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Recent studies document that voters infer parties' left‐right policy agreement based on governing coalition arrangements. This article extends this research to present theoretical and empirical evidence that European citizens update their perceptions of junior coalition partners' left‐right policies to reflect the policies of the prime minister's party, but that citizens do not reciprocally project junior coalition partners' policies onto the prime minister's party. These findings illuminate the simple rules that citizens employ to infer parties' policy positions, broaden understanding of how citizens perceive coalition governance and imply that ‘niche’ parties, whose electoral appeal depends upon maintaining a distinctive policy profile, assume electoral risks when they enter government.  相似文献   
The paper attempts to situate distributive politics in the context of epistemic governance. The paper also seeks to analyze the various structures and systems, actors, agents and stakeholders, and norms and behaviors involved within the realm of theory and praxis in distributive politics. It borrows from the epistemic work targets espoused by Alasuutari and Qadir (2014), namely the environment, actors and virtues. Finally, the paper proposes an epistemic governance as policy approach in distributive politics as it tries to argue the shift of power from the hands of the political elites to the hands of the politically astute epistemes.  相似文献   
在西方各国行政改革的浪潮下和世界民主趋势下,我国不可避免的要受到西方国家的影响。西方民主行政理论是建立在西方成熟的官僚行政基础之上的,可我国的行政生态环境与西方国家的不同。在西方民主行政理论的优势及其内在缺陷的基础上分析了民主行政理论对我国当前行政改革的启示意义。  相似文献   
刘丽 《法律科学》2011,(3):17-22
福利法治国在西方的产生与发展,既有深刻的历史根源、社会背景和经济动因,又是各种社会思潮、政治经济学说的兴起与争鸣所致;既有战争及偶然性因素的推动,又是市场经济发展到一定阶段的必然结果;既受国际关系和世界格局变化的影响,又经各国具体情况、文化传统等个性因素的塑造。其中,不容忽视的是,市场失灵是福利国产生的社会背景,建构论理性主义是福利国产生的知识困境,而民主的悖论则是其发生的制度原因。上述综合因素长期发酵、整合的结果导致了现代福利国家如牛负重、危机四伏。  相似文献   
民主党派利益代表机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利益是政党活动的核心,政党政治是实现各种复杂的社会利益最权威的活动.在我国,民主党派参政虽然是民主的政治活动,但也必然围绕着利益展开活动,其核心就在于如何在实现该政党所代表的阶层的政治、经济利益的同时保证不同社会阶层之间利益的公正协调.因此,充分发挥参政党的利益代表功能,趋利弊害,对于实现社会和谐与均衡发展均有重要意义.本文从上述视角出发,着重探讨了民主党派利益代表机制的基本内涵以及其顺利实现对社会和谐的意义.  相似文献   
法律高职教育实践教学体系探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实践教学是高等职业教育的关键性环节,也是制约政法类高等职业教育发展的"瓶颈".如何理解实践教学的内涵,如何构建具有自身特色的实践教学体系,如何保障实践教学体系的实施,是本文所要探讨的几个问题,期求达到抛砖引玉之目的.  相似文献   
在江泽民党建思想的研究中,我们应加强比较研究工作。要加强研究的系统性和纵深性,对江泽民党建思想作出全面、细致的梳理,弥补目前研究中无专著的缺憾。还应在理论体系构建上多下工夫。  相似文献   
政府信任是政府和公众之间基于公共利益的博弈互动关系,符合公共利益的行政价值理念将为政府提供持久的、合法的信任源泉。从官僚制到新公共管理,由于片面注重管理主义工具价值,而忽视公共利益和民主价值,不可避免地面临着政府信任的困境。民主行政作为新公共行政的学术识别系统,坚持和发展公共利益价值取向,实现价值理性和工具理性的统一,符合人类理性与社会公共利益均衡健康发展的内在需要,必然会全新构建和强化公众与政府的互信合作关系。  相似文献   
Interpretations on the party political leadership of John Major are dominated by perceptions of weakness and ineffectiveness. This article examines his party political leadership by considering the relationship between, first, his political ambitions, and, second, his style of political leadership. When evaluating the political ambitions of Major, the article will demonstrate that he was ideologically agnostic and a political pragmatist. When examining his party political leadership style, the article will demonstrate, via an examination of his management of the European policy divide and his Cabinet management, that he was politically indecisive and an avoider of political confrontation. The article concludes, however, that perceptions of his weakness and ineffectiveness should be contextualised due to the following two factors: first, the constraints of inheriting an ideologically divided parliamentary Conservative party; and, second, the contrasting circumstances that ensured that his predecessor and successor appeared strong and effective, which have magnified perceptions of his weakness and ineffectiveness.  相似文献   
社会主义行政法治理念的内容探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会主义行政法治理念是社会主义法治理念在行政法领域的具体体现,是社会主义行政法治的内在要求和基本原则的概括和反映,是推进依法行政、建设法治政府的精神支柱。社会主义行政法治理念的内容包括法治行政、服务行政、公开行政、民主行政、公正行政、诚信行政、效能行政、责任行政八个方面。  相似文献   
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