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在2006年12月21日至2007年12月20日期间,贵阳市共发生道路交通事故559起,造成241人残废,伤821人。重伤和死亡人员大多数为行人。事故高发于年初和年尾,每日10:00-12:00和6:00-8:00为事故高发时段。私家车违法肇事突出。前五位事故原因为超速行驶、违法超车、会车、不胺规定让行、违法占道行驶,今后要改变被动处理交通事故的思维定式,将应对交通事故的重心放到制度建设上来,从源头堵住导致交通事故多发的制度漏洞。  相似文献   
随着国家法制化进程的进一步加快,维护公平正义的社会呼声日趋强烈。公安机关在计划经济条件下形成的办理治安案件模式的弊端日渐彰显,尤其是在程序方面。因违反治安管理行为引起的矛盾和纠纷如果不能得到妥善解决,就有可能激化发展为治安事件或更为严重的犯罪活动。文章针对这些问题,进行了较为深刻的剖析,并提出了提高办理治安案件质量、规范执法行为、强化公安执法保障的切实可行的对策。  相似文献   
刑事侦查执法队伍庞大、执法工作范围广泛,需要有强有力的执法监督制度加以约束。健全及加强刑事侦查执法的内部监督机制,成为了亟待解决的课题。文章围绕公安机关刑事侦查执法的内部监督问题进行研究,阐明了我国刑事侦查执法内部监督的必要性,分析了其运行现状及存在缺陷,并就日常监督发现的问题有针对性地提出了解决办法,以期为公安机关刑事侦查执法内部监督工作提供必要的理论依据。  相似文献   
随着社会经济发展和科学进步,社会治安日渐严峻,尤其是各类犯罪行为人也开始采用先进的技术手段和更为隐蔽的形式进行各种犯罪活动。因此,公安工作面临犯罪活动智能化、复杂化这一发展趋势的挑战,必须采取有力措施加强公安队伍的专业素质培养与建设,而大力发展公安成人教育,采取公安院校与公安机关联合办学则是加速公安队伍正规化建设的必由之路。  相似文献   
以危险方法危害公共安全罪、妨害传染病防治罪、妨害公务罪、非法经营罪等是妨害新冠肺炎疫情防控中的常见罪名,但是上述罪名在司法实践中存在争议,特别是在适用以危险方法危害公共安全罪规制妨害疫情防控行为时要特别慎重,把握好以危险方法危害公共安全罪和妨害传染病防治罪之间的限度。在刑法应对妨害新冠肺炎疫情防控行为的过程中,一方面,要从重从快打击涉疫情犯罪行为,有效震慑犯罪分子,恢复社会秩序。另一方面,考虑到刑法的谦抑性和刑法最后保障法的特性,有必要在刑法适用的过程中从刑法的基本价值、刑法教义学、刑事政策等方面进行限定,确保公平、正义、合理适用刑法,确保疫情防控不偏离法治的路线,确保刑法在疫情防控中的适用保持政治效果、法律效果、社会效果的统一。  相似文献   
对于物权公示究竟是物权权利的公示还是物权变动行为的公示这一问题的妥善解决,将有助于确定物权公示制度的内容和范围,界定物权公示制度的概念,确定物权公示制度在物权法中的地位、物权公示是否为物权法的基本原则以及物权公示的效力。一个完善的物权法体系至少应具备基本的原则、全面的制度及应变的机能。  相似文献   
黄遵宪是中国近代著名的外交家、改革家、教育家,也是近代提出警政构想的著名人士。他立足晚清的治安现状,汲取早期改良派的警政思想,结合自己十多年海外生活的阅历,在认真研究、比较日本与西方警政制度的基础上,于维新运动期间比较系统地勾画出其警政建设的理论框架,并通过成立湖南保卫局来践行自己的警政构想,为清末民初警政制度的近代化起了推动性作用。  相似文献   
Wealth taxes are currently high on the policy agenda in Britain. These taxes will not be political sustainable without public support. However, evidence exists that indicates substantial public opposition to wealth taxes. For example, inheritance tax appears to provoke hostility among the public. Some observers have suggested that the way that wealth taxes are presented - particularly using stories and narratives - could enhance public support. This paper summarises focus group evidence on this suggestion. I report that using narratives and stories can have an impact, although this should not be overstated and much depends on how the narratives are shaped.  相似文献   
The literature on public‐private partnerships (PPP) has proliferated in recent years. However, confusion about the actual meaning of PPP still abounds. As a consequence, contradicting findings and statements about PPP flourish in the literature. This article reviews the literature, and argues that there are different streams of PPP research which operate with qualitatively different notions of the PPP concept. Accordingly the literature is divided into four different PPP ‘approaches’. By doing so the article offers some clarification concerning an increasingly complex concept. The article concludes that an authoritative definition of PPP – one that can encompass all the different variations of the concept currently in use – is not logically possible.  相似文献   
Why are some local governments more successful than others in managing resources and delivering services? And even more vitally, how can malfunctioning governments be reformed so that they perform their responsibilities more effectively? This article contributes to our understanding of theses overarching questions by exploring the interactions between political institutions and public sector performance in the context of decentralisation and local governance. It shows–both theoretically and empirically–that performance outcomes are determined by the extent to which people can hold their governments accountable through political institutions. The basic hypothesis underlying this research is that political accountability, either by encouraging sanctions upon non‐compliant public agents or simply by reducing the informational gap regarding government activities, will create forceful incentives for elected officials and civil servants to reduce opportunistic behaviour and improve performance. Using a cross‐sectional regression the hypothesis is empirically tested against evidence from newly empowered local governments in Indonesia. The empirical findings broadly support our hypotheses. Improved public services on the ground, both in terms of quantity and quality, require informed and well functioning decision‐making processes that allocate resources to priority areas that meet the demand of the broader community. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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