民刑法不同法律之间关于知识产权的规定,完善知识产权犯罪刑罚结构以及保持知识产权犯罪行政打击的常态化、高压态势,完善行政执法与刑事司法衔接机制等方面入手。  相似文献   
电影作品由于其经济性和文化性而得到知识产权法的重点保护.但现实中,针对电影作品的盗版形式仍然是层出不穷,其中影院盗录是提供各种非法制件的来源,因而性质上也最为严重.对于影院盗录行为的刑事打击,许多国家和地区已经通过立法来规制盗录行为,并在双边条约、数边协定中出现刑事打击盗录行为的条款,中国也应该适时采用,以更好地保护电影作品的著作权,为文化(电影)产业的长期健康发展提供法律保护.  相似文献   
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