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Smart specialisation is an innovative policy concept which emphasizes the principle of prioritisation in a vertical logic and has attracted a wide interest in recent years, being implemented in many national technology and innovation strategies. Clusters are considered to be a major driver of innovation and competitiveness and for years, have been assigned a key role in various economic development strategies around the world. The paper looks at the interrelationship between clusters and smart specialisation. While clusters are an important building block of Smart Specialisation Strategies ($3), cluster policies are also influenced by the concept of smart specialisation as they have increasingly started to target specific industries. The principal objective of the paper is to provide an overview and evaluation of the cluster policy pursued in Bulgaria during the last decade. The extent to which the country has used the principle of smart specialisation in its cluster initiatives is assessed. It has been argued that namely due to the lack of clear focus and prioritisation, Bulgaria's cluster policy proved to be highly inefficient. Finally, some policy recommendations for its improvement are put forward.  相似文献   
进入新时代,以习近平同志为核心的党中央在继承我国边疆治理历史经验的基础上,不断推进边疆治理现代化,将满足边疆各族群众的美好生活需要,实现中华民族伟大复兴,推动建设人类命运共同体作为边疆治理的价值定位;拓展边疆治理的对象,明确边疆治理的重要意义,擘画边疆治理的“路线图”,强调边疆治理的领导力量,在新的历史条件下完善发展了党的边疆治理理论;积极构建边疆发展的大格局,坚持海陆统筹,建设海洋强国,不断巩固边疆稳定的深层次基础,全方位保障边疆的安全,加强边疆基层党的建设,开拓了党治理边疆的新境界。  相似文献   
中华民族共同体的建构是新时代民族问题研究的重点,学界的大部分研究集中在内涵、特征、理论来源、实践路径等理论研究。部分聚焦实践研究的学者,大多探讨国内各民族间的中华民族共同体建构。文章的研究对象是中越边境地区的归难侨,运用参与观察法与访谈法搜集云南河口县归难侨安置社区的资料,以归难侨回归中国后的生活为考察重点,探讨经历跨国移民的归难侨是如何成为中国公民,且与其他群体相互交融,一步一步在日常生活中实践中华民族共同体的建构。  相似文献   
无论理论研究还是实践经验,我国智慧法院建设已经产生了大量的智慧成果,但在可持续发展的制度化逻辑方面与既有实践成果之间尚未实现科学衔接,智慧法院建设还存在着实践应用不充分、系统融贯性不畅和在线诉讼不足等问题。进一步推动人工智能技术在智慧法院建设中实践运用的基本方案是,在"人工智能+司法"的格局之下,借助数字孪生、拓展现实、隐私计算、情感计算等新兴人工智能技术拓展智慧法院建设的实践运用;在运用前景上,以人工智能技术系统指导智慧法院4.0建设,特别是以人工智能技术推动智慧法院在线诉讼规则,并通过人工智能技术与制度的协同融合推动智慧法院内涵发展,以此推动司法理论与智能技术深度融合、诉讼需求与智能技术深度融合、通用技术与专有开发深度融合,为智能时代中国智慧法院建设提供技术机理和法理结构。  相似文献   
美国奥巴马政府自2009年以来,出于战略考虑,加大了对柬埔寨外交力度。两国在政治、经济、军事、文化等领域的合作呈深化发展的趋势。本文试图在梳理美国在柬埔寨利益定位的基础上,分析奥巴马政府对柬政策调整的动因、手段、发展前景以及由此带来的影响。  相似文献   

In the Colombian–Venezuelan borderlands, the reconfiguration of armed group presence and mass migration create and reinforce conditions of high violence and risk. Against this backdrop, we ask: What are the gendered security implications of the double crisis in the borderlands? Based on fieldwork in four regions along the border, this article argues that the border effect is gendered; the very factors that coalesce to produce this effect exacerbate existing gendered power dynamics, particularly as these relate to gender-based violence. Accordingly, this article demonstrates the specific ways in which the border – as a facilitator, deterrent, magnet and/or disguise – reinforces experiences of gendered insecurity in this region. The article finishes by outlining the implications for other international borderland settings.  相似文献   
How does a group of Uyghur traders from a village in Atush (Xinjiang, China) end up with a stock of unsellable rubber sandals in Kadamjay (Batken, Kyrgyzstan), and why don’t they compete according to market principles? This article explores the social investments of the traders and their families, and reveals their behaviour to be rational, both economically and socially. It illuminates the business and daily life of Uyghur traders in southern Kyrgyzstan, an environment that is increasingly challenging and uncertain. The examination of exchange relations between their households explains why the traders cooperate as they do and also why they do not cooperate more. Economic rationales and social obligations prove to be mutually embedded. This insight expands and deepens a nascent analytical approach that recognizes social motivation for economic activities in Central Asia alongside undeniable economic incentives. This approach has much to gain from being more explicitly reconnected to classical anthropological theories of gift giving.  相似文献   
19世纪末中法战争结束后,中法两国历经十余年勘定了粤越、桂越、滇越三段边界并创设对汛制度,以管理中越边务问题。中越对汛制度的确立与实施,对中国南方边疆国防、外交等治理与开发有着重要意义。以往学界多聚焦于对汛设置与管理模式上的制度梳理,对涉及边民社会具体事件的研究甚少。对汛督办遗存下来的行政档案所记录的相关司法案件及其办理过程,揭示了对汛制度运行过程中具体的司法、行政事件所面临的多元复杂状况。由此层面观之,对汛督办的职能转变及其行政实践既是观察中越边境地区社会历史发展的重要参照,同时也反映出了边民社会中不同行为主体展现的能动性及边地社会复杂多元的图景,这为以边民为核心的边疆民族研究提供了制度运作与区域社会历史脉络参照。  相似文献   
侦查引导权是检察机关被动性的间接侦查权和自主侦查权之间的机动空间,能有效实现侦查控制和侦查独立动态平衡。侦查引导权及其运行机制的确立是中国二元侦查体制下的检察机关对侦查活动事后监督的必要补充,是实现检察机关对侦查活动的法律监督的有效保障。  相似文献   
从普京到梅德韦杰夫,已经把俄罗斯远东及东西伯利亚地区开发提上国家议事日程,并使之与中国东北老工业基地振兴衔接起来,以求实现中俄两国边境区域合作开发的战略对接。而在这一过程中,即使在两国边境区域合作规划纲要着手实施、远东及东西伯利亚地区人力资源严重短缺的情况下,在俄罗斯仍然存在着所谓"中国威胁论"的虚构性喧嚣,致使中国移民问题一直没有得到合理解决。因此,有必要透析俄罗斯远东地区由移民问题而引发的"中国威胁论"背景因素,认定中国移民对俄罗斯远东及东西伯利亚地区开发的重要价值,做出解决中国移民问题的现实对策,只有这样努力实施下去,才能在俄罗斯远东及东西伯利亚地区开发进程中发挥"中国因素"的积极作用。  相似文献   
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